List your questions for Brian "Styles" Parks one of the designers for the Xbox One!!
List your questions for Brian "Styles" Parks one of the designers for the Xbox One!!
On 5/30/13 on the TNT show our guest will be one of the designers of the Xbox One. He will go through the design process and try to answer some of you questions about that. He will also try to answer hardware questions but please keep in mind his company has very littler interaction with the software, so questions about compatibility, user interface, what it can and cannot do will be very limited. His "direct" finger prints can be seen on the back plate of the One (were all the hook ups are at).
So please fire away with your questions and please read previous posts if your question has already been asked or not.
FYI folks his company did not design the controller and yes that means Brian does not work directly for MS, the design was out sourced. (Washington local company).
His company did the internal and external design of the XB1, MS did the design internally of the Kinect 2.0 with a little consultation from Styles company. So info on the kinect will be limited from him.
So these questions should be case related or can we delve a little deeper?
ask away, if he can or is allowed to answer it on the show, he will.
What new kinds of accessories can be plugged into the new data port on the controller?
Why is there no Displayport?
I really wanted to know how Xbox One will work different, if at all, when it's plugged into a computer monitor through HDMI rather than an actual TV that has a remote - but I don't know if that's what would be covered.
OH man, i have all KINDA questions, just pick the ones Styles can answer
1. Is the virtual technology based on Virtual Desktop or HyperV ?
2. How many virtual machines are running on the box and what is the resource division between those virtual machines (how many cores, ram, gpu each one)
3. Having an always on always listening camera and mic makes me uneasy, I unplug my Kinect now when not using it. Reassure me there are substancial privacy measures in place so some hacker or disgruntled microsoft employee can't access any live feeds.
4. Is it true that there's no power brick, it's all self contained inside the box?
5. Just how big is this box because it looks huge, like an early generation VCR or BluRay player huge. Size relative to 360 slim would be the best comparison.
6. Please tell me this thing is PROPERLY designed from a thermal perspective and isn't going to melt down like the early 360's
7. Why is Kinect so freak'in huge? It looks at least 3x the size of the original Kinect
8. Is ONE quiet and is it's bootup/UI fast? My two biggest complaints about 360 are how loud it is especially spinning a disc and how long it takes to power on and be ready to use, it's almost as bad at this point as waiting for an XP machine to boot.
9. What is ONE doing for voice comms, nothing was talked about at all with regard to headset connectivity, is it bluetooth or still proprietary.. is there wired options?
10. Does ONE have a fiber audio (TOSLINK) port to hook up expensive high end headphones many of us own like the existing Turtle Beaches, Trittons and Astros?
11. On the new controller what are those buttons that replaced back and start, what do they do?
12. Also on the new controller, can you talk about the battery, how long does it take to charge, how long can it play, is it removable, can i use AA's, can i play with it wired if the battery dies somehow?
13. Also on the new controller, does the D-Pad function properly, not all mushy and difficult to use like the current controllers on 360?
Bolded questions by LB: sorry edited my first post about them not designing the controller after you posted your question.
It has an absolutely gorgeous stately appearance. Where is the darn ONE?
It'd probably help to know what if anything he or his company did work on so we can come up with relevant questions. So far my only guess is the backplate that has the ports fit into it was designed by them, but I have no idea why we'd ask questions about that really. Any clarification at all on what we should be forming questions around?
It's a great chance for 2old2play members to interact in this way, and I'd not like to see it squandered because members didn't know what to ask about is all :)
Just tryin to help
Noted and edited my original post.
Styles, here are some of my questions.
Can you please provide some Hi-res photo's or renderings of the XB1 so we can get a very clear picture of how many ports their are and where?
How hot does it run compared say to the slim and if you have the data actual temp or the heat coming out of the vents?
How many versions of the retail sku (if more then one) were designed for initial release? Are there any themed XB1 coming out during the initial release?
Do you know of any size limitations or restrictions the MS has put into place to attach external storage. For example right now you can do 32 or 64 max on the 360 via flash drive.
How many different versions of the XB1 got axed, revamped, adjusted before the final look was chosen? Do you have pics or renderings of versions that were shit canned?
Why do you hate puppies?
Do you have the ability to kick the xbox higher ups in the balls or pink taco for fubaring the intial information being so fubared and confusing?
Why do you think Kia's are better vehicles then BMW's?
Lots of good questions so far. A few to add...
Do you have any insight as to the cost of the console? How much to you think it will actually cost M$ to make the XBONE console?
Please list the inputs and outputs too.
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Do you like movies about gladiators?
I thought the 360 was a great piece of hardware with high end specs when it released. The 360 enjoyed a long life cycle because of it. However, the specs on the One however seems closer to a mid-grade PC today. Most games just won't benefit from so many cores. It seems to me the core of the system has shifted away from a gaming platform and more to a jack of all trades entertainment center.
Seeing as how tech advances so quickly, what kind of life cycle can we expect out of this machine?
Gotta say, the 360 was not high end (PC-wise) when released. It was bargain 2003 parts in a 2005 box.
And yet, in the same year intel and AMD anounced their dual core processers for desktops and servers.
Was the devices look a consciously targetted design?
What was the inspiration for its look?
Who was it designed to appeal to in aesthetic - gamers, or people who plop it into their entertainment center without gaming cares?
Understanding that most companies will be a little reticent to discuss their design process, just shake your head and purse your lips a little if the design process deviated at all from this:
1) used a Dremel to remove the brands off of nine existing pieces of electronic equipment.
2) lined them up with a cunning lighting scheme in the back room of a Midwest Mall.
3) Asked twelve white people if they were employed and which they liked best.
4) tallied it up and determined that 3 of them liked the Tivo best and and the others split their votes.
5) Made it look like a Tivo.
Does the XB1 Kinect sensor need to automatically pivot like the 360 version?
How stable must its mounting be? Mounting foot print size?
Will the XB1 case be easier to disassemble than the 360's was? I am personally not interested in disassembling it but we all have memories from the ongoings of the 360's early history.
Which vent fin is yours?
How does this make you feel?
I find that strangely appealing. I guess it's the woodgrain.
Damn I'm getting old!
This is awesome!!
@ Bubba and Hoplite I love you guys lol
Why is the PSU not internal?
Why is the HDD not user upgradeable? And why is it so frakking small?
Will there be a wired controller option?
Will there be a high-end racing wheel option available at launch.
Will there be a new Chatpad? And if not, will the system support USB or Bluetooth Keyboard?
Will USB audio be enabled? (Like the Astro A50s on PS3.)
Will the system support Standard Bluetooth Headsets?
I may edit this post and add more.
will tyhere be an adapter so that my fanatec wheel and pedals work
Real quick, my comapny designs the console only for the One. So I will not be in the know on the Kinect or the controller for now. I, like you, got to see those 2 items for the first time on the reveal.
I do not know anything more than you guys do on the OS and how other thing will work once they are plugged in.
I'm a mechanical engineer and will be able to talk about some things in detail and not some much in others. I hope to give you guys an idea of how something like this comes to the market and a little more.
This vid cast should be pretty good and I expect some drinking to be done.
Cool, just go easy on Hitman, you got kind of rowdy during the Nintendo show...
And in an effort to maintain this thread as a question thread and not an extended thread of the to and fro quote-O-rama/My internet search skillz are much better then yourz pissing contest I have choosen to abuse my fascist "all mighty powahs of Crom" and decided to shit can those post that turn out to be dripping in weeping mangina-iss.
They will be moved to an appropriate thread, the title will be obvious. Hopfully I do not accidently delete these posts, but I would assume it would only be doing the site a favor if I did.
Given the facts that the games need to be installed and the increased presence of the cloud, was there any thought given to possibly having a "dumb client" add on that could effectively play the game via a lan connection on a second TV set? It could almost be an Intranet version of OnLive.
is there any reason that, as MS's Azure platform increases and matures, that it could effectively take over the generous portion of the work from the CPU/GPU thus freeing those cores up for other things? At some point in time you will hit the limit of the GPU and what it can display but with a mature cloud behind it the cores of the CPU could almost become moot.
Is the box truly just named the "XBOX"? I see no "One" I assume the "One" is the entire user experience, software and hardware.
It's on the top of the console near the front edge.