Defiance Charactor BUG

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#1 Thu, 04/04/2013 - 08:52
EVILCLAW's picture
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Defiance Charactor BUG

FYI- Not bashing the game, just a personal experience I had with my first play through( interuppted of course).

At level 167, I lost the weapon in my Primary weapon slot. I could not replace it. I also could not do anything in the charactor menu- change weapons, grenades,sheilds, looks, etc.. Charactor is unusable. I can run around and do stuff but I can never change anything I have right now.All the downloadable, add on stuff,(extras) are tied to this charactor and will not appear on a new charactor,(I tried). I have submitted a bug ticket to Trion, we'll see if they answer. So what this means is if you spend any real money on a charactor, be warned that you could lose it. 

Right now I am on the fence on whether I want to continue if this remains the case, I mean there was no rhyme or reason why it happened. 


EDIT*** I have checked the Defiance Forums at Trion and others have experienced the same thing, have not seen a work around or fix yet. 

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 09:16
Ammodawg's picture
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I think they are having some series server side issues right now.  Earlier  I had several problems, my vehicle would only spawn in one spot no matter where I was at on the map.  That spot just happened to be the roof of a shed at the starter area.   Also as soon as I picked up a mission everyone vanished from my map.  It was like I was alone on a desereted map with no more markers or people.  No mobs spawned either.  After a few minutes I would get kicked from the server, restart and everything was fine until I tried to do something.   

I have been enjoying the game and I have been through plenty of day 1 launches to know this is kinda normal to have stress on the server.  Still a little frustrating each time though. 

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 09:28 (Reply to #2)
EVILCLAW's picture
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Ammodawg wrote:

I think they are having some series server side issues right now.  Earlier  I had several problems, my vehicle would only spawn in one spot no matter where I was at on the map.  That spot just happened to be the roof of a shed at the starter area.   Also as soon as I picked up a mission everyone vanished from my map.  It was like I was alone on a desereted map with no more markers or people.  No mobs spawned either.  After a few minutes I would get kicked from the server, restart and everything was fine until I tried to do something.   

I have been enjoying the game and I have been through plenty of day 1 launches to know this is kinda normal to have stress on the server.  Still a little frustrating each time though. 


Yeah, those are server issues and I experienced those in the Beta AND launch. I have rebooted, joined other peoples games to no avail. The character IS BUGGED!



Thu, 04/04/2013 - 10:51
TANK's picture
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I have Evil Claw's shotgun, selling it to the highest bidder .... 

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 12:18
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Your extra items should appear on a 2nd character. I've got two and they both have all the items I got from putting in the Ark codes as well as the gamestop pre order items. Just had to claim them from the defiance store.

Thu, 04/04/2013 - 15:24 (Reply to #5)
EVILCLAW's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

Your extra items should appear on a 2nd character. I've got two and they both have all the items I got from putting in the Ark codes as well as the gamestop pre order items. Just had to claim them from the defiance store.

I certainly hope thats the case as I did not check the store as I was too pissed about the day and a half spent leveling up to 167 that I didn't think that far ahead. Will check the store when I get home. Thanks Taco.

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 08:34
pyro13g's picture
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The game  is worse for me after yesterdays update and optimization.  Could just be coincidental with  the increase in lag I experienced yesterday

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 09:00
EVILCLAW's picture
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Ok, serverers were apprently down yesterday afternoon and into the evening and after finally getting on last night about 7:30pm est, I was able to get my shotgun back from Tank before he sold it. Anyway its confirmed that all my download shit was in the defiance store, thanks again Taco. I am back up to a level 117 at this point, and replayed the same shit 3 times in a row now, back up to the demon ranch area now. Can't wait to finally move forward beyond something I have already seen. Hope they fix the issues quickly, i think this game has the potential to be a WOW type contender.

Fri, 04/05/2013 - 10:35
TANK's picture
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I played till about 830p PST and when I quit the servers were going really wonky again.  Decided to take a break and then I saw the tweet shortly after 9p that they were taking the servers down again.  But I was able to get a couple hours of it in with the servers at least semi-usable.

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