Old Campaign's, Old Multiplayer and a small Retro rant
Old Campaign's, Old Multiplayer and a small Retro rant
So I've been running through COD 2 and trying to finish it up veteran and I gotta say I'm having a great time even when I've raged...lol My goal is to go through all the titles up to blops 1 and finish them on veteran just because it's fun and not only for cheevo's. So being that I was in a retro mood the other night I decided to play COD 4 mp and got into a "nonhacked" dom lobby and man I gotta say it really was a good time, people played straight no BS and best of all no one quit out. So I started to think it's sad to see these old games collect dust due to the newest version that's out or just from them being over run by hackers or whatever else there could be. Now I'm sure someone could come in here tell me all the bad point's about games like this even when they were still the main thing to play but to be honest I don't care, because I was having fun. And then I thought to myself how I miss the days when you just picked up a game and played the hell out it without knowing all the insider gossip about spawn trapping or the update to fix a glitch in the game or whatever else it could be. So I'm sure you're all wondering what the point of my little rant is? Well just because a new game came out doesn't mean we should forget about that old one we put hours into and really had fun with . So pick up that old game whatever it is and play hell out of it like you just got it yesterday because the only way these game really go away is if we let them
Game on Retro friends
Man I miss those days too.
It's like you have to research the web every day to keep up with the latest trends in FPS to "not be a noob". Battlefield 3 has been my game of choice the last couple of years and the endless patches, tweaks and "balances" just wear you out. That's one reason why I'm thinking of not getting a new console. I am so tired of downloading updates and the console manufacturers over complicating everything.
I just want to plug and play end of story.
It's the simplicity we want back because it seems, in some sense that we've gotten to a head of ourselves with all the shiny bling to make us go "oooh,ahhh" and in reality it's not different then the last game sometimes even worse ..I remember the days of playing Atari and just trying to figure it out on my own and not knowing anything about it and nower day's we got these issues with brand new games that just came out and we all rush out and spend hard earned cash only to have game suck and the old version be so much better .. But don't get me wrong I'm not downing all new things I own a few myself I'm just tired of updates and this thing and that thing that comes with it.
So I have to add something here.. The other day I decided to play COD W@W and of course everyones hacking the damn " people flying around board,they can't die , thing's popping up on screen telling you off" so I decided to tweet to XBOX support well they should change that name cause I didnt see any support happening other then report them through xboxlive or on the xbox forums and in the 3 hr tweeting of me telling them Ive done all this before they just need to go loo for themselves or could they give me a # to an actual supervisor not a monkey at a phone that's reading a script pinned up on their cubical wall , well that was a no go but I made sure I added Activision support,ABCWorldnews and Treyarch themselves ..Low and be hold Activision support responded and even followed me so our conversation could be kept quietly through DM and not so public.I sent them a few pics from my phone and even a video , someone might say why do I care so much well cause they are still good games . If this hacking happend on PC I wouldn't complain so much cause of the freedoms the pc games are given but since xbox is a controlled area where that stuff's not suppose to happen it bothers me more. I spoke with Actvision support VIA twitter DM they looking at this matter
Interesting, keep us posted on what happens. I reckon they will string you along and hope you get bored and go away. There was a lot to be said for locking a game down at release. I mean that's why consoles became so popular. People wanted plug and play. I play my PSP a lot more since Sony stopped supporting it. I know now I won't have to worry about downloading a 20 minute system update every time I turn the bloody thing on just to play a game for 10 minutes.
I'll give them a little time and then cause a ruckus ..lol
Good points GUL74 - my rant would be on the fumbling of Halo 4, still being tweaked 7 months after launch, still not as functional as previous halos, etc. etc.
And, though it's not old or retro, my kids and I go back to the Halo 3:ODST campaign again and again, still fun, and even better with some buddies.
Good to get some games in with you GUL, at the last few open-site Thursdays! - Game On!
Your 100 % right man you paid for a game that's still not right ..ODST is great campaign to play, though I've said this many times the music in that is soooo depressing makes me wana cry into my beer..lol
Thanks man I had a great time hanging with ya, had to shut my mic off after a while the fam was going to bed but fun none the less
I didnt bother with Halo. In fact I dont think I've turned my xbox on for about a month. Fire Emblem on 3DS FTW!
Not even Halo 1?..How is the 3ds
Well I mean I didnt bother with Halo 4. I was never a big Halo fan though. I had a PS2 and gamecube and never played the original xbox.
TBH I rarely play the 3DS. The 3D effect works well but I normally turn it off after 5 minutes because it gives me a headache. The Fire Emblem game is great on the other hand. I just finished it after about 35 hours. Theres a fair bit of replay value so I'll probably be playing it for a while more.
As kids we couldn't get enough of stuff in 3d (Old King Kong movies) now it makes us sick or gives headaches ..shit maybe we are old lol ..I loved my PS2 some good games on that and funny never had it hooked up to the internet.. I played on someone elses game cube and I gotta say it was really cool something I would of owned if $$ was avail at the time