This makes me sad ...
Thu, 06/06/2013 - 15:36
This makes me sad ...
Its been months since Ive logged on to this site , WTF happened ? This used to be THE place to go for all your friends and Clans .. Everyone's gone :( It looks so different now ... I had many years of enjoyment here at 2old2play , hopefully the good old days can make a comeback..
well, to be fair, you've not logged in for months so you're part of the problem. lol![wink wink](
I think Facebook and Twitter, and just chatting on XBL instead of here is part of the problem too.
That's what happens when an entire age demographic gets shit on by the gaming companies.
I've almost given up on mp online games, any game that offers a "season pass", or anything with online only capabilities.
The market has gotten really slim since then. Oh sure I still occasionally make a misguided poor purchase, but, I am quickly reminded of the suck that is today's game environment.
I'm not excited about the xbone. I honestly hope I have the willpower to resist buying it.
Considering how put off I am at the moment it really shouldn't be hard.
and for those of you that want to come back at me with something for something. Go fuck yourself. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
I haven't seen where the good old days have gone to. Didn't know they were gone. Like most things, there is ebb and flow here. Sometimes the site is just hopping with good stuff and other times dead calm and then there is the current uproar. I like a little calm between the storms. It gets people thinking of new ideas to wake the place up.
The Forza group's banging full throttle?
I do find it strange when people say things have changed and wonder where the others have gone when they themselves have been gone. Of coarse things will change. We started out as a tiny site running phpbb forums and have changed several times over since then. I'm already working on a new incarnation of the site as well. This is a hobby for me and a passion. I don't find it very fun to stand still or produce more of the same. Those that stick around do so because they found a home here and allow me to fuck with their home on a fairly regular basis.
Thanks for making this place great, it has literally saved my soul so you get a free pass to fuck with my home anytime, in fact every night before I go to sleep I put cookies and milk next to the window with a little place card that says," For Doodi."
I"m not sure why but it seems like when v3 came out, tons of people left. Maybe there are other reasons, I can't see why a website update would drive so many people away. But activity is certainly we down from the hayday of v2. Not sure why this is the case, but people seem to have gone in significant numbers.
I know that AoW, where I used to post more often died around v3. But that clan was on its deathbed anyway. I think the site upgrade just pulled the plug and prevented a slower death.
And I personally haven't posted in quite a while, but that's been due to life being busy. I think that's going to be the nature of a site that caters to adult that have jobs, kids, spouses....lives. There will be natural ups and downs of activity.This site is an extension of a hobby. And when pressed for time, people are going to choose to game...than talk about gaming.
My life has slowed down a bit so I've been back lurking the last month or so and on my Xbox more.
It doesn't help that we're at the end of the console lifecycles either. I'm sure activity will pick up this fall. Hopefully more people will chime into the Xbox ONE/PS4 conversations to diversify the current threads that seem to trend toward the path of fighting for opinions super seriously.
I'm missing the blogosphere on here. Even if I space my blogs daily, on a slow week, my avatar is still multiple times in the recents-bar. On the up-side though, no more spam-accounts, so win.
It's a shame, you're given something for free but if it isn't precisely to your liking you bail? I can understand it I guess, they have the right to, I just think it's a bit ungrateful. I'm obviously not a huge contributor to the site, nor do I blog (which is funny since I do love a good rant), but I do appreciate that I have somewhere to go to chat with like-minded, and sometimes not so like-minded, people about whatever the hell comes to my mind. Done
</p><p>I don't think that 2o2p being free has anything to do with it. I used to donate when I still had the moolah to burn, but I had to stop doing that because disability isn't profitable... You see, 2o2p may be free, but that doesn't mean that everyone here sees eye to eye all of the time. I remember some drama from '06-'07 with people setting up their own versions of 2o2p and so on.</p><p>Apart from the obvious drama, we are older gamers and as such we have proverbial lives. Speaking solely for myself, I like to take breaks from communities, but I also am sick with frequent hospitalization and have to deal with the issues that arise because of that.</p><p>Other people just find something else to do but gaming. Interests shift, again speaking solely for myself, I game less than I used to, even though I have more time to do it now. I found that I like to write short stories, so I added a lot websites to my 'making the rounds'-list that are about that.</p><p>Somewhat less older people start families, or find themselves in a career that's spiraling upwards (or downwards, depending.)</p><p>For me, 2o2p and what that implies is more somewhat of a statement than a conviction. I'm too old to play videogames, but here I am, gaming away. And as 2o2p gives me access to other people who can no longer count the grey hairs on their head on one hand without the thematic bullshit of sites like gamerdads and so on and they've done so for me for over six years.</p><p>I love this place. But I'm not married to it. I think that the same applies to everyone here.</p>EDIT: o.0
I was hitting on what Tank said about the V3 update. I personally heard a lot of negative comments about the update when it dropped. I don't think people should hang around if they don't want to, I just didn't understand all the negativity, and in some cases anger, about a site that, for the most part, is unpaid for.
Negativity is a human defense-mechanism. It may not always lead to a balanced and well thought out decision and on top of that, no-one knows what may be going on someone's life that might amplify his/her discontent.
With a large community comes great diversity which in turn makes it impossible to cater to everyone. In that light, Jay is doing quite an amazing job. In my opinion, the problem isn't V3, it's the community that's using it. V1, V2, V3... it shouldn't matter for a healthy community. It shouldn't even have to matter if they have to write their posts with a pencil on the inside of a candy-wrapper.
But that's just me talking. ^^
Yeah I never understood the hate V3 produced?
2Old4Forza just carried on as normal with some extra cool features. I think the main issue is the user base. We are older gamers and old people don't like change.
What a suck up.
Oh god, Church you whore!
Doodi dude you do what you like, the screams when you change things are just sooo much fun.![smiley smiley](
Besides we are old and cranky.We'll move on to something else to bitch about soon enough! Like, oh I dunno, how the "flag" button is WAY too easy to hit on an iPod or fancy pants phone? LOL :D
Gunny flagged one of my posts once...just once...
Gunny is a pure bred asshole. We should ban him from the site.
Man hands anyone?
No thanks, I out grew that Radikal...
Here's my take on the whole thing: changes to the site are not made on a whim. It is a huge undertaking to completely redo the site, but there is a goal in mind. 2o2p will not remain the best gaming site for older gamers through complacency, there has to be some kind of progress. Not everyone will agree, and old folks especially like to talk about the good ol' days, but change is inevitable. If you don't think that 2old2play is the best gaming site for folks like us, then go kick around in the forums on some of those other sites. Those guys make us look like professional gaming gods. So don't be sad, amigo...we weren't mad that you took a break and we're glad to see you back. We're all friends here and you're in the right place. Welcome back.
I can live with that.
Upon further reflection, I do believe it was Cooter that did the flagging, accidentally he claimed, and though he profusely apologized, he was summarily punished.
As for the Cooter/Gunny mix up, well, you can see how easily that could happen.