Marvel's next huge movie project, Guardians of the Galaxy gets it's comic debut on Wed.

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#1 Mon, 03/25/2013 - 21:23
GbHaseo's picture
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Marvel's next huge movie project, Guardians of the Galaxy gets it's comic debut on Wed.

Marvel's next huge movie project that's all ready getting underway, will be getting it's comic debut on Wed. Guardians of the Galaxy issue #1 will launch at comic book stores everywhere, and I've heard most are throwing parties and/or giving away a lot of neat promotional items. The series will star Iron Man, new characters Starlord,  Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Nova. They're supposed to be kinda like a Galactic Avengers, and feature a broad range of races and planets, etc. I would imagine they're giving this they're best crews to gather interest for the trilogy they have planned. so go pick up the issue and let ppl know what you think.

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 05:48
H2Daddy's picture
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Have it on my pull list. 

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 10:57
sfw555's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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worst.... starlord......ever...even worse with his shitty new helmet, however the 0 and 0.1 issues were good, should be decent but not gonna compare to the dna run.


Wed, 03/27/2013 - 21:12
GbHaseo's picture
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What's your thoughts now that's it out? My local store gave out Skottie Young Variant cover lithographs, so I got me a couple of those for free, and apparently a lot of places are giving out aG of the G trading card with each issue. Since it's such a small store he gave me the whole set, including the Iron Man one that he said is pretty rare. They're free but still pretty cool, I enjoyed issue 1 quite a bit.

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 21:18
H2Daddy's picture
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My crappy store didn't have anything. Next nearest shop is 30 minutes away but I am seriously thinking of taking my pull list and moving shops. Anyway you could post a pic of the swag you got?

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 23:38
sfw555's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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glad you got some free stuff because there was not much comic to enjoy...lame!


Thu, 03/28/2013 - 02:08
GbHaseo's picture
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Sadly, I have no way of taking any pictures, any pics I post are from comic sites such as Midtown. I don't even own a PC or cell phone, I use my roommates laptop, lol. I found a pic though, which for those that don't know, a lithograph is like a postcard. It can range from postcard size to comic book size, it's usually glossy on thick high quality paper, usually most aren't worth anything, but are just kind of a neat thing to have. Here's a pic of the entire set, I found someone on Ebay who had everything. The Lithograph on the right is of the baby variant cover(which is the cover I got as well), at the bottom are the trading cards, middle is the free preview issue that marvel releases every couple months that shows  page or two of upcoming comics, and to the left is what most comic stores used to invite people to their launch parties.

Now I was wondering SFW, what do you mean not much comic to enjoy? I'm not defending the issue at all, as personally everyone has their tastes, and usually with me I give a series an entire arc or 2 before I form an opinion, so for now I neither like nor dislike this series. I honestly just like hearing people's viewpoints and stands on things. So what specificaly didn't you like? Do you mean it's short for it's price? If so, remember you're paying a dollar extra for a digital copy as well, not all Marvel titles include those. Do you mean not enough action, not enough story? Personally, as an issue #1 I felt it was pretty on par with what most comics has delivered. #1's typically aren't that great of comics in general never have been, usually most series take until the second arc for it to properly flesh out characters and action. Are you a fan of the originals, and just not into the whole reboot in general like I am with the Amazing Spider-Man movies? Any of these reasons are perfectly understandable, heck you just didn't feel it is an ok answer, lol. However, saying a comic didn't feel like a comic is confusing to me.

I know some people have been completely against Marvel and DC's reboot/relaunches, which I understand that. I don't share the same opinion, but I do respect and understand where they're coming from. Are you against the upcoming movie as well? MArvel's new movie timeline goes Iron Man 3, Thor:The Dark World, The Wolverine (2013) Captain America:Winter Soldier, Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men:Days of Future Past, Guardians of the Galaxy(2014),Fantastic Four, Avengers 2, and lastly Ant-Man(2015) is they're projected movie timeline with a Deadpool movie thrown in there somewhere, I'm not sure where.

Thu, 03/28/2013 - 07:50
sfw555's picture
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There hasn't been a reboot at marvel, just a relaunch. everything else has been a natural extension of storylines playing out ,large changes have went down for sure but nothing like this. Two well established characters Peter Quill and Gamora have been completely retconned for this book. When we last left Marvel Cosmic, only a few years ago with a large crossover these characters were in well defined places, and if you read the prequel issues they refer to some of the Thanos Impertiave stuff as it happened. I'm not arguing for continuity's sake rather for the fact that Peter was a favorite character of mine, and the team at large had a really neat enviroment/dynmaic going on. The 2008(?) series was a highwater mark for superhero sci fi as was the hottest thing out early in it's run. I can't help but think this run helped get GOG into this spotlight that they are under now so why ignore it all. What you basically had here is a Bendis talking head book where nobody(including the team) knew who the heads were. I believe the team working on this book is just as confused as I am. i am well aware that this is On a positive note, did you read Uncanny Avengers this week? Fantastic stuff. 


Sat, 03/30/2013 - 02:09
GbHaseo's picture
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I know they're both not reboots, but it's honestly just easier to refer to it that way instead typing both, b/c most new readers do not know the difference b/c Marvel is promoting it like it's a reboot even though it's not nor do most know the difference unfortunately. However, though they are actually rebooting some titles at least in name. This month X-Men will launch, however it will change from what it was and now it  will be an all female team, yet still carry the X-Men name.

Now that I know your point of view I completely understand where you're coming from, since I didn't read the old stuff, I have no connection to them so I don't feel the same way. However, I've been in your boat with things, so I get where you're coming from. It sucks I know and hopefully things improve enough to your enjoyment so you don't lose out on something you cared about. It's how I've felt about the Spider-Man movies, that really didn't need a reboot at all, nor the upcoming Fantastic Four film.

Uncanny Avengers has been really great I agree although it's still early.

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 21:55
Deathlok's picture
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Gamora looks like she is wearing a Mass Effect leftover suit. HORRIBLE! 



Tue, 04/02/2013 - 10:55
sfw555's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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petey looks like steve rogers rocking mass effect armor too!! 



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