I actually started thinking about you last week a kid 4 years old died after he got left in the car for three hours. How did that business venture turn out?
Sweeet Rau! Ekattan, the project is basically idle.........having trouble getting seed money to start production and my business partner and I aren't agreeing about how to get the funding. That's basically the long story short.
I'm Mike James Bitch!
fucking spambot
Suck it T3!
What up slut?
I actually started thinking about you last week a kid 4 years old died after he got left in the car for three hours. How did that business venture turn out?
Sup buddy!
Doodi has missed you Mike. He has grown chin pubes in your honor.
Sweeet Rau! Ekattan, the project is basically idle.........having trouble getting seed money to start production and my business partner and I aren't agreeing about how to get the funding. That's basically the long story short.
You seem kind of familiar...
Just another reason to get a boner today.
Hi Mike.... good to read your updates, looking forward to next years posts lol....
Suck it Tank........some of us need to crawl out of moms basement for a while. ;)
Oh this guy again...
Gues I'll be checking out this site from now on!...Again.
WTH, Mike James?!?! Nice!