Defiance LockBoxes info, must read if you play the game.

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#1 Mon, 04/08/2013 - 13:26
MTPathy's picture
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Mon, 04/08/2013 - 13:32
TANK's picture
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As ARPG people like to say, RNG is RNG.  But ya people seem to be saying buy the tier 3 box, it's the best bang for the buck.  I personally haven't gotten shit out of those boxes, i just buy one when my keys are maxed out.


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 13:42
MTPathy's picture
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ive gotten two orange weapons and a purple, so far im not real impressed with any of them. im sure once i start buying the weapon slots and adding mods to the weapons maybe they'll turn into something good.



Mon, 04/08/2013 - 14:26 (Reply to #3)
TANK's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

ive gotten two orange weapons and a purple, so far im not real impressed with any of them. im sure once i start buying the weapon slots and adding mods to the weapons maybe they'll turn into something good.

Depending on the bonuses it might be worth it to do that.  But with your weapon class xp progression stopping when you max out the equipped weapons xp, i treat guns as disposible.  I don't even waste money putting mods onto them.  Maybe if i found a good orange one, i'd build it up for endgame and put the highest tier mods on it and kind of build it out over time.  As it is now though i just cycle through probably two SAWs and a Manual Sniper every day or so to keep building my my weapon class XP.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 14:47
pyro13g's picture
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I think I got an orange BMG or something but don't laugh because I think I salvaged it not realising it was legendary.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 16:56
beefynutcase's picture
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I also only buy lockboxes when my keys are about to max out and really have never found anything great.  A purple grenade and a purple infector being the only noteworthy items. 

TANK, are you sure weapon class progression stops after a gun is maxed out?  I've been using the same fully modded purple assualt rifle for forever, maxed it out long ago, but I'm pretty sure I've still been gaining assault rifle levels. 

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 17:15
TANK's picture
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I know for sure that's how it was in the beta.  And i'd read that Trion was deciding to allow you to re-set the weapon xp bar so you could relevel the weapon and get a different bonus and continue to progress your weapon class proficiency.  I haven't seen that reset button anywhere so figured your weapon class proficiency still stops when your gun maxes.


Mon, 04/08/2013 - 21:11
beefynutcase's picture
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That's a ridiculous game mechanic, punishing you for finding a good weapon, upgrading it and using it.  I'll have to pay more attention to see if that's the case.  I used to swap out my weapon types all the time when I found something new then after getting and upgrading that purple AR I've been using only that.  My AR skill is almost at level 6 whereas all my other guns types are between 2-3, maybe a 4 for LMGs, so I assumed it was still going up even with using that maxed out gun.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 23:25
TANK's picture
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Ok yes after tonight, im sure my assumptions are correct.  I maxed saw #1 and switched to saw #2.  I then proceeded to do two co-op missions, some misc running around killing stuff and one main story line mission.  I looked at my LMG progression and I had 6 vertical lines of progression.  I then played for the next two hours with Saw #1 which was maxxed.  I ran around the world doing misc area missions and environmental stuff, did one co-op mission and an arkfall sequence doing each of the little ones and the hellion one at the end.   My LMG progression was stil 6 small vertical bars, in other words, zero progression.

So until they give you the option to zero out a guns progression and re-level it, there is no point in spending money modding guns unless you happen to find a really awesome purple or an orange.  Then maybe you put money into it with the intent on using it late-game or after you've maxed your weapon class exp.  As it stands now, guns are disposable, to be used until you max out their damage meter and then disposed of.



Tue, 04/09/2013 - 00:13
beefynutcase's picture
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Yup, you're right, I tested it out tonight too.  I don't see the point of that...  Luckily I got another purple AR from a lockbox, though it's not as nice as the other one.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 07:17 (Reply to #10)
pyro13g's picture
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Do you tosss the white mods and wait for better.  I have a problem with my unventory filling up with mods I cant use yet.  I've had to sell a bunch off twice already.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 07:18 (Reply to #11)
pyro13g's picture
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dupe post


Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:20
TANK's picture
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Ya MODS are taking up at least 50% of my inventory.  If i get a white one, i sell it or delete it if i need an inventory slot in an emergency.  Lately i've been looking at my green and blue ones too and what gun sthey go to or what the mod is they provide and have been deleting ones I don't think i'll use.  Honestly i don't even think there's a point in collecting mods that aren' t purple because there's no point in putting them on guns to begin with if you're just going to sell that gun after a few hours of gameplay.    Modding weapons is just a money sink until end-game.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:25
Tactica's picture
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Tank: So even though your gun's WEAPON LEVEL was maxed (status bar) your CHARACTERS SKILL didn't go up in WEAPON SKILL PROFICIENCY for using it anymore?

That seems odd that you have to use a non-maxxed weapon, to move up in character weapon proficiency of that weapon type... if I understand what you are saying... 

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 11:52 (Reply to #14)
TANK's picture
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Tactica wrote:

Tank: So even though your gun's WEAPON LEVEL was maxed (status bar) your CHARACTERS SKILL didn't go up in WEAPON SKILL PROFICIENCY for using it anymore?

That seems odd that you have to use a non-maxxed weapon, to move up in character weapon proficiency of that weapon type... if I understand what you are saying... 

Yes that's correct and my testing (and now someone elses testing) seems to confirm that.  It just must be the way the game is designed.  The weapon class proficiency must be tied directly to the weapons damage accumulation bar.  Once that maxes out, you no longer accumulate anything on that bar so it's not reflected in the weapon class proficiency progression.  It seems stupid to me to but it is the way the game works at the moment.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 12:06
Tactica's picture
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Agreed... penalized for stickign with the same weapon you like... I'd open a support ticket on that one. That seems like a design flaw. Why have two seperate stats... why link them together?

I guess you could say that there is a limit in how much a character can learn from a given weapon... perhaps that's how they 'justify' it... and thus, keep you hungry for loot?

<shrug> I'm with you, seems counter intuitive at first... perhaps not a flaw though, perhaps a design decision though... I'll have to think on it more... Hmm....

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 13:55
beefynutcase's picture
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I can only think that it's a bug or it's simply Trion's way of adding the typical "mmo grind" to Defiance to keep people playing longer.  As it stands, TANK's right, there's no reason to upgrade or mod a weapon until you've maxed out that weapon type's proficiency because you'll only be using it for a few hours.  It would be nice of them to tell you this at some point though.  I spent a long ass time using a maxed out gun not knowing I wasn't gaining skill levels.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 14:03
TANK's picture
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I had read that they were considering adding a reset option to the weapon bar so you could keep using the same weapon and evolve it and keep gaining weapon proficiency.  It would also clear out the bonus you got for maxing the gun so if you got a crappy bonus that you didn't like, you could try again for one you liked better.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 06:27
GbHaseo's picture
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I don't mind it too much, honestly it keeps me swapping weapons a lot, otherwise I'd end up bored like I do in Borderlands b/c I'll use the same weapons all the time. Personally I think they did it this way to clog up your inventory, making you wanna buy inventory slots. Especially since they've said recently there's no plans to make a bank what so ever since you can have an infinite inventory if you got the money. If you're just using the same gun all the time, what's the point in keeping the others around?

On top of that, you're constantly in need of more legendary weapons, and therefore more likely to buy a lockbox every now and then. Think even if just half purchase a single $5 Tier 4 lockbox w/ real money so they can hurry up and get a new rare weapon so they can keep leveling up their stats. That's a lot of money on top of people buying outfits which I've seen, inventory, all kinds of things. Also, apparently the dlc will be free, but they'll introduce new races and stuff, as well and that's what they'll charge for.

I think some companies are trying to find a way to use microtransactions, without being greedy at the same time. Trion could be trying to do this, thus things are kinda odd b/c they're not being completely greedy, b/c they seem like a decent company and I wanna like them. Although, I could be completely wrong about all of this, it's merely something I'm thinking out loud about, lol.

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 09:37
DeltaT's picture
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Weapons are the only carrot this games has (other than the tv show) so forcing you to switch weapons after 1 is leveled makes sense to keep playing the game Since a level 1 weapon is just as good as level 5000 weapon and perks dont do much. I havent played much with synergy mods but i cant see them making a huge difference. Other than possible weekly episode missions I question this games staying power. Burning through the story and all missions in week for a mmo is kinda wierd. Hope they have big plans down the pipe and get it out quickly or ADD gamers will shelf this fast

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 10:28
TANK's picture
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Actually i've read that the tv tie-in stuff is pretty weak due to how far in advance the TV show is shot VS when we get to watch it.  We probably won't see any direct cross over stuff until half way thru the season.  And if there is a season 2 of the show, they have plans to more tightly integrate the two but for season one stuff, this is all a beta test of sorts.  So it sounds like it's not going to be that big of a deal.  The game leads you into the story and will pick up the slack between TV seasons but during season 1,  it sounds like we shouldn't expect much.


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