[DEF] loadouts

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#1 Tue, 04/16/2013 - 14:59
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/20/2006 - 23:00

[DEF] loadouts

What is you rating and loadouts? Curious to see how others play. Fyi my char's name is Damalia. I will accept in game friend requests if I know you are from 2o2p.

I am a 450 right now.  Working on getting points for overcharge. Currently have cloak. 

Loadout 1 - sniper
Sniper rifle,lmg, flashbangs, high level shield
Cloak with crouch dmg increase, extra long cloak time, decrease dmg intake while crouched, health regen
The idea behind this is to be a cloaked sniper. Works well.

Loadout 2 - dmg
Lmg, shotty, flashbangs, fast regen shield.
Cloak, shoot from hip dmg, health regen, cell armor, shoot behind damage
Eventually want overcharge on this instead. But for now this works great to take out turrets and take enemies out close updates. Most people seem to use overcharge. I find it handy that I have cloak yet sometimes.

Loadout 3 - misc Sticky grenades, heal gunshot Quick loadout when those items are needed.

Tue, 04/16/2013 - 15:00
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/20/2006 - 23:00
Will reformat we I get home. Stupid phone.
Tue, 04/16/2013 - 15:47
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2012 - 02:48

I haven't clicked the Loadout 2 button yet because of extreme annoyance with the UI that happens after that.  Makes changing loadouts and breaking down / selling items horrible.


My loadout varies, but I find it's important to keep a weapon that fires bullets at all times.  So, not a detonator and rocket launcher, but perhaps a rocket launcher and an SMG, LMG, sniper, etc.


I currently use a shotgun that fires grenades that detonate on impact.  Since it's a shotgun, I can store a ton of ammo for it compared to a Detonator or Rocket Launcher, while still getting explosive use out of it.

I also use an SMG with 80 rounds in the clip.  It's helped me get the #1 spot on many Major Arkfalls.  It has a modifier that every kill with it instantly recharges my Grenade cooldown 15%.  This lets me throw a crazy amount more grenades than without it.

I use a Respark shield with about a 2.5 second delay.

I use frag grenades.  They do high damage, and with the large amount I throw it helps a lot.

My ability is Decoy.  It gets me hilarious and frequent kills in PVP, as well as making activating an objective in PVE stupidly easy.


I prefer runners, specifically Hannibal class, for my vehicle.  They aren't the fastest, but are extremely maneuverable.  I think I have around 10 vehicles, maybe more, so far.


Overall, it's very hard for me to die in PVE.  Ducking behind cover even briefly starts my shield recharge.  I unleash a ton of damage with the SMG, massive amounts of grenades, and the shotgun when blowing up a lot of guys is needed.  Ammo is rarely a problem since the SMG and Shotgun allow a ton of stored rounds.  Objectives are easy because Decoy draws all the enemies to it.  In PVP, I put the Decoy in a safe spot, shoot guys, and if it looks like I'm losing I'll teleport to my Decoy in its safe place, and let the new Decoy where I was fighting die instead of me.

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