Oklahoma Tornadoes

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#1 Fri, 05/24/2013 - 08:17
imjimeez44's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 05/29/2011 - 23:00

Oklahoma Tornadoes

I got home yesterday from Moore Ok. Went in with ODOT, where I work.  My first experience with a disaster of this magnatude.  The pics that you see on TV cannot compare with what I saw with my own eyes. I saw cars that looked like they had been beat with sledge hammers flipped where the sat and beat some more, a car rim stuck in the roof of a house, aluminum siding in car window. I saw a house that for the most part had all 4 walls still standing while the rest of the block was leveled. The one thing that stands out for me, There a kitchen with 3 walls gone and the 4 had cabinets on it, the cabinets doors gone but dishes were still neatly stcked in it. In the worst part of Moore some of the guys I work with were telling me of a similar things like flour oatmeal still standing in a cabinet.  Houses were swirled up into a pile of rubble in the center of the pad on which they were built.

There is a ton of volunteers that are on site helping out. There are so many that at times they hinder our work. They are the ones that kept the the victims fed and liquid to drink and us. They gaves all a hot meal for which I am thankful for.  There was a lady and her family that set up a grill in her drive way in front of her empty lot because the house was gone and grilled Brauts and Dogs for anyone that needed to eat.

I saw more Church affiliated volunteers Than anything else up there. I guess in the "Bible Belt " one should expect that and for that we are grateful. These were the work force. They came with shovels and rakes and gloves to help out with cleaning yards. They also did the food and drink for all that needed it. 

We were trying to do our cleanup work but were very much hampered by siteseers.  They congested the road we had to use to ge our truck loads of rubble to the landfill. Instead of a 1 hour roundtrip it was 2 and we really had to watch our backs while on the street. These siteseers were so engrossed at looing that they were not paying attention to driving. With a lot of luck none of us were hit, some close calls but that is all.  

Moore seems to be getting the majority of the press right now but we should not forget Shawnee, Carney and Newcastle.

Shawnee and Carney tornadoes happened the day before. 

Right now I have heard from news feeds there is a shortage of money for the relief volenteers. So if you feels the need to help out, donate to the Red Cross or any one of  oganizations that do disaster relief.  They have the means to get more bang for the buck and can make that donation go farther.  

It was unfukin believable what I saw both good and bad. The next one will be way to soon..... and there will be a next one for this is Tornado Alley. 


Fri, 05/24/2013 - 09:23
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/06/2011 - 23:00
Be strong fella! Prayers with those affected
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 10:15
jcotter13's picture
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We've had our share of tornado's here in Nashville. My heart goes out to everyone affected in the tornados. On the bright side, times like these tend to bing out the best in people. Thank you Jim for volunteering your time to help those in need. It will come back to you some day.

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 11:53
gizziegod's picture
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and stay safe

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 21:00
Ammodawg's picture
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We watched the tornado go by our office to the south.  One of our supervisor's wife was in a bank across the street from one of the elemntry schools.  They took shelter in the vault and came out okay.  A lady that worked at our main center at the airport was one of the fatalities in the 7-11 that was hit.  

Its always impressive to some degree to see the power that these storms can unleash. I grew up in Oklahoma and have seen many tornados.   This one is the largest one I can remember at just over 2 mile wide debris cloud.  

Sat, 05/25/2013 - 03:05
POIDSLY's picture
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Joined: 01/02/2010 - 23:00

My thoughts have been with everyone.

Sun, 05/26/2013 - 10:06
CaptainCooter's picture
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Joined: 07/25/2008 - 23:00


I'm sure you guys have already been searching for images and have read up on it. And as for some of you, you have seen the actual carnage. Natural disasters like this make you feel lucky to be alive and appreciate the people you have around you. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the area affected by these tornados. It's the thoughts, prayers, and family/friends that kept everyone afloat here when we got slammed by Hurricane Sandy. When you experience such a disaster, your in such a shock that it kinda stupifies you and makes you feel overwhelmed. And it's people like Jimee, getting out there and helping with the clean up and relief efforts that help to make all the difference.


16Thank you Jimee! 16

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