Testing for new series - IROC (TESTING COMPLETED)

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#1 Fri, 05/10/2013 - 14:28
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

Testing for new series - IROC (TESTING COMPLETED)

Hey Guys, I was alking with Brntguy last night and we are going to try something new this week as a test session for an upcomming series to take place on Monday nights in a few weeks and we need all the help we can get. We will run this during the Monday Night Maddness timeslot.  In short, IROC Series

We are going to run laps on 6 tracks this monday with a spec car.  You will need each of the three following builds for this test session.  I will also provide them on my SF. Green flag drops at 6:00PM (PST)

Brntguy will be doing a promo video for this event so if you are planning on making it out this Monday (or even if your not positive), please let sign up below with your choice of preferred color (from the list below) and your car number so I can get a livery out to you.  Everyone must run with the assigned livery please.

Although tunes will be provided, this is an open tune so feel free to adjust the tune as needed, however the build must remain the same.

Drivers signed up (and color chosen)

  • GrimGrnninGhost - Dark Red
  • Gunny Bass - Meduim Orange
  • MaxPerforma - Black
  • Tonyssr427 - Medium Blue
  • Brntguy - Dark Blue
  • Prebuilt - Dark Green
  • CilettiDad - Dark Orange
  • Drivebye071 - Brown
  • InkaBODpaiN - Orange
  • BigDaddy1901 - Medium Red
  • A TRICOOTERTOPS - Dark Purple
  • HundredthShrimp - Yellow
  • Nunderw00B - Dark Teal
  • imjimeez44 - Gray
  • Stewies_Head - Pink
  • Oldschool - Gold

Colors Remaining

  • Light Red
  • Medium Green
  • Light Green
  • Medium Teal
  • Light Teal
  • Neon Green
  • Light Blue
  • Medium Purple
  • Light Purple




1990 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z

Car specifications:

PI =  A600

- Engine Swap – V8 Chevy Camaro ‘02

Engine and Power
- Street Air Filter
- Race Exhaust
- Sport Flywheel

Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction

- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential

Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18  (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18  (295/35R18)

Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing


PI =  S700

- Engine Swap – V8DSC - Corvette C6 ZR1

Engine and Power
- Race Flywheel

Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction

- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential

Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18  (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18  (295/35R18)

Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing


PI =  R3-755 (otherwise known as the OMG I'm going to die in this thing!)

- Engine Swap – V8 Chevy Camaro ‘02
- Asperation Conversion - Twin Turbo Chargers

Engine and Power
- Race Air Filter
- Race Fule System
- Race Ignition
- Race Exhaust
- Race Camshaft
- Race Valves
- Race Displacement
- Race Pistons and Compression
- Race Twin Turbos
- Race Intercooler
- Race Flywheel

Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction

- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential

Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18  (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18  (295/35R18)

Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing


Below is the scuedule of events for this Mondays (5/13/13) festivities

Tonight is simply a test session to get a feel for as many tracks as we can get in andmost will be very short races (10 mins or so for ech one) for tonight only

Track TypeTrackClass PI
OvalIndianapolis - SpeedwayS700
OvalSunset - SpeedwayS700
Road CourseSebring - FullS700
Road CourseSebring - FullA600
Road CourseRoad Atlanta - FullS700
Road CourseRoad Atlanta - FullA600
Road CourseRoad America - FullS700
Road CourseRoad America - FullA600
OvalBenchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)S700
OvalBenchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)R3 - 755


More details as we move along.  Thanks and I look forward to see you guys on Monday

Fri, 05/10/2013 - 20:50
Nunderw00b's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 01/30/2009 - 23:00

Sign me up Grimm, and I'll take the dark teal.   Race #717

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 07:47
CaptainCooter's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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Can I see what it would look like in the purples? Or just gift me the livery with my name on the side and I'll figure out what color I want, probably be one of the purples. I'm a bit unsure if I will be able to participate on a regular in the series but I can jump in when I get the chance. Thanks Grim! HVAC guys + Spring/Summer = $$$

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 09:28
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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I'll do up a dark purple one for you.  Please let me know right away though if you change the shade so I dont use it for someone else.  Im trying to keep everyone in different colors.

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 10:53
CaptainCooter's picture
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yes Gotcha

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 21:12
H2Daddy's picture
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Wish I could do this but my son has a ball game Monday night.

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 21:22
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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No problem.  If there is a chance you can run with us, feel free to stop by.  I can send you a car so you can have it ready should you be able to race.  Just let me know which color.

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 05:38
imjimeez44's picture
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put me in the grey, at least it will match my beard


Sun, 05/12/2013 - 07:38 (Reply to #8)
CaptainCooter's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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imjimeez44 wrote:

put me in the grey, at least it will match my beard




Sun, 05/12/2013 - 09:24
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/26/2012 - 22:27

I would like to change my name that you put on the car from prebuilt to Joe Dirt.15


Is this an approved change?

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 17:48
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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@ Jimeez - I'll get that over to you shortly

@ Prebuild - If you must.

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 19:49
Stewies_head's picture
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I can run the test session cause I have vacation. How about pink 

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 21:33
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 20:31

Outstanding.  Just sent the paint and builds to you.  Feelk free to adjust the tune as needed

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 06:48
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Hey Grim, can I get a Black n Gold? cool

And Grim or Stewie can I get tunes plz?

Stewie, are we representing? Did you say Pink?

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 08:37
Stewies_head's picture
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I won't be able to run many if any after the test so I didn't want to pick a color someone might actually want. 

Anyway it's breast cancer awareness month?

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 09:44
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Well, I saw that paint and it instantly screamed black n gold to me, but sometimes that's just how it happens. I'm concerned with how late it might be? 10Pm starting times, 6 practice runs and then a race kills me. A 9pm or earlier would rock. And honestly, if no ones willing to runa earlier weeknight thing, I might try one myself. I know the west coasters might complain, but they've got alot they can run already so screw 'em, you know, in a non-gay way...all my love guys!

If Grimms got the car grouped up, I can swap the colors myself, vinyls and all, if that'd be easier for him? cool Just curious if the base paints white on it, assuming so.

Also would like to catch him in a party chat later if I can...

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 11:15
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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Hey Oldschool

I'll send you the paint shortly.  As for the timeslot, this is the same timeslot as the current Monday Night madness (6PM PST, 9PM EST and lasting for about 2 hours) to give brnt a break for a few weeks and since Im hosting it, there is no way I can run it any earlier.  The other concern is if we were to split up the times, the rooms would be too thin (particularly the later shift) and to be honest, it would really suck to not be able to run in my own event because there is not enough interest given the two time slots (given that Im on the west coast and its OK to screw me, right)

That and the format is a pain for the person hosting it.  In short (once the season starts) it's six 15 minute  races alternating between road cources and ovals and in different PI settings.  The entire race night should last around 2 hours or less (similar in length as the current monday night madness).  There will be three different standings (overall, road courcse and Oval champions) based on average points earned so if you miss a few weeks/races, its no big deal.  More info will be out later but that is the main concept.

I'll get the paint and builds over to you later today.


Mon, 05/13/2013 - 11:42
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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No, I'm not into screwing the new guys, they'd just lay there...

There's been a history of "9:30"events  which end up 10:30ish starts and east coasters have a rough time with it, and I'm even worse as I'm at work at 6:30am EST sooo...

I'm not looking at Monday night particularly, and probably would do maybe a Wednesday somewhere after Gizzies run, maybe, I dunno. But it wouldn't be a points run, less organized and more wandering, for an hour or so at the most. I do need to sit down and get an non-dlc list to look at though.

So is tonight a video shoot then? cool

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 12:17
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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gotcha, I read it as you wanting to take this series to an earlier slot on MOnday.  No worries

As for this event, because there are 6 races (all at different tracks each night) and the handicap is based on how you finished in the previous races (similar to the SEAT Series) I plan to start the first race as close to 6:00pm (PST) as possible and you can bail/join at any time during the night. If I get home earliy enough, I may open the room up for a few practice laps prior to 6:00pm PST.  Im working on the schedule and back story as we speak.  Hope to have the official thread posted in a couple days.

Yes, tonight is the video shoot so the more the better  Maybe we can get the TV Van to show up to show up.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 12:21
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Well, I can bring the club school bus? Or the A-team? Don't have a news van.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 12:23
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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We actually have a 2O4F news van (ford transit) that Max did up with brnt's twitch/tv address on it (http://www.2old2play.com/forum/divisions/2old4forza/sub-forum-tuning-painting-racecraft/2old4forzaplay-news-van-504745)


Mon, 05/13/2013 - 15:02
CaptainCooter's picture
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Hmmm.....If im able to get on and get the news van and the car. I'll try my best. I haven't been able to get on to get either due to Mother's Day and my son wanting to play on my box with me.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 15:13
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Cooter - If you cant make it, I'll get the van out for a race.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 17:56
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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All the requested paints and builds have been sent.  If anyone still wants to participate tonight, I have two "guest" paints on my SF along with tunes for the event. There is a tune for the following

  • Benchmark speedway (R3 -755 Build)
  • Benchmark speedway (S700 Build)
  • Sunset Speedway
  • Indy Speedway
  • Base A600 Tune
  • Base S700 Tune


Tonight is simply a test session to get a feel for as many tracks as we can get in and most will be very short races (10 mins or so for ech one) for tonight only.


Track TypeTrackClass / PI
OvalIndianapolis - SpeedwayS700
OvalSunset - SpeedwayS700
Road CourseSebring - FullS700
Road CourseSebring - FullA600
Road CourseRoad Atlanta - FullS700
Road CourseRoad Atlanta - FullA600
Road CourseRoad America - FullS700
Road CourseRoad America - FullA600
OvalBenchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)S700
OvalBenchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)R3 - 755

Hope to see you there and thanks for helping with the test session.  


Mon, 05/13/2013 - 18:05
CaptainCooter's picture
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I will try my damndest to be there tonight Grim. I will be in the 1k hp Transit News Van.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 23:40
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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"That shit was fun man!" -MaxPerforma

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 00:06
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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Thanks everyone for coming out to the test session.  Learned a few things that will help firm up the schedule. 

Also had some good times and laughs.

We will have one more shake down event next monday (5/20/13).  Here are the tracks I plan to test.


Track TypeTrackClass / PI
OvalMotegi - SpeedwayA600
OvalSedona- SpeedwayA600
OvalTop Gear - Outer LoopA600
OvalBenchmark - Layout B (DLC Track)A600
Road CourseMaple Valley FullA600
Road CourseIberian FullA600
Road CourseLadara FullA600
Road CourseMugelloS700
Road CourseBernese Alps - FestivalA600
Road CourseSuzuka FullA600


Tue, 05/14/2013 - 07:25
CaptainCooter's picture
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I seem to remember me saying not even 2 races prior to the incident, "Wow, these things won't roll". Boy was I wrong. Anything can be rolled I guess. Anyone count how many times I went over just in that one incident? 5-6 at least, I think.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 07:28
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I remember saying those corners are a bit tight? I think I'll run S class...

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:01
H2Daddy's picture
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If you still have room next Monday, I would like in. If not, that's cool. Didn't get home from baseball last night until 10:15.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:07
H2Daddy's picture
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