My xbox acct is on hiatus for awhile so I've decided to return to pc. I've decidied to either give this a go or head back to WoW. So anyone still playing this? Is it a worthy time sink?
Everyday. I love the World v World v World combat. We have a few 2o2p'ers on the Fort Aspenwood server. GW2 is great in that you don't have to pay a sub. That said, I did dump cash into the game.
I think the questing is pretty solid. It's on par with any other MMO I played (WoW and SWTOR). The graphics and scenary are amazing, the world does look beautiful. I think the PvP matches are a little weak and I really don't do them. WvWvW is what I mainly do now. It's 3 servers on 4 enormous maps in a week long 24/7 battle. You seige towers, keeps and castles. It's a lot of fun.
I'll leave this review here. I still think it's relevant. Shit, you can't go wrong for $60 even if you only play 1 toon.
GW2 is a great game and I'd highly recommend it, especially over WoW. After playing GW2 for months I don't think I could ever go back to old mmo play style, just feels painfully slow to me.
Lala Calamari wrote:
I haven't logged in for a couple months now, have any of the recent updates added anything worthwhile to the game, specifically WvW? I loved WvW but the big update was a huge disappointment to me and I really just lost interest so I moved on to other games. Is sF still active? In all that time spent in GW2 I still never ran a dungeon but honestly I'd like to.
sF is still active, but our WvW group took a hit. We're rebuilding the WvW group. We usually have 10-15 that run a large havoc squad everynight.
There's been some changes to WvW but nothing earth shattering. Big plus is you can use Badges of Honor to by any type of Exotic armor and weapon. I had over 12 stacks so I was easily able to gear out my newly dinged 80 Necro. They fixed culling as well. I expect more changes to come as well. I still enjoy WvW, it's the main reason I play.
Dungeons are a lot of fun, same with the Fractuals of the Mists (mini dungeons). I do them everyonce in a while to help a guildie (Warriors are loved in dungeosn) or if I want to earn some cash.
I'm still on, running around Fort Aspenwood. Still predomedantly PvE (and low level at that, due to a couple month hiatus). Did get into a little WvW last night with some PACT guys, taking a couple supply camps. WvW is definitely better when you can run around with others. You don't live long on your own.
Still my favorite MMO style game. I gave up on WoW even before my trial membership expired.
The guild I'm in partners with PACT all the time (sF). I think we're both supposed to do guild missions tonight.
WvW is my favorite part of the game. Whether it's running with a zerg, running Havoc, or whatever. I love the battles. I think I have almost 12,000 kills in WvW.
That said, I'm not so sure about Fort Aspenwood. I'm not a big fan of the guilds that do WvW, they don't work together at all. I have no clue how our server manages to stay in tier 2. Also, my guild has slowed down it's activity in WvW. It's been mostly PvE lately. I may switch servers once again. I'll see how the upcoming WvW patch turns out first.
It sounds like they are trying to get a bunch of the guild leaders together to try to possibly reorganize the WvW effort (at least that's the jist I get from the FA forums). We'll see how all that pans out. Maybe there will be a more coordinated effort at the next reset. I saw some mumblings of using the first day of reset for testing out some new peeps for leadership roles. That's what I've picked up anyways just glancing through. My main focus is still PvE (need to get those toons leveled up), so I don't pay a lot of focused attention in the WvW threads.
That said, I'm currently running around guildless (I've got a pending entry into Drgn), but have been hanging out on the PACT TS server in the lobby, as I've yet to see a Drgn online yet. But I've got pretty sporatic times that I'm on, which I'm sure doesn't help. So in that aspect, being tied to a guild that runs with PACT is a huge bonus for me.
I can hook you up with a large, friendly guild. Hit me up in game if you're interested.
I saw the reset meeting thread. They can piss off with that. We've some that before. My guild was the ones that stated those and tried to get the community on the same page. They bitched and moaned about it and just were complete asses.
FA has a ton of good WvW'ers but is just missing any form of unity. It's why i dislike the server.
I'll keep it in mind if I don't hear back soon, I've still got you in my contacts list. I may also petition Zander to let me sneak in the back door at PACT too. There have been several people on the PACT TS server during the random times I've been on. It would be nice to get in on some dungeon runs and what not once I get some levels on my toons. I think they were running some "Rush" operations for half hour or so on Tuesday (had the day off).
BTW, saw you run by last night when I logged in briefly to check for messages. Saw Lala xxxxxxxxxx run past. "Hey, I think I know that guy!" Checked my contact list, yup, that was him.
Zander is a good guy and PACT is a good guild. Like I said, we run stuff with them all the time.
BTW, major server drama in the WvW section. 2 WvW guilds are leaving and creating a giant stink. These things are interesting as it usually becomes a domino effect.
BTW, VK and BT left. Some other smaller guilds left as well. FA is actually better off without VK as they did nothing for PPT in WvW. We will miss Novus as he lead the pugs on EB. That was a Karma / Loot train.
Ended up getting my invite to [Drgn] Thursday, then also ended up getting an invite from Chef @ [PACT] on Sunday to run some Guild Bounty & Rushes. I spent way too much time in GW2 this weekend. I meant to spend a bit of time on Neverwinter, but I couldn't pull myself away.
I also managed to pick up about 10 levels on my squishy Ele, and 3 on my Warrior. Trying to focus on map completions right now so I can better partake in the Guild Events, as it's tough to take waypoints to an area on the map when I don't even have half the map opened up yet.....
I had a real hard time with the ele. I don't think they come into their own until the later levels. I finally gave up around 45. I'd regear him every few levels as well. It was a very rough class for me, I died all the time. My ranger died 7 times total from 1-60.
My favorite class to play is my Necro. It's just such a fun class for WvW. You also have a shit ton of AoEs so you earn a ton of loot. I have so many Badges of Honor.
I also have a Warrior and Ranger that are 80. Both have Commander tags. I've shelved the ranger, the pets are broken and I'm tired of being gimped. I'd use him again if I could respec to no pets. The Warrior is a good all around class. He's great for PvE and dungeons. I also have a WvW build that's pretty tanky and has a lot of crowd control abilities. I mainly leap into an enemy zerg and wreak havoc, then walk out. He can really take a beating.
I've been getting some help from the PACT guys (& gals) when I find myself in a pinch.....which is easy to do in a squishy ele. Bumped up a couple more levels to 47 last night, and got another area & daily completion. I'm also working on a warrior (lvl 20) when I get tired of getting squished, and want to do some squishing myself.
I've barely dabbled with a guardian & engineer (lvl 7 & 3), and will likely spend more time with those later. For now I'm focusing on my map completions.....though I'm thinking it might be wiser to shift gears to the warrior when running solo. I can always switch out to the ele when I'm running in a party.
If you're too squishy, get some Toughness and Vitality gear. Dagger / Dagger is good with Power, Toughness and Vitality. Also, get food buffs. You can have a food and another one up at all times. Finally, put in some gems on the gear. I found that my ele was squishy so I had to constantly keep all the gear updated. I hear it's better after 60.
Yeah, I've been loading gear w/ vitality & toughness jems. I've been thinking of dropping one of my crafts (currently artifacing & tailor) and picking up cooking. I like the cooking craft on my other toon. Pretty easy to keep a 10% experience bonus +buff going...especially when they last 30 minutes at a shot. I've been getting better at the hit and run tactic with my staff ele. It's great in a party though. Lay down a little AoE and flame burst, then drop some healing rain on the party, and dust off with another round of AoE & a flaming greatsword for a finish.
Had some fun this weekend. Got the Ele up to 60 on a map completion run w/ a small party. Worked my Warrior up to 29, when I want a little change from the "squishy" Ele.
Also had a blast Friday night on TC Boarderlands in the [PACT] Havoc Squad (we actually owned a sizable chunk of the map, including Hills). The defense of Hills was epic. TC was driven back out of the keep after they broke through the doors, even though they had 4 times the numbers.
And it sounds like Derv is pissing people off again. We may even pick up a couple defactors from [GODS] after the Hills defense Friday night.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
add Dasboba.1652
Even though I play with a "broken build" I still own with my necro. You and grex should take notes. Hell, I have 12, 500 total kills in wvwvw.
Even though I play with a "broken build" I still own with my necro. You and grex should take notes. Hell, I have 12, 500 total kills in wvwvw.
It ain't what you got, but how you use it.
12.5k, damn impressive. I think I'm at a whopping half dozen. Better watch out, I'm going to be taking over the world next.
I'm just busting on Das, as it's a build he custom taylored for me and my playstyle. I think it's pretty solid. Someone called it broken without even looking at it, so that's what I meant. Meanwhile I have no issues surviving battles and I collect a ton of loot from dead bodies. I really enjoy the necro.
I rolled a new toon about a week or 2 ago. It's a Guardian and I have to say I really like this class. I never expected to but I think he's way more useful at 40 than my Warrior is at 80 in WvW. Here's a leveling guide I'm loosely following. I re-spec for WvW as I run Staff instead of Great Sword.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
add Dasboba.1652
Even though I play with a "broken build" I still own with my necro. You and grex should take notes. Hell, I have 12, 500 total kills in wvwvw.
What's yer build? I loved my 80 Necro as a D/D + Axe/Focus power crit build, but also had a hybrid Scepter/D + Staff build that did tons of condition damage as well as good power/crit. Had 2 full sets of exotics for that toon, might have actually been the most fun to play of all my 80's.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
add Dasboba.1652
Even though I play with a "broken build" I still own with my necro. You and grex should take notes. Hell, I have 12, 500 total kills in wvwvw.
What's yer build? I loved my 80 Necro as a D/D + Axe/Focus power crit build, but also had a hybrid Scepter/D + Staff build that did tons of condition damage as well as good power/crit. Had 2 full sets of exotics for that toon, might have actually been the most fun to play of all my 80's.
Here is the build Das hooked me up with. I did switch out Blood is Power for Signet of the Locust. I'm sure this is a real bad choice but I can not stand being slow. I need the speed buff to help kite and move. This is a great class to play. Join EB when Novus is commanding and collect a mega shit ton of loot.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
add Dasboba.1652
Got you added last night.
Last night was supposed to be a quick log in, knock out the dailies and go to bed (after a V8 Supercar race). Just as I was finishing up the dailies, some of the PACTies went and started up a low level rampage group to roll through Queensdale (working towards map completion for some new characters). It was quite amusing having a mob of a dozen or so rolling across the map, taking down bandit and Moa alike, leaving piles of clothes and feathers in our wake.
Ended up getting to bed too late yet again last night. One of these days I'll learn.....maybe.
Dammit, after playing a night of WvW I might be getting the bug to play this game again...
Respecced and geared my Ranger to this new build, full Clerics gear, 0/10/20/15/25 using GS and Sw/WH (switch to a range wep in zergs). I've always played my Ranger full Berserker's, tried a cond build once but in general I dislike cond builds. Anyway, my damage is pretty shitty, but the healing,toughness and evades makes me really hard to kill and my pet does crazy damage. Was really fun to play. Of course, I see talk on the forums of an incoming nerf to pet damage...
I'm working on my Guardian. He's 55ish now and I regear every few levels. Especially if I'm heading into WvW. Right now I run PVT gear with Runes of the Guardian. I'm pretty tanky for being upleveled. My only problem is I hit like a wet noodle. I'm using Staff and Hammer for WvW. I swap the Staff for GS in PvE. Our group really needs Guardians, Mesmers and Eles and I'm trying to fill that void. I still need to get used to casting lines/rings of wading.
I started leveling a Guardian before I took a break from the game and would really love to play one in WvW at lv 80, but with five 80's already I don't think I have it in me to level another one. I'd totally run him in full Berserker's though if I was to level him.
Everyday. I love the World v World v World combat. We have a few 2o2p'ers on the Fort Aspenwood server. GW2 is great in that you don't have to pay a sub. That said, I did dump cash into the game.
I think the questing is pretty solid. It's on par with any other MMO I played (WoW and SWTOR). The graphics and scenary are amazing, the world does look beautiful. I think the PvP matches are a little weak and I really don't do them. WvWvW is what I mainly do now. It's 3 servers on 4 enormous maps in a week long 24/7 battle. You seige towers, keeps and castles. It's a lot of fun.
I'll leave this review here. I still think it's relevant. Shit, you can't go wrong for $60 even if you only play 1 toon.
GW2 is a great game and I'd highly recommend it, especially over WoW. After playing GW2 for months I don't think I could ever go back to old mmo play style, just feels painfully slow to me.
I haven't logged in for a couple months now, have any of the recent updates added anything worthwhile to the game, specifically WvW? I loved WvW but the big update was a huge disappointment to me and I really just lost interest so I moved on to other games. Is sF still active? In all that time spent in GW2 I still never ran a dungeon but honestly I'd like to.
sF is still active, but our WvW group took a hit. We're rebuilding the WvW group. We usually have 10-15 that run a large havoc squad everynight.
There's been some changes to WvW but nothing earth shattering. Big plus is you can use Badges of Honor to by any type of Exotic armor and weapon. I had over 12 stacks so I was easily able to gear out my newly dinged 80 Necro. They fixed culling as well. I expect more changes to come as well. I still enjoy WvW, it's the main reason I play.
Dungeons are a lot of fun, same with the Fractuals of the Mists (mini dungeons). I do them everyonce in a while to help a guildie (Warriors are loved in dungeosn) or if I want to earn some cash.
I'm still on, running around Fort Aspenwood. Still predomedantly PvE (and low level at that, due to a couple month hiatus). Did get into a little WvW last night with some PACT guys, taking a couple supply camps. WvW is definitely better when you can run around with others. You don't live long on your own..gif)
Still my favorite MMO style game. I gave up on WoW even before my trial membership expired.
The guild I'm in partners with PACT all the time (sF). I think we're both supposed to do guild missions tonight.
WvW is my favorite part of the game. Whether it's running with a zerg, running Havoc, or whatever. I love the battles. I think I have almost 12,000 kills in WvW.
That said, I'm not so sure about Fort Aspenwood. I'm not a big fan of the guilds that do WvW, they don't work together at all. I have no clue how our server manages to stay in tier 2. Also, my guild has slowed down it's activity in WvW. It's been mostly PvE lately. I may switch servers once again. I'll see how the upcoming WvW patch turns out first.
It sounds like they are trying to get a bunch of the guild leaders together to try to possibly reorganize the WvW effort (at least that's the jist I get from the FA forums). We'll see how all that pans out. Maybe there will be a more coordinated effort at the next reset. I saw some mumblings of using the first day of reset for testing out some new peeps for leadership roles. That's what I've picked up anyways just glancing through. My main focus is still PvE (need to get those toons leveled up), so I don't pay a lot of focused attention in the WvW threads.
That said, I'm currently running around guildless (I've got a pending entry into Drgn), but have been hanging out on the PACT TS server in the lobby, as I've yet to see a Drgn online yet. But I've got pretty sporatic times that I'm on, which I'm sure doesn't help. So in that aspect, being tied to a guild that runs with PACT is a huge bonus for me.
I'll keep it in mind if I don't hear back soon, I've still got you in my contacts list. I may also petition Zander to let me sneak in the back door at PACT too. There have been several people on the PACT TS server during the random times I've been on. It would be nice to get in on some dungeon runs and what not once I get some levels on my toons. I think they were running some "Rush" operations for half hour or so on Tuesday (had the day off).
BTW, saw you run by last night when I logged in briefly to check for messages. Saw Lala xxxxxxxxxx run past. "Hey, I think I know that guy!"
Checked my contact list, yup, that was him.
Zander is a good guy and PACT is a good guild. Like I said, we run stuff with them all the time.
BTW, major server drama in the WvW section. 2 WvW guilds are leaving and creating a giant stink. These things are interesting as it usually becomes a domino effect.
Oh really! Must be in the private PvP area I can't see in.
Who's leaving?
PACT is defentily a good guild. have run with them quite a bit
As for sF they made Lala a guild leader so you can make your judgement there. but like him I spend most of my gaming in gw2 and wvw for that matter.
Grex is just jealous of all the badges I get.
BTW, VK and BT left. Some other smaller guilds left as well. FA is actually better off without VK as they did nothing for PPT in WvW. We will miss Novus as he lead the pugs on EB. That was a Karma / Loot train.
Ended up getting my invite to [Drgn] Thursday, then also ended up getting an invite from Chef @ [PACT] on Sunday to run some Guild Bounty & Rushes. I spent way too much time in GW2 this weekend. I meant to spend a bit of time on Neverwinter, but I couldn't pull myself away.
I also managed to pick up about 10 levels on my squishy Ele, and 3 on my Warrior. Trying to focus on map completions right now so I can better partake in the Guild Events, as it's tough to take waypoints to an area on the map when I don't even have half the map opened up yet.....
I had a real hard time with the ele. I don't think they come into their own until the later levels. I finally gave up around 45. I'd regear him every few levels as well. It was a very rough class for me, I died all the time. My ranger died 7 times total from 1-60.
Right now I'm working on a Guardian. They are such a useful class for WvW (which I mostly do). I'm using a Greatsword Power level guide to get him to 80. At that point I'll revisit the traits and armor and gear him for WvW.
My favorite class to play is my Necro. It's just such a fun class for WvW. You also have a shit ton of AoEs so you earn a ton of loot. I have so many Badges of Honor.
I also have a Warrior and Ranger that are 80. Both have Commander tags. I've shelved the ranger, the pets are broken and I'm tired of being gimped. I'd use him again if I could respec to no pets. The Warrior is a good all around class. He's great for PvE and dungeons. I also have a WvW build that's pretty tanky and has a lot of crowd control abilities. I mainly leap into an enemy zerg and wreak havoc, then walk out. He can really take a beating.
I've been getting some help from the PACT guys (& gals) when I find myself in a pinch.....which is easy to do in a squishy ele.
Bumped up a couple more levels to 47 last night, and got another area & daily completion. I'm also working on a warrior (lvl 20) when I get tired of getting squished, and want to do some squishing myself.
I've barely dabbled with a guardian & engineer (lvl 7 & 3), and will likely spend more time with those later. For now I'm focusing on my map completions.....though I'm thinking it might be wiser to shift gears to the warrior when running solo. I can always switch out to the ele when I'm running in a party.
If you're too squishy, get some Toughness and Vitality gear. Dagger / Dagger is good with Power, Toughness and Vitality. Also, get food buffs. You can have a food and another one up at all times. Finally, put in some gems on the gear. I found that my ele was squishy so I had to constantly keep all the gear updated. I hear it's better after 60.
Yeah, I've been loading gear w/ vitality & toughness jems. I've been thinking of dropping one of my crafts (currently artifacing & tailor) and picking up cooking. I like the cooking craft on my other toon. Pretty easy to keep a 10% experience bonus +buff going...especially when they last 30 minutes at a shot. I've been getting better at the hit and run tactic with my staff ele. It's great in a party though. Lay down a little AoE and flame burst, then drop some healing rain on the party, and dust off with another round of AoE & a flaming greatsword for a finish.
Had some fun this weekend. Got the Ele up to 60 on a map completion run w/ a small party. Worked my Warrior up to 29, when I want a little change from the "squishy" Ele.
Also had a blast Friday night on TC Boarderlands in the [PACT] Havoc Squad (we actually owned a sizable chunk of the map, including Hills). The defense of Hills was epic. TC was driven back out of the keep after they broke through the doors, even though they had 4 times the numbers.
And it sounds like Derv is pissing people off again.
We may even pick up a couple defactors from [GODS] after the Hills defense Friday night.
What's your name on there Sherb? I'll add you to my friends list. Then sometime you can come run w/me and I'll show you how to really run a necro, unlike lala and grex. O_o Ah, who am I kidding I'll be playing my Mesmer. All my characters have the first name Das, so be on the lookout.
add Dasboba.1652
It ain't what you got, but how you use it..gif)
12.5k, damn impressive. I think I'm at a whopping half dozen. Better watch out, I'm going to be taking over the world next..gif)
I'm just busting on Das, as it's a build he custom taylored for me and my playstyle. I think it's pretty solid. Someone called it broken without even looking at it, so that's what I meant. Meanwhile I have no issues surviving battles and I collect a ton of loot from dead bodies. I really enjoy the necro.
I rolled a new toon about a week or 2 ago. It's a Guardian and I have to say I really like this class. I never expected to but I think he's way more useful at 40 than my Warrior is at 80 in WvW. Here's a leveling guide I'm loosely following. I re-spec for WvW as I run Staff instead of Great Sword.
What's yer build? I loved my 80 Necro as a D/D + Axe/Focus power crit build, but also had a hybrid Scepter/D + Staff build that did tons of condition damage as well as good power/crit. Had 2 full sets of exotics for that toon, might have actually been the most fun to play of all my 80's.
Here is the build Das hooked me up with. I did switch out Blood is Power for Signet of the Locust. I'm sure this is a real bad choice but I can not stand being slow. I need the speed buff to help kite and move. This is a great class to play. Join EB when Novus is commanding and collect a mega shit ton of loot.
Got you added last night.
Last night was supposed to be a quick log in, knock out the dailies and go to bed (after a V8 Supercar race). Just as I was finishing up the dailies, some of the PACTies went and started up a low level rampage group to roll through Queensdale (working towards map completion for some new characters). It was quite amusing having a mob of a dozen or so rolling across the map, taking down bandit and Moa alike, leaving piles of clothes and feathers in our wake.
Ended up getting to bed too late yet again last night.
One of these days I'll learn.....maybe.
Dammit, after playing a night of WvW I might be getting the bug to play this game again...
Respecced and geared my Ranger to this new build, full Clerics gear, 0/10/20/15/25 using GS and Sw/WH (switch to a range wep in zergs). I've always played my Ranger full Berserker's, tried a cond build once but in general I dislike cond builds. Anyway, my damage is pretty shitty, but the healing,toughness and evades makes me really hard to kill and my pet does crazy damage. Was really fun to play. Of course, I see talk on the forums of an incoming nerf to pet damage...
I'm working on my Guardian. He's 55ish now and I regear every few levels. Especially if I'm heading into WvW. Right now I run PVT gear with Runes of the Guardian. I'm pretty tanky for being upleveled. My only problem is I hit like a wet noodle. I'm using Staff and Hammer for WvW. I swap the Staff for GS in PvE. Our group really needs Guardians, Mesmers and Eles and I'm trying to fill that void. I still need to get used to casting lines/rings of wading.
I started leveling a Guardian before I took a break from the game and would really love to play one in WvW at lv 80, but with five 80's already I don't think I have it in me to level another one. I'd totally run him in full Berserker's though if I was to level him.