Walking Dead...possible spoilers

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Tue, 03/26/2013 - 08:11
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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AMC started a marathon run of the entire series last night leading up to the Sunday finale, and I FINALLY got to see the original episode!


Tue, 03/26/2013 - 15:04
Rau's picture
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Who's going to be pissed if they dont finish the assault on the prison in the last episode? I.e. Cliffhanger.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 18:46
H2Daddy's picture
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It looked to me in the previews that they were packing to leave the prison. Can't wait to see how it plays out.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 21:13 (Reply to #244)
GbHaseo's picture
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H2Daddy wrote:

It looked to me in the previews that they were packing to leave the prison. Can't wait to see how it plays out.

Yeah, if they were smart, they'd sneak in and take over Woodbury while the Gov and his army are attacking the prison, and then when the Gov returns, Rick would be all "What we've always lived here bro, find somewhere else" then the Gov would be all "Do you even lift?" and Rick's response is "Yeah, this 50 cal you left on the gate brah". That'd be the end of the Woodbury vs. Prison rivalry, lol.

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 06:42
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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The trailer did seem to indicate they were loading up, and the Gov's group seemed to be wondering where they were after they were inside the fence...but there's also a shot of a guard  tower blowing up?

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 04:56
Blimey's picture
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Was it ever established that the group Rick,Glen and Hershel encountered in the small town were from Woodbury?

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 05:56
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I don't think so.

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 10:57
YEM's picture
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Any guesses as to who dies tonight? Here's mine....


Out of Rick's group, I think either Hershel (less likely) or Beth (more likely) 

Out of the Woodbury group, definitely Martinez and Milton, and possibly the Governor

Out of Tyreese's group, that d-bag dude definitely, and maybe Sasha 

And many walkers ....

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 21:05 (Reply to #249)
Fetal's picture
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YEM wrote:

Any guesses as to who dies tonight? Here's mine....


Out of Rick's group, I think either Hershel (less likely) or Beth (more likely) 

Out of the Woodbury group, definitely Martinez and Milton, and possibly the Governor

Out of Tyreese's group, that d-bag dude definitely, and maybe Sasha 

And many walkers ....

2 out of 6. Not bad for this show.

not exactly how i'd like it to end, and a total departure from the comic, but leaves a lot for the premier episode next year...just wondering how much drama they can pull out of it for the fall season.

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 21:31
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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Man I loved this last episode. Seeing the governor snap like that was nuts. 

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 22:57
Mrs_Dixon's picture
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"In this life now, you kill or you die. Or you die and you kill."



The Governor is still alive, wandering in the woods somewhere.

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 07:07
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Best thing for the show, a lurking threat. Same as Merle when he wasn't on the roof in the handcuffs...

You know the Gov's not one to leave anything alone...

Carl's really got an interesting point of view on life, and some serious daddy issues...

Do you think Rick's group will go back and pick through Woodbury for some equipment or would it be risky as the Gov might stop back by?

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 07:15
YEM's picture
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Andrea was bit, and not a fuck was given  106

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 08:58 (Reply to #254)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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YEM wrote:

Andrea was bit, and not a fuck was given  106

I see what you did there...

Truthfully, I wasn't happy about it, she had become quite capable at handling herself, but that scene could have ended either way. I'm guessing either she was wanting to move on or they wanted her to move on? Haven't heard any scuttle butt on it yet.

But, along with the group on the bus, who were already defined as not real good soldiers, the girl in the truck on the highway AND Tyrese's friend might fill Andrea's shoes? AND we now have Mishonne! Was Rick flirting with her during the stairway scene inside?

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 09:12
YEM's picture
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Not counting Tyreese or Sasha, the Woodbury group is nothing more than a bunch of red shirts for next season. And I think Tyreese fills in for Andrea's "roll" as he's one of the more level headed people.

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 10:25
Rau's picture
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  1. Well the finale defintely departed significantly from the comic storyline.  I'm guessing they will replace Andrea with Tyrese as the sharpshooter.  I've pretty much resigned my expections, in that the tv show will continuely plod along and make references every now and then to the comic book.
Mon, 04/01/2013 - 10:58 (Reply to #257)
Gunny's picture
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Rau wrote:
  1. Well the finale defintely departed significantly from the comic storyline.  I'm guessing they will replace Andrea with Tyrese as the sharpshooter.  I've pretty much resigned my expections, in that the tv show will continuely plod along and make references every now and then to the comic book.
This^^^ I know its Hollywood but arcs had been "similar" up until now. Still a few close but i thinks references is all we get from this point forward.
Mon, 04/01/2013 - 11:44
Mrs_Dixon's picture
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I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed with the last few minutes of the show. Them bringing in more people into the prison indicates that they're NOT planning on moving on in the near future. While "the war" storyline was interesting, what drew me to the show was season 1. I want to know how much of the country, and how much of the world is infected. I want to know more about the virus (which I don't think is a virus at all), I want to know how it was spread, and there just aren't going to be any answers or at least clues, hunkered down on a farm or at a prison. It is time for a road trip.

Also, the only remaining cast members from day1 season 1 are Rick, Carl, Carol, Daryl and Glen. Did I miss anyone?

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 12:18
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I don't remember Daryl in season one episode 1, Carl or Carol. Didn't most of the rest of the group come along in the second episode? And Daryl wasn't until they returned from the city with Rick, after Merle was handcuffed.

In regards to a road trip I'd love to see Mishonne and Daryl take a run into town for supplies. That's a highly capable pair.

I'm also hoping some of the redshirts will have some interesting information to get them outside a bit.

Other than the Gov riding around the countryside, does anyone remember any other dangling storyline possibilities?

I'm curious about what Tyrese went and did after telling Sasha to stay with the group in Woodbury, he had something to do? My immediate thought was he was going to go find and save Andrea, even if by accident, but that didn't happen.


Mon, 04/01/2013 - 12:54 (Reply to #260)
YEM's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

I don't remember Daryl in season one episode 1, Carl or Carol. Didn't most of the rest of the group come along in the second episode? And Daryl wasn't until they returned from the city with Rick, after Merle was handcuffed.

Carol and Carl were there since episode 2, Daryl came in episode 3.  Hershel, Maggie, and Beth are the ones from season 2

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 14:21 (Reply to #261)
Rau's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

Other than the Gov riding around the countryside, does anyone remember any other dangling storyline possibilities?

I think Morgan is still a dangling storyline.  I really didnt like how they made Rick's town so close to the prison.

I felt like this point in the tv series is midway through the Woodbury storyline.  For example, they havn't begun growing crops or make it through winter yet.  There hasn't been Tyrese's famous prison scene.  They havent gotten the power really on in the prison.  And the Governor still has only lost an eye.  I foresee the governor returning with some major firepower to cap it off before the split.

Can anyone say, there's a baby hanging around, along with a bunch of kids Carl's age.

It did seem like one of the main themes of the episode was if you hesitate, you die or others die.


Mon, 04/01/2013 - 16:21 (Reply to #262)
YEM's picture
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Rau wrote:

  I really didnt like how they made Rick's town so close to the prison.


How close is so close? It didn't seem that close to me. It was a good day trip in a car

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 12:54
ekattan's picture
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Nothing could top what happened to Lori. So Andrea's death was a big whoop.


Mon, 04/01/2013 - 13:33
LocGaw's picture
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Not missing Andrea at all.


Like Michonne said, "you chose a warm bed over a close friend". Given the Walking Dead is what it is, close friends are quite tough to find. She walked away from her people one too many times.


Mon, 04/01/2013 - 19:34
Mrs_Dixon's picture
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You guys are right - no one was int that first episode but rick and morgan and his boy. we didnt even meet glen until two in one he just talks to rick in the tank. What I was trying to say is that of the original rather large group only a few are left. the rest are all dead.

I am also interested in knowing what Tyrese was up to. I say he was confiscating some kind of supplies. Like he spotted a ham radio or something.



Mon, 04/01/2013 - 23:25
Lala Calamari's picture
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Has anyone even tried a Ham radio?  I'd be curious to see if there are any other survivors out there.


And the show really deviated from the comics with Andrea's death.  She's still alive and is a major character in the books.  Of course, there is no Daryl either.  

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 06:12
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I really would have liked to see Milton end up over at the prison, seeing him try to adjust to the reality of life, the harshness of survivng out in the real world he was pretty much protected from, trying to contribute. I would compare it to Andrea's evolving from not knowing what a safety is (in the store in Atlanta) to killing with a pocket knife and walking a biter to the prison.

I really liked the way she had become quite capable. I still say that last scene coulda been written either way, that had to have been a business decision. If she had survived, she wouldn't have been so "glass half full" when dealing with people anymore I'd say.

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 07:36
JPNor's picture
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A lot of my thoughts are already here, but my .02 anyway...

I was very disappointed in the finale for a number of reasons, first and foremost that it just didn't feel like a finale. The writers gave us a bunch of filler episodes just to pass time until this, but it could very easily have been a mid-season episode. Part of my disappointment is that I know what happens in the comic, and mixed with Andrew Lincoln's comment to Rolling Stone Magazine that "27 cast members die" I had very high expectations that something monumental was going to happen.

Instead, we see a bunch of flash bangs followed by a retreating army, and the only major character deaths (if you can consider Milton a major character) are very anti-climactic. One of the highlights of this season was Glenn taking out a zombie with a chair in that exact same room, so why reduce the Andrea/Milton showdown to a bite wound and pool of blood?

I agree with oldschoolsmart that I would like to have seen Milton at the prison. I really liked the scene between him and Hershel. However I am optimistic that in Season 4 the writers will develop Tyreese a bit more -- comic Tyreese + Daryl Dixon could be an awesome team.

Tue, 04/02/2013 - 09:46 (Reply to #269)
YEM's picture
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JPNor wrote:
I was very disappointed in the finale for a number of reasons, first and foremost that it just didn't feel like a finale. The writers gave us a bunch of filler episodes just to pass time until this, but it could very easily have been a mid-season episode. 


You can blame this on AMC. After production had already started, AMC wanted them to add a few more episodes

Wed, 04/03/2013 - 11:04
YEM's picture
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