What View?

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#1 Sat, 05/18/2013 - 15:25
H2Daddy's picture
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What View?

Just wondering which view everyone uses during racing? I have been experimenting a little and can't figure out which is right.

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 15:43
swhite014's picture
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I've always used front bumper view, just what I'm used to. From memory, bonnet view is quite popular around these parts!


Sat, 05/18/2013 - 15:45
POIDSLY's picture
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Every iteration of forza I have dropped another level of assists.

In fm4 all that was left was switching from bumper to cockpit.


The view limits what you can see and I think there are some small benefits in bumper and hood views in terms of reading the track. I think I was quicker with bumper but I can no longer test that.

Whatever suits you. I just like the extra bit of immersion.

Does not matter. Just enjoy!

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 17:07
jcotter13's picture
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Bonnet aka "hood" view works best for me. It gives you a better sense of the car's balance because you can see how the nose rises/dips & how the body rolls. This will help you with balance.

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 17:11
Fitzy's picture
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I have to say I enjoy cockpit view because it's more fun.

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 17:20
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Cockpits not fastest, but for me it's more fun.

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 17:26
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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hood view for me
Sat, 05/18/2013 - 18:53
H2Daddy's picture
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I guess hood view is what I have been sing the most. Sounds like I will quit experimenting and stick with it.

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 19:00
Gunny's picture
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As a fellow rookie, it had been recommended to me several times in the past from members to go with hood/bumper. And it has helped. Baby steps
Sat, 05/18/2013 - 19:41
CaptainCooter's picture
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bumper here. I may not always be able to see you, but I've used it enough to know your there. I try to track everything around me as often as possible. And remember it doesn't matter what view you use, you will have mishaps and accidents with other people. Communication is key to passing without causing a scene. Use what is comfortable with you. Some rookies even use the outside the car view so they can see people in close vicinity but then you give up your depth perception to the corners. Give and take type of situation.

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 05:59 (Reply to #10)
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CaptainCooter wrote:

bumper here. I may not always be able to see you, but I've used it enough to know your there. I try to track everything around me as often as possible. And remember it doesn't matter what view you use, you will have mishaps and accidents with other people. Communication is key to passing without causing a scene. Use what is comfortable with you. Some rookies even use the outside the car view so they can see people in close vicinity but then you give up your depth perception to the corners. Give and take type of situation.



I'm one of the rookies I guess. I use the far chase cam. Maybe I'll switch over to hood view and see if I can pick up some speed.

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 09:39 (Reply to #11)
MaxPerforma's picture
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CaptainCooter wrote:

bumper here. I may not always be able to see you, but I've used it enough to know your there. I try to track everything around me as often as possible. And remember it doesn't matter what view you use, you will have mishaps and accidents with other people. Communication is key to passing without causing a scene. Use what is comfortable with you. Some rookies even use the outside the car view so they can see people in close vicinity but then you give up your depth perception to the corners. Give and take type of situation.



I'm one of the rookies I guess. I use the far chase cam. Maybe I'll switch over to hood view and see if I can pick up some speed.


You might find that you may improve with changing the view to somewhere on the car, either cockpit, hood or bumper as you can feel what the car is doing more. Start with hood or bumper, it may feel odd at first but stick with it.

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 13:42 (Reply to #12)
oldmodelt's picture
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CaptainCooter wrote:

bumper here. I may not always be able to see you, but I've used it enough to know your there. I try to track everything around me as often as possible. And remember it doesn't matter what view you use, you will have mishaps and accidents with other people. Communication is key to passing without causing a scene. Use what is comfortable with you. Some rookies even use the outside the car view so they can see people in close vicinity but then you give up your depth perception to the corners. Give and take type of situation.



I'm one of the rookies I guess. I use the far chase cam. Maybe I'll switch over to hood view and see if I can pick up some speed.

Talking about chase view made me think about my first video racing game.


Sat, 05/18/2013 - 20:53
o0Shake Zula0o's picture
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Hood here
Sat, 05/18/2013 - 23:30
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The best way to decide the view that best fits you is the following . side note( my opinion) I have a triple monitor set up. As I was building my triple monitor set up I was researching the benfits of single monitor and triple monitors and this is what I learned. There's the thing called F.O.V ( field of vision) when driving a real car any car the biggest glass is the front window the passenger windows are much smaller but in reality you hardly take a look at either side. So when racing a sim game the more you can see in front of you the better. Hood view and bumper view are good views but both of them are either to close to the road or just above it. I used in car view ... why you may ask? next time your looking through a window in your house pick a object outside and focus on it. Once yuo've picked the object step back a few steps from the window and see how good you can see it, then take a few steps closer to the window and see the same object. Once you've done that you can decided what way was it easier to see the object. In a nut shell the closer you are to a open window the more you see the farther away from the window the less you see. I hope this helps because during this lesson I was bonged the F@#k out!  Beyond reconition J.cotter can relate.T18EEEEHEEE !

Sun, 05/19/2013 - 03:59
CProRacing's picture
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Bonnet view for me.

Need to test this theory out ink :-) :-) 

Sun, 05/19/2013 - 23:05
oldmodelt's picture
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H2Daddy wrote:

Just wondering which view everyone uses during racing? I have been experimenting a little and can't figure out which is right.

In Season Play I use cockpit unless the car only allows me a WWII pill box view. When running in the lobbies with clan members I can still use it if I know the other clan members are clean and rational drivers. Otherwise I use the hood. But in order to use the cockpit view properly I recommend these settings. If you don't then you are definitely at a disadvantage.


Go to Play Career>>My Profile>>Options>>Multiscreen>>On>>Mode-Host>>Degrees Hidden-0>>Degrees Between Screens-90.0. Then save.


You will not be able to load any paints. You'll have to go back to default. Then re input these settings. I do it about once every 2 weeks when I have some new designs that the clan here graciously gifts to me. It takes all of about 2 mins to do and undo. But I think it's worth it.  And I only have a 24 in. HD screen.  I like to see the inside of the car while I'm racing.  On the older models I pop in the 8-track and I'm off.


On a slightly different note. The no brake line is for real men. Or you boys who have quick reflexes. Try it. Capt Nasties recommended it a while back and I switched over. I had gotten lazy but remembered that I didn't use it when I had the GT series.  I enjoy the tracks so much more. No more stupid line for your eyes to glaze over while the scenery of the game passes you by.


I get a lot of amusement when running a room and then take it off (with warnings) for a race or two and watch many of the guys drive like this.








Mon, 05/20/2013 - 16:49
Antz2ndxbox360's picture
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Cockpit, but bonnet when hotlapping.

Mon, 05/20/2013 - 18:29
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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I use the hood biew however I also run it with the Multiscreen set up in the options but use a singe 40 inch HDTV for the monitor.  It offers a slightly different depth perspective over the normal hood view and It helps with my reaction timing for some reason which I cant explain.  It just works for me.


Also just to clairify, you can see all the paints on all the cars (including yours) during the races in multiscreen view with a single monitor, you just cant go into the paint booth and edit/add/change your paints/decals while in this setting.

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 08:26
Trelliz's picture
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I use cockpit cam pretty much all the time, I can't use chase cam for proper racing games anymore and don't like bonnet/bumper cams that much.

Tue, 05/21/2013 - 10:18
jcotter13's picture
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I agree Max. the 3rd person views make me feel as if I am behind in my input contstantly. Those views work well for me when I play arcade style racers, but not for sims.

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