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#1 Tue, 04/09/2013 - 08:46
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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So........ this guy sucks. Not particularly difficult, just time consuming and annoying. It's a marathon. 15min in I decided to move on as it was just getting too annoying and thumbs started to get sore. So it seems the only good strategy is to run run run then take a pot shot, repeat. I tried different guns and there didn't seem to be a difference. Actually the healing gun works well since you can heal yourself and you don't have to be exact when hitting him. At least in the early stages when you don't have cover. Have found the small fast recharge shields work best against him. He seems to be pretty much immune to grenades. Has anyone found a way to take him down quickly? I really don't want to spend a half hour on one boss.
Tue, 04/09/2013 - 09:33
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Get a grenade launching shotgun, a BMG and a high cap shield. All you're going to do is constantly sprint and bunny hop around and lob grenades at him whenever you can. With the grenade shotgun you don't have to slow yourself down to aim so he has less chance to hit you, and if he does hit you just switch to the ghost buster gun and heal yourself while still running around.

The grenade shotgun lets you sacrifice accuracy for a higher ammo count than a regular grenade launcher, you can't afford to be stopping every few seconds to grab ammo. And with the BMG you can run a higher capacity shield without fear of it taking 9+ seconds to recharge since you can do that manually. Also, if you've taken the decoy power there's a perk next to it called Self Medicated that cuts the recharge time of your self revive by 45%, meaning you could use it more often during the boss fight if necessary.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 09:54
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Basically the same idea. So this is an endurance battle. You know... three other people crossed that white line and now they don't want to help you...
Tue, 04/09/2013 - 10:18
Tactica's picture
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which one is NIM... is that the 4 legged walker down below the golden gate bridge?


That thing is ignorant BTW... I went exploring and got insti-vaped...

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 11:52
Tactica's picture
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Nevermind... this is what I was talking about that I found the other night... it is not NIM...



Tue, 04/09/2013 - 12:44
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Nim is the final boss. Not particularly hard, just the same button combo for 20 min if you don't die. After 15min I wasn't finding it fun and not worth the effort.
Tue, 04/09/2013 - 12:55
SirPoonga's picture
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Does he have a weakness? Like I said, I tried many different gun with all types of effects. I don't remember seeing any yellow numbers. Every thing else in the game has a weakness, typical mmo. Taco even complained about people shooting the bug on the arkfall because they are needed to expose the weakness.
Tue, 04/09/2013 - 13:26 (Reply to #7)
PaiganBoi's picture
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SirPoonga wrote:
Does he have a weakness? Like I said, I tried many different gun with all types of effects. I don't remember seeing any yellow numbers. Every thing else in the game has a weakness, typical mmo. Taco even complained about people shooting the bug on the arkfall because they are needed to expose the weakness.

I rage all the time when I see people using rockets or detonators killing everything around the arkfall.  bloody hell, I've seen a flame war start on the open chat after someone informs people not to kill the skitterlings so the sores can open up.


Wed, 04/10/2013 - 14:22
Tactica's picture
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OK, I met NIM last night in cut scene on golden gate... he through [spoiler reminder]...



... Von Bach off the bridge, LOL. Anyway, found a youtube vid yesterday of the final boss fight. Somebody at 800+ Ego beat him in 15 min with El Diablo SMG... basically a flamethrower and lots of rolling / running around with blur ability. Seemed an exhausting fight.

I just picked up the El Diablo SMG last night... and now have a gernade shotty as well, so, thumbs up on those.



Wed, 04/10/2013 - 14:46
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Right, I have looked at videos also. I keep thinking there has to be a weakness. That's how mmo bosses work. Plus everything else in the game has weak spots. Everything else should be training you on how to take on the final boss. But as far as I can tell the final boss fight is different from anything else in the game.
Wed, 04/10/2013 - 15:12
Tactica's picture
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I sorry...



Fri, 04/12/2013 - 11:38
Tactica's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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OK, beat this guy last night. It took 45 minutes to beat him once I finally figured out how. I was at EGO 450 or so...

I used

Power: Decoy

Perks: all fully leveled up... 1) regeneration, 2) decoy reduction, 3) cellular armor, 4) full reload decoy reduction

A purple shield (Respark III D something another), with Fire resist, 3 recharge delay, 40% recharge speed, around 1065 capacity, other non relivent effects on it...

Primary: Blue El Diablo - it's a named flame thrower SMG, i fully modded it out

Secondary: Green BMG, fully modded out to self heal and self restore shields fast

Gernade: Purple bio-slow gernade with 0.3 detonation time and good blast radius and 8 sec duration

+ + +

Battlefield is alwyays a figure 8 looking room, but contents of the room change in each phase. This boss fight has 3 stages, not just one. If you die in a stage, you go back to the beginning of a stage, not to the beginning of the whole fight... so, that's something.

Stage 1, open battlefield no obstructions. This was the hardest for me to get the hang of personally. NIM constantly blur's, teleports, hovers, shoots triple shot blasts, lobs some gernade like blasts or attmepts melee swipes. You shoot the piss out of him with El Diablo, SPAM Decoy power, throw gernades to slow him down when / if he chases your Deocy, Evade with double tap of b button when he shoots at you or run and bunny hop if he starts chasing you... but if you take damage... start bunny hoping switch guns and immediately self heal and regen shields, then keep bunny hoping and reload El Diablo... get to ammo reload... then throw decoy, and repeat till he is dead.... I must have died 6 times before i finally got the hang of this one. I found charging him early you could do a quarter damage, then had to play cautious if I got a good damage set on him. If not, died and reset early... oh well... no guts no glory.

Stage 2... now there is cover as he riaises various platforms on both sides of the figure eight... says "I am everywhere". He clones himself, but each version is far weaker and if you do enough damage, you get a break. I found this stage much easier and didn't die once. Again, play agressive early. I charged the center and throw decoy. The clone images seem to link decoy a lot more on this stage. If you do enough damage to one of the clones, they all disappear and then there are 'statue images' or holograms of NIM all around the border of the arena. shoot the close onces and then get some cover and heal, they will all shoot some slow moving floating lighting things eventually when he gets done taunting you. Then ammo up and get ready for a rinse and repeat... the clones spawn again for another rush and it's a rinse and repeat... his main status bar at the top of the screen will slowly work down. Just move through... launch decoy, throw your gernade on it, pick out whoever is snared and dump El Diablo into him...

Stage 3... this one pissed me off... Not going to lie. I died 3 times here. I really was hoping I was done after the previous two... LOL, anyway, NIM now dawns some spectral armor and he's a Melee beast and has a new spinning bullshit attack and a radius spam shooting attack. It explodes in all directions and has an audible warning. When you hear it, run and jump... after you die a few times to it, you'll learn. He doesn't just teleport a few feet now... he teleports the entire length of the arena now. It's awsome.... as in an acid on your eyesockets kind of way... :/   The cover is gone. There's now four main pillers / columns strategically placed in the four 'corners' of the would be figure 8 of the arena, and centrally located is a key object you've been questing for... no spoiler, but you can probably guess... he wants to terraform you... so when he is in the center, the floor glows in random spots and spikes up. you can shoot these spots out and should because they can damage you later if you are on top of them when they form or when he explodes them later... after he is done terraforming these mini hills... he teleports to the field, next to you somewhere, then jumps into the air with an audible and glows, you have a couple seconds to get away, if not, he explodes, if you are not caught in the immediate blast, you will be chased by various shots of debris that he creates or the exploding terraform secondary chain reactions if you didn't break them up when he was forming them. If you thought ahead and had enough time, you could have ran behind of of the metal columns in the room... thats what I did and seemed to work. If you get knocked down, ever, you are prett much done. He's on you so fast, and jumping up in the air and then exploding again that you are screwed. Decoy worked really good in this room. So did the slow gernades when I could get him to land on them. This version of NIM doesn't seem to blur at all... so, he got stuck in the gernades a LOT. Once you figure out this sequence of events, its not bad. Also, you have to figure out that audible and the use of the colums... those are key to block the blasts that he makes...

Hope somebody finds this useful.

BTW: when it's over, I had to go back to a group meeting for a pretty decent cut scene, thats worth watching, received a purple pistol that's as good as an AR Rifle, received a new title, and another Co-op mission unlocked after the game was beat. I also was able to climb the tall building in San Francisco now and receive the 'hidden' climb points to get to the top so we could drive off and get the 360, 720 and 1080 with the spins in the 4-wheelers and even the Aaaaeeeeeeeeee! accomplishments with ease from atop that building (as everyone that was on at the time teleported to my position to drive off of the building with me, LOL!)

Good times!!

Sat, 04/13/2013 - 11:52
YEM's picture
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I just finished killing Nim. After reading this thread, I thought it was going to be hard as hell. I have to say, I really had no trouble. I died a total of 4 times  and it took me less than 20 minutes to kill him. This is how I did it.....


EGO - 573

Primary - Green VBI TACC auto shotgun (90x12 dmg) + toxic rounds 

Secondary - Ghostbuster gun for healing

Shield - A blue Rhino Regenerator III D - 1647 capacity, 40% recharge/sec

Perk - Overcharge with killing machine, scavenger, fortitude, risk taker, quick charge

Grenade - Use whatever you want, I didn't use a grenade once fighting him


First round - I was just running around avoiding his charge then I would lay into him with the shotty (think bull fighting) I died 3 times this round, but that was before I had the healing gun as a secondary. Once I equiped that, I took him out quickly


Second round - I stayed all the way in the back, opposite where the clones spawn, behind a pillar. When a clone came to the back, I blasted him. I just sayed back there the whole round. This round took the longest, but I only died once.


Third round - Basically the same as round one. I just ran around dodging attacks, shotgunning, and healing.... He was dead in no time  


Sat, 04/13/2013 - 18:16
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Right, I said he isn't hard.  I just spent so much time trying to find a weakness and I don't think he has one.  It is just annoying, not fun.  He doesn't follow the pattern of everything else in the game.  Everything else should be training for him, but it isn't.  And the battle is about 5 minutes too long.  It gets tedious.  It's like a movie scene that goes on for 5 minutes longer than it shoudl have, it loses the interested of the audience.

Sun, 04/14/2013 - 09:00
YEM's picture
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His weakness is an overcharged shotty to the face 106


I don't know, I didn't find it tedious, too long, or boring. IMO, the Jacklegged Joe boss fight was more of a pain in the ass 

Sun, 04/14/2013 - 22:32
Autarch's picture
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I beat him twice so far.  Once in Alpha, once after release.  The respark shield helps with a low time until regen begins.  I didn't use any abilities such as Decoy or Overcharge.  Just sprint, shoot, jump I guess.  Honestly, I think I was facing him at most around EGO 300.  The worst part of all of that for me, was that it was over.  It gave a feeling of... now what?

Waiting for more content now or might do the co-op maps.  Dailies never interested me in any MMO.

Also, the decoys that appear up higher in the arena that throw the stuff at you, one of them is actually him and if you find that one, you can hurt him and prevent all the attacks as well.

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 13:21
TANK's picture
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They have an announcement tonight at 8pm PST on a twitch live stream,  Iwould guess it's gotta be new content related.

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