XBox Live account
Wed, 05/29/2013 - 06:33
XBox Live account
Do to the economy these days as of June 4th I will be off XBOX LIVE for a while. I don't know when I will be back on, My account expires, And I have to pay bills b4 I can buy a yr membership. I will miss all of you deeply it has been fun getting to play and know all of you guys, I will how ever been checking in to the web site daily, those of you who like to stay in contact can reach me here or email @ Take care hope to see you all very soon.
thanx for all your friendships
Hope to see you back on the track soon fella!
I have some weekend passes if you are interested. That would at least let you get on occasionally. Let me know.
Keep your eyes peeled for the deals on xbox live cards I know they can still be had for around 35 bucks time to time. That's the price point I always look for. Hope things get sorted for ya soon and see you on the track in the future.
Thanx Brnt.. I usually look for the MSG Kit its like 70 but you get head set msg pad an out dated game plus 12 mths... Just I hadn't worked in over a yr and now I have 2 jobs to catch up on bills. and no time to play bc of the two jobs so it would be useless to buy at this point. BTW I want that monster Lexus livery Bad... I cant see it but if u have a picture either FM4 0r FM3..
do you remember if the orange is the car color ??? how did you do the hood/ top????