[DEF] Jacklegged Joe aka Joe Teach Boss Fight - Main Mission

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#1 Mon, 04/08/2013 - 10:26
Tactica's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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[DEF] Jacklegged Joe aka Joe Teach Boss Fight - Main Mission

I ran into the first really freakin hard boss fight of the MAIN MISSION story last night. I am a little over 300 EGO rating, to put "really hard" into perspective too... so your mileage may vary...

The mission was "Bullet for a Badman" I think.

His name is Joe Teach according to the spick chick mechanic that's helping you and Von Bach with the Ark Cell tech. However, this dude did some nasty things to her a long time ago, we'll leave it at that. She's scared of him. You obviously get to go deal with him... and you'll find out why. I won't spoil anything.

However, this boss fight is a SOLO mission. You enter a dungeon / bunker underground. I think it's a Dogtown Bunker by name.

The first part is cake...

You have to clear out a few 99rs and some Darkmatter guys early on, but it's mostly 99rs. Headshots are your friend for instant kills on 99rs. Alternatively BMGs to take down shields then run up and punch them for instant death. You can gernade them or rocket them or whatever else to just toll out the damage of course.

You eventually clear out the place and get to a door, this where the boss fight sequence starts... NOTE, if you die, this is wher you are RESET TOO... so, THIS IS WHERE YOU KEEP STARTING BACK OVER FROM IF YOU FAIL... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...

+ + + THE BEGINNING + + +

Enter the door
run across a room, reload ammo
go up a ramp
cut scene, watch it if it's the first time...
(hit Y button to skip if you are replaying because you've died )

On the floor you have a square shaped room battle arena.
At the North end, you have your boss in a full shield up on a platform out of reach. He will chuck two very powerful fire gernades on you if you come out in the open for very long.
On the East and the West, you have unlimted instant refilll ammo cache (no hold X, just tap X to resupply)
On the four corners of the room, is strategicly placed cover for you to use
On the north wall are two bad guy generating spawn points

When you enter the room, the place will fill with about 8 or so 99rs and you must clear them all out. You cannot hurt the boss during this time, this is just to get you aclimated. If you die, see the above, you go back to + + + THE BEGINNING + + + as noted...

After this first waves is dead, you get a new cut scene, pay attention to the cut scene... they show a midget spawning and his back getting shot, running inbetween the minion spawns to a fuel tank and exploding up knocking down JOE TEACH's shields temporarily... guess when you get to shoot him???

OK... FINALLY, now you enter the real sequence of fighting the boss where you can actually get a chance to hurt him. Again, remember, if you die at any time, you go back to + + + THE BEGINNING + + +

Now only three 99rs will spawn and then one of the little midget 99rs that breath fire spawn, and if you kill any of them... they are each are replaced within about 15 seconds... so timing is key!!!

However, that that little guy has two tanks on his back. He is the key!!

ROUTINE: From behind cover: kill two 99rs, deploy Decoy, move forward from cover, then shoot the tanks, shoot the boss... move back to cover... repeat like 8 times...

NOTES: As soon as the midget spawns, he charges you. If he gets to you, he breaths Fire all over you and will wreck your shields and you in a heartbeat. I found that the DECOY Ego ability was real handy. Fire that sucker off and he will go chase it. Exposing his tanks to you so you can shoot him in the back. I used a sniper and an LMG.. When it gets on fire, he runs under the boss and explodes, use the LMG to pump damage into the boss. Having a fire + explosive defence would be VERY helpful, I did not have any... but I could see that being EXTREMELY valuable in this mission....

WARNING... when the boss gets down to about 1/4 life, he jumps down from the walkway and his shield permanently goes down... I never died after this so I don't know what happens if you die at this point... however, use the cover on the battle fied. I switched loadouts to rockets and gernades at this point and poured on the damage. He continually lobs gernades at you that have a fire effect on them. Just use the cover. The monkey Joe also will Charge you, and really fast if he sees you... as in rediculously fast. So, be aware, use the cover and run to another position if needed. I only had to move to cover positions twice and he went down fast at this point.

This fight took me 1.5 hours to do and figure out on my own... not kidding. Enjoy!!!

Oh, and you get another cool story update and cool piece of info afterwards. PS... Von Bach is a Dickhead... be sure to listen carefully afterwards for a laugh or two after it's over. I actually Laughed out loud.


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 11:18
TANK's picture
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I think this is either my next mission or the one after, either way.... i'm close and i've head about it from a few friends who are a bit ahead.  Not looking forward to it.  Although i do have like 17 ego points i haven't spent so maybe i need to put some time into figuring out where to spend those lol....


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 11:22
Leviticus78's picture
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Ya, I was in chat with 2 others who were doing that mission last night while I was doing side missions.

I'm having a hard enough time with the current Main Story missions (getting lead booted and then bombed with grenade launchers) so I'm a little worried this mission will be the one that makes me rage quit.


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 15:47
YEM's picture
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It wasn't too bad for me. Took me 3 tries (about 20 minutes) to get it done 

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 09:39
KamakazeTaco's picture
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A grenade launching shotgun makes this boss a cakewalk. 2 shots on the smelters sends them running and you can lob the grenades over cover to hit the boss while his shields are down, never having to expose yourself to the other guys shooting you.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:21 (Reply to #5)
TANK's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

A grenade launching shotgun makes this boss a cakewalk. 2 shots on the smelters sends them running and you can lob the grenades over cover to hit the boss while his shields are down, never having to expose yourself to the other guys shooting you.

Nice, i have one of those and a grenade launcher as well.  I'll make sure I equip those, this fight is next for me.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:17
Tactica's picture
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Sounds like Kamakaze Taco has a better approach then... it was a real struggle for me... but I'm old and slow, so... <shrug> I almost gave up on the main mission story line with this boss after dieing 3 different times and starting over... it was frustrating at first.

I had nobody to ask how to beat it, and I wasn't going to go 'look it up' so just kept at it with what I had.

I didn't have a gernade shotgun either... I don't use shotguns... :/


Tue, 04/09/2013 - 23:41
TANK's picture
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Did this fight tonight, had to do it twice because once he was on the ground floor stage, he one shot charged me and I didn't have any more get me ups left.  I switched out my grenade shotgun for a grenade lobber and went at it again, had no issues the 2nd time.  I made sure to keep an object between me and him so he couldn't charge me.  It's definitly a shitty fight though.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 14:26 (Reply to #8)
Tactica's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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TANK wrote:

had no issues the 2nd time.  I made sure to keep an object between me and him so he couldn't charge me.  It's definitly a shitty fight though.


<thumbs up>

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