Xbox Live Gold Family Plan is no more.
Xbox Live Gold Family Plan is no more.
In case you were on who partook - it's gone.
The Gold Family Pack has divorced from Xbox Live. Following a couple of tips indicating the pack had disappeared earlier this month, we reached out to Microsoft who confirmed the offer was removed from its service.
"The Family Gold offer is no longer available for purchase," a Microsoft representative told us. "The Family Center experience with settings management, allowance granting, child activity reports and family subscriptions management are still available for current Family Gold members at this time."
As for why the pack was discontinued, the rep said, "We continually evaluate our business focus and work to offer services that make the most sense for our customers and Xbox."
Microsoft introduced the Family Pack to Xbox Live back in November 2010, offering up a discounted $99.99 bundle of four year-long Gold memberships, along with Family Center functionality allowing users to manage family members' content and purchasing access.
Yay... greed wins again.
Well, that sucks. Mines good until Christmas...
Yeah I was considering getting it as I need one for myself, my girlfriend and my son, then I was going to use the 4th for just people to play on when they came over... Of course I waited too long as usual.
That is terrible. My buddy has 3 sons and this was perfect for them. Now they have to pay $240? Forget that.
On the plus side, fewer timmies??
Everywhere I turn lately i'm getting shitted on by Software companies / Game developers.
This shit is getting real boring real fucking fast.
Ya i agree with you. I've turned more to tablet and PC gaming lately playing stuff NOT being put out by AAA devs. You'd be surprsied how damn good and inexpensive some indy / small studio stuff is out there. Truly fun experiences that don't try and rape your wallet every second they can (although some free to play games certainly can if you allow them). But it's kind of different, if i geta free to play game and I love it, i don't mind shelling out some money to suppor tthem. They've done something awesome, shown me, i've loved it so here is some money. Unlike th eshit going on now with AAA devs which is Give us $60 for this shitty broken game taht we're putting out and give us 10-15 more for DLC to fix said shitty ass game and you will love it no matter how broken and crappy it is because we're awesome.
I think it's because they know they have console gamers by the balls.
You can't use any mods that add a different experience to the game like you can on PC or they know MS will have your ass on the BAN list. The downside to this though is you get people that like to use mods to cheat in MP.
Lately though I think I would rather deal with the cheaters than getting screwed at every turn like you and Church have mentioned.
my family plan is up at the end of the month.
I guess I should have updated my CC info one of 50 times it prompted me to do so.
Gawd dammit. I went today to finally upgrade since I've been paying $10 a month for my daughters account for the past few months. One of these days I'll stop procrastinating, just not today.
Yeah this blows. Kind of bumbed about it.
But I did want to point out people would be out close to 60 bucks not 140. Unless they only buy xbl memberships at full price, which blows my mind. I mean maybe Canada does not get deals, can't really speak to that, but if you are in the US, then if you are paying more then 40 bucks (before tax) what are you doing?
Still sucks.
Naaah, we get deals. I never pay full price for live. Usually 3 or 4 times a year they go for $35 all over. Next time they are on sale I am picking one up for my son.
Well, the kids are 18 now, I guess they'll have to get their own accounts next year...
Well, shoot. I guess it is fortuitous that I reupped mine last week. I think. I'd better check to make sure. Okay, now I'm scared.
Anybody seen any announcements on-line about this?
Naturally, there's a bunch of questions because I just did this for my and a cousin (who lives in North Carolina).
Can we extend this because we're grandfathered in? Is this the last year it's offered? We're only good until the one year I've purchased already?
If I have to get two subscriptions for my son and I, he's paying for this and I'm out. I'll just play the adventure games off-line.
I just spoke with them today and confirmed that it is indeed gone for good. My sub is up next month and I will not be renewing it under any circumstances. I will be going PC for all my multiplayer needs. I would love to go on a tirade about how money grubbing the industry has become, but honestly I just don't care enough anymore. It's simply not the hobby I put my passion into all those years ago and not worth the blood pressure.
Azure, I guarantee you spent more money on your gaming PC than your Xbox 360 plus 10 years of Xbox Live combined.
Multiple accounts can use single Live subscription
Yeah, but multiple boxes can't I'm guessing. So looks like one per box, which isn't as good as what I had before. I had 4 accounts on any box.
Of course you can. You can log into any box with your GT and have Gold. They even just recently made it easier to do that so you don't have to re-download your gamertag all the time.
Exactly, you are guessing. None of us knows how any of this stuff is going to work. Right now, everyone is making wild assumptions based on rumors. Lets save our anger (or delight) until we have some concrete information
Maybe I read it wrong,maybe you read it wrong.
I have a wife and two kids, we all had accounts through the family pack, and we have multiple boxes in the same house, often used at the same time. How does all of them able to use the same box help me when two people want to play at once on both boxes? Right here it becomes worse than before. Now it would appear, WITHOUT ANY CONCRETE EVIDENCE, that I need one X Live account per matter how many can play on it. Or am I wrong?
I think your problem is two xboxes on the same network playing at the same time, and that's a port forwarding issue with your router. Most routers have a problem with it since the 360 uses the same port on each box. You can theoretically if your network is set up correctly play at the same time on different boxes.
Okay, now I know it's your hearing.
I have 2 360's and a family gold pack. As of today, and for quite a while everythings been working fine.
But now there's no family pack and everyone's trying to tell me the New X One set up's just as good, and I say no. It appears you have to have a Live account per box in the same household.
I can't say that any clearer.
I currently have one Live family account that theoretically can be played on 4 boxes simultaneously in the same is the new XOne offer comparable or better?
sorry, I don't know how to be more clear:
Xbox One lets households share one Xbox Live Gold subscription across multiple accounts
Your account works on any box you log into. So hence, it works on the living room box and the bedroom box, and that goes for any gamertag on that gold subscription.
But what I haven't seen, and maybe I missed it, is One account (see what I did there?) can be used on two boxes at once? Has that been explicitly said with no hedge room? If so, I'm a happy camper, but I haven't seen it.
I guess it comes down to this. IF I can have 4 accounts on one subscription, which it appears that can be done, AND two to three of those can be active on separate boxes simultaneously, IE, the kids room, the living room AND the bedroom, I'm good.
If the account is tied to the box, and this would mean, I can use it at home OR away, then it won't work for me. I get that I can go across town and play on Fitzy's box, but if it's tied to my account/box, then my account wouldn't beavailable on my own box simultaneously even if it's a different tag. Maybe it's a subtle distinction, but it concerns me. Or I read something wrong.
Totally possible
I'd say we have to wait for all the details to come out before we know one way or another
Agreed, no one seems to know for sure yet. My interest is being to able sign in on a bedroom box, then move over to a living room box - as I can now with my 360 - seamlessly. I don't see that being an issue.
I think this is where your confunsion is coming from Shadow. What we were talking about is having multiple XboxOnes in the house and them all being used at once would require you to have multiple subs. Where as before, with the family plan it was one subscription for 90 bucks and you got 5 gold memberships along with it.
Of course you wont have a problem because you're only interested in your own account. What we're talking about is multiple players on multiple boxes at once in the same house. They are all going to have to have individual subscriptions.
I don't think the naysayers give the folks at M$ enough credit. They are trying to do thier best to get the families involved in XBL. There is value in having a separate GT for Mom, Dad and the kiddos as they are/will all be viewed as separate marketing opportunities. So I would think that as long as you and the fam are playing in the same house on however many X1s you want to buy, M$ would be cool with that. It wiill probably work much like your netlix account (Main account holder and as many relatives as you have in house up to a max) and you have to authorize devices to work with your account. What they do not want is me and 3 buddies sharing a family pack, so I'm sure they will have some way to prevent or discourage that.
I will say that I think the XBL subscription will be going up. You know cause of all that "entertainment value" they are providing and the fact that they have not raised prices in a while.