New guy from London England :)
Tue, 03/19/2013 - 13:40
New guy from London England :)
Hi folks of 2o2p - new here and heard good things about this place, normally a racer but occasionally play other genres. hope to see some of you out on tracks or on other games anyone for a race or a conflab feel free to say hi...
Welcome Snoop. It loos like you already found your way to our forums, so make yourself at home. Let us know if there is anything we can do for ya. See you on the track.
Welcome to the site fella.
Cheers guys will definately be asking some questions soon :)
Ask Parcells, he hates that!
And then look me up, I'll either get you an answer or point you at someone that will.
Hi snoop. Check out the 2euro2play group for more people in your timezone.
Welcome to the site