Mon, 12/10/2012 - 08:53
[Spoilers in trailer] *** I think they fucked up the trailer, gave too many spoilers just like Prometheus. I would watch it to 1:20 to avoid huge spoilers in my preference.
I know, I know, its Tom Cruise. But I tell you what, this is a SciFi movie of huge proportions, just like Prometheus. Looks incredibly good.
I don't mind the actor Tom Cruise. Now the "real life" Tom Cruise..... that's another story.
Movie looks pretty slick
does look neato.
Best science fiction movie I watched in a while. Great story and great details in the production.
Glad to hear. I enjoys me some good sci-fi
Went and saw Oblivion on Wednesday and while it wasn't terrible, it wasn't great either. Very predictable. 6/10