Wed, 02/06/2013 - 16:15
Best TV show out there...
If you got NetFlix you can get both seasons streamed for free! Third season just came out on DVD a few weeks ago and seaon 4 is on TV now.
Check out this clip if you havent seen it before:
This show is pure gold.
We love Archer. Have bought all 3 seasons on dvd and love getting our family and friends into this gem.
same here. I recently picked up all three seasons when the third came out and I'm pretty sure at least one episode has been on almost every night in our house.
I try to get all my friends to watch as well.. pretty ez to when first two seasons are on netflix.
LOVE Archer!
Season 3 is out on Netflix.
I've been loving Season 4 of Archer! Any of you been keeping up? The space episode was so hilarious.
I just finished the 4th season, and I havent laughed that much since Better Off Ted. I think there was more comedy in those 4 seasons than in the last 2 years of TV and Movies combined.
LOL...can't wait for Archer to come back!