The never ending story....................
Sat, 05/04/2013 - 08:43
The never ending story....................
So I saw this a number of times on the T10 forum. Basically I start a story with a line or 2 and leave it open ended. The next post will continue the story. The story can get to be rather hilarious.
Enough it starts.
Once upon a time in the land of 2o2p, there was a car club named 2o4F that consisted of misfits and trouble makers over the age of 25. One of the most curious of the members was.............
Fitzy...He thought covering his cars in his spare anal lube would make them faster...
The End?
Naw, how did he end up with extra lube? She said, would you like some lube, he thought she said boob and replied, yes, please, I'll take two.
Only for some smart ass named oldschool to arrive with a big hairy, sweaty, one of a kind
A kind of what they asked?
a magical bottomless bag of weed.
"This would save a lot of you many hours of therapy if you'd just hand it to your psychiatrists" said the big hairy Oldschool...
So the big hairy oldoschool took his big bag of weed and smoked and smoked and smoked until a magical being appeared............
"I am the Great and Powerful Parcells, what would you want of us?"
I'll have 3 wishes please...
To which the mighty and powerful Parcells replied "Get a hair cut young man and lose the nose ring, then come talk to me."
See, Parcells hadn't had a date in quite a while...
Any girl he had gone out with previously couldn't decide which one they liked best...
So , Parcells was over the other day and saw my dog licking his balls, and said "I wish I could do that".
I paused for a second and said, "well, you should probably pet him first, he's kinda mean."
To which Parcells replied, "perhaps I should borrow some of that lube of Fitzy's".
But then Parcells remembered that Cotter had already used it all up after Fitzy sold it to him, must remind Fitzy he still owes me for it.
So Oldschool made his first wish.........................
"I wish I could lick my own balls like that dog does his" he said.
Meanwhile, back in Nova Scotia:
Little did anyone realize the fiendish Parcells was working on another delicate scheme. The lube story was merely a ruse to fool Cotter into engaging dialogue with Parcells so he could convince Cotter into giving up some of his second favorite commodity, good-ol fashion Tennessee green.
The plot thickens as Parcells gets in his 2002 Altima and heads off to Tennessee somewhere in the middle of red neck Country…
Off in the distance, a banjo could be heard....