As the THC World Turns (drama)
Sun, 03/24/2013 - 07:51
As the THC World Turns (drama)
If you don't follow The Halo Council (THC) or some of its staff, don't waste you time clicking the link. I started following CyReN's content from NeoGAF and HBO and linking to it here. This is internet drama for which Halo fans are well known. I suppose the monetization of content has raised the importance of keeping your ass covered.
Hell, at Walshy's LAN a month or so ago, Molly and U4ix were at the same place, at the same time, mingling and carrying on, for what it's worth.
I've really no dog in this fight. I suppose I should care, but I don't.
They're folks that talk about Halo, with slightly more authority and knowledge than we. Also, they create content, where we don't.
The comments are almost as fascinating as the "article." I don't really follow anything on THC, but I got the impression from reading this that they are all (including those commenting), shall we say, "immature,"
Yeah, I'm not sure if that's necessarily the feeling, or genuine hurt due to unnecessary backstabbing. Don't get me wrong, I caught a lot of that vibe too, and I can see it either/both ways. Either way, it's a clusterfuck of drama.
Without revealing some private convos, let's just say that Molly wasn't liked by everyone even before THC adding her to the crew. Couple that with a few people disliking btb (for whatever reasons), and you've got yourself some e-drama.
One time BC took Derek's wings.