Sunday Fun Night - (Finished)
Sunday Fun Night - (Finished)
I have something more serious in the pipeline that I will be publishing to take over the BTCC slot on Sundays.
It wont start for a week or two so people can sort a car out / paint ect so we have a few Sundays spare.
I plan on doing the following this Sunday.
Sunday Fun night.
Now I know its not everyones cup of tea as there is no racing as such. Although everyone who has done the following events seems to surprisingly enjoy them.
Starts at 10:00pm BST and runs for 1 hour.
Teams are allowed as each event is based on two team against each other.
Cat and Mouse / Randam Tracks - Few rounds of this.
Chevy Spark as Mouse
Nissan GTR as Cat
Virus Tag / Random Tracks
You can use any A class car you want tuned or not. If its A class its ok.
Soccer Top Gear Football Pitch
1 Hummer on each team. Then the other players are to be Peugeot 107s
Demo Derby @ Benchmark Speedway
The room will be set to 10 min race time condition.
The person who has completed the most miles wins. Full contact is allowed.
As I said I don't expect a big turn out but it will be nice to just do other tings than race some times. :)
Just post below if your interested.
Current Sign Ups:
Count me in.
Yep I'm there.
They're pretty easy. Don't sweat it.
Childish ..... Dont count me in
Well excuse us Mr mature, I suppose you could join Parcells in a mature game of bridge instead.
You got that right Max how childish. However...
1) So be it, we'll be immature, most people wont notice anyway.
2) Why would Max be concerned about being immature???
3) Lastly, Parcells has two regular bridge partners and wont be bringing on a third any time soon. I have neither the time or patience to bring a newbie up to Parcells level...I'm a bronze Life Master dammit!
I thought you played Bridge, not Life?
See not for everyone.
FUN NIGHT press release:
not for Parcells but I might yet participate. The ONE time I did this before it surely was fun in a sort of rediculous way.
I've also found these events fun as well Church.
Type 1:
Top Gear Full
Timed event: 10-20mins
AI set at F through D class. And everyone else S or higher.
High Speed Carnage during the crossovers.
Type 2:
Fujimi Kaido Downhill (new or old)
Soapbox Derby
Any car and any class
Man/Clutch required: At start give small amount of gas, shift to reverse, let out clutch. Roll downhill.
Old DH will require a little driving at the start to get to the top of the big hill.
Fun with a room full of Hummers.
I'm in.
And Mr Parcells - doubled.
An extravagant bid to excite a response. Just hope your partner keeps their mouth shut and leaves you in it.
This should be be fun, especially with a few beer within my reach.
This is what its all about
I'm in if I can figure out exactly what time 10:00pm BST is. And also if I am back from son's baseball tournament.
5pm EST, after that, you're on your own!
Not going to make today. Going to spend the afternoon with my gal.
No worries Cotter.
If turn out is low I will be banging the VAG TT hard
That was a lot of fun.
Team red for the win.gif)
Some good fun and a good turn out (Surprisingly!)
Team Red for the win!!
Anyone want to host an event next week. 10:00PM BST????
Its only the Test track and Top Gear track.
I dont think any event has ran these tracks. (Apart from Wednesday Night track night)
Both of which are pretty missable IMO. featureless and flat.
HOWEVER....if you like mayhem, drinking and driving, and general silliness, the Top Gear track is a figure 8 and when you toss a dozen guys in on a Friday night, and 6 AI "blockers" it quickly descends into chaos and hilarity. Some have been known to get lost and never find the finish line...
(you know who you are, WE know who you are, sit down...)