I have got to stop going into the MWO forums
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:37
I have got to stop going into the MWO forums
I do it while I work, and find it does make time go by, but greatly infuriating at the same time. I really want to help PGI solve the issues they're trying to balance. But I find myself posting more meme's about people QQ'ing or needing to search the threads for the exact same 100 threads started before or my favorite, Dead Horse in a Cube.
So yeah I'd have to agree, I think this would be a better place to objectively look at the problems PGI has with balancing and come up with constructive criticism and potential solutions to make the game better, at least for us... lol
I liked the forums. I occasionally got steamed, but for the most part, I was able to tune out the more ridiculous subsection of the board and enjoy the back and forth and detailed discussion of the game. However, since the demise of GD, I've found it much harder to find worthwhile conversations and to follow them, so my forum usage has dropped significantly.
Please forgive my ignorance, what is GD?
The General Discussion forum, few weeks ago it was broken down into several sub-sections like Mech discussion, Gameplay, Suggestions and others. I spent most of my time in the second one. Which everyone who liked to bitch and moan about the effects of the latest patch and the games downfall have seemed to have migrated to...
I agree with Ferret on that one. I spent most of my forum time in GD, but now with the 100 bajillion different subforums, I pretty much skip it. Ok, there aren't really 100 bajillion, but there are too many.
See I just moved to the Gameplay Discussion forum. It's pretty much all there now..
yeah the forums can be a comical place with criers and finger pointers everywhere.
Lots of bridges with trolls underneath.
I don't mind the whining or even the repeated posts. What really bugs me about the forums are the forum warriors. People that always think they are right, always think that they know better than the rest of the world, and never shut up need to lose some typing fingers....
This ^
Keyboard warriors!! battle for the foums.
But I am always right.
Streaks should only hit ct, ecm shouldn't be all three ecm suites combined into one, and we need wieght limits and no 'elo class matching'.