Back to Reach

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#1 Mon, 01/14/2013 - 15:03
pgwoods's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Back to Reach

Purchased Halo 4 like almost everybody else....have played a considerable amount of MM only to recentlty find myself totally fed up, annoyed, and bored of the game, all aspects of it, and Im not a hard to please fanboy wanker. I find halo 4 to be the most beautiful of all the halo's, audio is fantastic, weapons are quite a bit better than past halo's, and armor looks great. But the maps.....did 343i game test them? Either too big or unbalanced. Why is there only one wraith on Vortex, or one gauss hog on Exile that spawns 5 ft from blue teams initial spawn? It seems your success depends on whether you are blue or red. And the fact that almost everyone can spawn with sticky grenades and plasma pistols has rendered the idea of grabing a warthog at the start of a round just simply a bad idea. So i found myself eagerly, and somewhat surprised, slipping my Halo Reach disc into my x box for the first time in almost 5 months. I went straight to btb, voted for btb slayer on Abridged, and enjoyed it more than any round on halo 4! Weapon camping and armor lockers aside, i feel its a more challenging experience than the "everyone gets a medal" concept of halo 4. I think 343i's main blunder was in attempting to bring "something new" to the halo universe and in the end really only incorporating old hat elements of cod and bf3. Why are there no unsc aircraft? And promethean vision? Really!? The guys at 343i thought a 3d version of our hud radar was a necessary improvement??!! Really? oh and Instant respawn? Totally destroyed the signature halo teabag taunt. Sigh. I feel like the only thing that could bring me back to h4 would be some new playlists maybe? What happened to btb ctf? and team snipers? Am i alone with this point of view? Love to hear others thoughts....


Mon, 01/14/2013 - 15:40
SoulTerror's picture
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I've played all the Halo's and glad I didnt' buy 4. It feels way to much like COD to me. It doesn't have the same feel which I know is to be expicted being how another company made it, but glad I didn't buy it.

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 16:06
oO_mohawk_Oo's picture
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I have been thinking about buying Halo 4. But not sure if i would like it. Would i be better off buying Halo 3 or Halo reach?

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 00:35
Shadow's picture
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halo 3 has no population.  Reach is better pop wise but the AA's kill it more than they do in H4.

Thu, 02/21/2013 - 16:47
tocleora's picture
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We've been playing Reach I'm surprised at how easy it is to get into a game still.  I looked last night and Halo 4 had 10 times the population, but it doesn't feel like the games take any longer to get set up...

Thu, 02/21/2013 - 18:32
Autarch's picture
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Bungie didn't want to make ODST and Reach.

343's entire purpose is to continuously make Halo games to bring in the most profit - so further codification ahead.

Bungie, now freed from Halo shackles, is making the game they want to make.  I can only imagine that when Halo 5 is a choice, I'll choose Destiny for what to play instead.  Bungie chose to develop Destiny in a way that they'll enjoy doing for ten years.  While I fully expect Halo 8 to come out near the end of Destiny's contract, I also expect my interest in it to pale in comparison to Destiny's offerings at that point.

Thu, 02/21/2013 - 21:34
TANK's picture
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I kind of have the same feelings about the upcoming Gears of War Judgement.  It's just straight up, not the gears experience of the last 3 games and I'm passing on it after being an uber fan since the first one. 

I enjoyed Reach, it was the halo I enjoyed multiplayer the most in but the out of the box maps all sucked big time with the excpetion of two.  Maybe it's better now with DLC add-ons but the shitty ass maps Reach came with made me hang up my boots and move on from it.

Every game these days have to have multiple carrots to dangle in front of you and I think their obcession over doing that to try and keep you playign is taking priority over producing a quality experience.  And by that I mean they have X amount of money/time and more and more of it is being put into dangling carrots and less of it being put into well thought out map design or gamplay mechanics.  I guess they figure if they put enough carrots out there, you won't notice and by the time you do, DLC will be out to hide the misakes.


Sun, 02/24/2013 - 07:31
tocleora's picture
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I played the first two gears of wars but didn't get the 3rd one. Then I saw some footage on youtube and it looked amazing, how does it compare to the first two?  I'm already playing h4 and bo2 so I'm hesitant to get it and split my time between a 3rd game...

Sun, 02/24/2013 - 11:08 (Reply to #8)
Autarch's picture
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tocleora wrote:

I played the first two gears of wars but didn't get the 3rd one. Then I saw some footage on youtube and it looked amazing, how does it compare to the first two?  I'm already playing h4 and bo2 so I'm hesitant to get it and split my time between a 3rd game...

Gears of War: Judgement is coming out in a couple weeks.  It'll have new multiplayer and campaign.  So at this point I'd say rent Gears 3 for the campaign if the story interests you, or just wait until the new one and then do the multiplayer/story there.  It's just not easy to say if the multiplayer would last long enough for you to enjoy it because of population in Gears 3.  Hope that helps :)

Mon, 02/25/2013 - 00:01
TANK's picture
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For me Gears 3 VS was the best of the gears game during the beta they ran and the launch version of the game.  Then they started listening to the QQing fans in the epic forums and started changing the game and doing stupid shit with it.  But I don't think judgement's multiplayer is going to resemble gears of war VS at all.  So if you're looking for the 'gears' experience, 3 is the latest version but I think they've lost all but the hardest core fans of that franchise so matchmaking doesn't work and you'll probably have a pretty unpleasant experience.  Or just wait for Judgement and play Halo gears of Duty.



Fri, 03/22/2013 - 15:49
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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You may want to check the Halo forums for more opinons if you haven't already.  As for mine, go back to Reach?  Are you out of your damned mind?  Why would you want to go back to a clearly shittier game?  If anything, go back to Halo 3.

Fri, 03/22/2013 - 19:15
pgwoods's picture
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I love Reach because its unlike every other halo. Yes it has qualities that are rather sackish, but it's a great game with a unique feel to the mm gameplay. And halo 3 has no unsc air vehicles to blast out of the sky with rockets, nor does it have my beloved DMR. But the point of my statement "back to reach" was to illustrate just how repulsed I was with halo4. That I would revert back to an "outdated game" rather than play the newest and shiniest. Halo 4 is too flawed. Stickies and one shot weapons like bolt shot should have to be searched out on a map not spawned with for f#%'s sake. And promethean vision is nothing more than a 3d version of HUD radar...did we really need that?? I could go on and on....I just hope h5 is better thought out and truer to h3 with a touch of halo 4.

Sat, 03/23/2013 - 08:53 (Reply to #12)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I'd sooner sell my console than go back to Reach.

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