Fanatec GT3 wheel
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 16:35
Fanatec GT3 wheel
Just bought a new Fanatec GT3 wheel and CSR Elite pedals. Set them all up, turned them on, and then the wheel just rotated anti-clockwise and has 888 displayed. Not sure whether this means that it's broken or not.
I've sent a support message to Fanatec but I thought it was also worth asking whether any of you guys have the same wheel? Am I just doing something stupid or does it look like I've got a faulty one.
Argh! Just as I was hoping to join with you guys...
Always worth reflashing the firmware, Fanatec will ask you to do this anyway. Odds are it's either the optical sensor or a wire either adrift or cut in the main loom. They will also ask for a vid of the problem. As you have just got it, if the reflash doesn't fix it they will send out another in short order and you will just return yours via the same courier that brings the new one.
Cheers Knight.
This might be a stupid question but how do you flash it if you can't connect it to your pc?
I must say that the manual was complete arse and incredibly unhelpful.
Not sure what button it is on the Porsche wheel, but you hold it in while turning the wheel on and that puts it into bootloader mode, of course you must have the Flashing software running first. Also make sure you have the correct drivers installed to go with the firmware. Unfortunately it has gone midnight here and I am away to my bed, otherwise I would have caught up with you on teamspeak. Drivers and firmware are of course on the Fanatec site if you don't already have them.
That's very kind of you, good knight Sir Redemption. I'll have a go at flashing it tonight.
I have exactly the same problem as this guy on Youtube...
Interestingly, it seems that the CEO responded straight away offering a replacement and asking him to take the video off of Youtube. I think I may use the same tatic if the flashing doesn't work.
Thanks again, Knight.
To be honest Fanatec customer support is a little random, I have never had a problem, for example my CSP V2's developed a squeak within a couple of days of getting them, the whole thing was sorted via email in a couple of hours and a new set sent the same day. My original CSR wheel had a cosmetic flaw that was also put right in less than a week. Others it seems have not been so lucky, I would start the RMA procedure now, if the flashing works then there is nothing lost, but if not then the process is under way and you are that much closer to getting it sorted.
When Fanatec gear works it is a pleasure to use, unfortunately their QC leaves much to be desired, I am convinced this is as a result of the Chinese manufacture. The Porsche line has been around for a while and is mature tech and well tested so really they should be good out of the box.
Anyway fingers crossed the flash works, and if not, well you should have no trouble getting a new one sent out.
It's been four days now since I spoke to Fanatec and all I received was an email asking me to flash the wheel!
I've added a video to Youtube now in the hope that it makes them a bit more pro-active.
This is so frustrating.
On the plus side, the CSR Elite pedals feel amazingly realistic, particularly the brake. I think it'll take some getting used to so I predict plenty of locked tyres/shooting off the end of straights for the first few races.
Any update on this? Really hope you can join us this Saturday.
Well the good news is that the youtube seemed to work as this was there response...haha...
However, they're only sending out the replacement tomorrow so it's highly unlikely that it's going to be here for the first race. In any case, new wheel, new pedals, new mod, etc, will probably mean that I'd be a hazard on the track anyway with this short notice. Looks like I'll have to join you for the second race although as soon as I get the wheel, I'm sure I'll be on the server practising whenever I get time.
Good luck in the first race!
Excellent! Hope it all works out for you.
Hope they get it sorted chap!
So, Fanatec sent me a replacement wheel. The first one was faulty which wasn't ideal but, fair enough, sometimes it happens.
However, I got home tonight to find the replacement wheel had arrived...and it was broken in the box.
This Fanatec company are absolute jokers. I can't believe I spent £150 on this wheel. I'm not even sure if I want another replacement as I wouldn't trust it to last a month. Plus, everytime it's delivered I have to take a whole day off work as UPS won't give you a time of day.
Sent a very strongly worded email to them but I don't know what good it'll do. I'm tempted to get a refund and buy a G27 or something similar...
Shitty to hear mate.....not gonna lie when I switched to them I was very skeptical from the amount of issues I heard people having. If it was my money and not a gift I probably would have got a thrustmaster. The trend I've noticed with fanatec is they either work great off the bat or you get a fanatec curse where they all break lol. There's a few guys that are already on there 3rd replacement csr elites. Personally like you I don't have the patience for expensive faulty stuff but I've fortunate so far and can say I enjoy it. Will I upgrade my wheel to one of there higher end models? Will have to see how long this lasts first
Holy crap! That is the worst.
I know what you mean about UPS, not sure about where you are, but here in the states, I just left a note on my door and told UPS to just leave it on the porch. Otherwise they would leave a note saying they would try back tomorrow, and then I would have to sign that note and leave it on the door for the UPS driver to go ahead and leave it. Now I live in the suburbs and have bushes in front of my porch, so them leaving something is hard to see from the street.
I too was leary about buying from fanatec do to Quality issues but i went ahead and bought the csr elite pedals. I dont know what I am going to do when I need a new wheel.
Sorry about all the bad luck. Hopefully it will get sorted ASAP.
That sucks, and shows up a glaring hole in their quality control, given the way they are packed that has to have gone in to the box in that condition. You must be so disapointed...
I could be mistaken but I believe you can contact ups and set a drop time of alternate drop location :)
Bummer dude!!!
Cheers for advice guys.
Hope you all have a good race tomorrow.
Looking forward to joining you soon if Fanatec ever get round to giving me a wheel that works!