Personally the only concern I have is the price. All the other concern is just stuff people want to worry about. Let's not turn this topic in to the other three. Let's just talk about the games because that's why I will but a X1 :)
Here's a dumb question, do we keep our Live avatar?
I think so... I remember seeing the dude playing the fighting game showed his Avatar. But as far if that was an old one or new one I have no idea.
I really don't care either way. It's gimmicky, trying to emulate Wii stuff. You don't even see it on the main loaded tiles, and you can only see three other people without opening the list.
$499 is fine. It comes with Kinect 2.0. The 360 launched at $400 for a 20GB hard drive. This is also 8 years later.
Halo Xbox One teaser got me. Killer Instinct and the clipping, plus Twitch. That was awesome. I don't even like driving games normally but F5 almost made me want to buy it. D4 looked good but not sure if exclusive. Spark was impressive but let's face it I'll never do that. The "play while you wait to matchmake" was really neat as was the smart glass integration. Crimson Dragon exclusive = good. Below = good. Witcher 3 not exclusive so moot.
Titanfall looks badass, and could be another Halo-size franchise for multiplayer.
Not surprised wiht the $500 price, I think the 360 was 499 bundled with Kinect so ONE is the same price.
I didn't really see anything that got me amped up in the Microsoft conference. Sunset Overdrive to me was one of the coolest things shown. I'll watch the rest of the shows today and see what everyone else has to say.
I think it's interesting that battlefield 4 launches last week of Oct and COD first week of Nov, i assume there will be ONE versions of each so when is ONE coming out. I would thing 2nd week of Nov maybe ?
Unlimited friends. That spark game looked pretty cool. Also the drivatar looked sweet. And the Halo teaser was epic. I got up to make a cup of tea asi thought it was some random game the Mc came on and stopped me in my tracks :)
I bought the 360 Elite in 2007 for $499. With the Kinect and everything it has I supose it's justified.. Saw some pretty cool stuff during the briefing. Now it's time to start saving $$.
I agree Tank, Sunset Overdrive was surprisingly fun looking. The crazy weapons and movement gameplay could be a lot of fun, and with the addition of items added and challenges new constantly... replay value for sure.
The Black Tusk bit was such a tease. I'm sure we'll see more later though
I just want to say the Halo part didn't say 5. Its interesting, but might mean nothing.
There was a lot of talk during this about open world and seamless worlds. Witcher 3 for example, Dead Rising 3 for another.
My Amazon pre-order is done. Hopefully they do launch day shipping.
I thought Sunset Overdrive looked pretty cool. I couldn't even really tell what Spark was, but I want it.
Waiting for release date announcement. If it's a weekday I'll probably do Amazon. If weekend, I'll do midnight release at Gamestop.
Yeah, right now Amazon has 11/30 which is a weekend. But I doubt that's the right date. I emailed Amazon and they said they'd do Release Day shipping if it's a weekday release.
Dean will do Gamestop midnight release for his box, but given that we have a 2 year at home and baby #2 is due 12/5...I'll wait for UPS. lol. We're assuming they'll only do 1 per househould or something.
"xbox one.... tv ...... tv ...... tv ....... tv...."
With all the game announcements do you think they will address the concerns we've been voicing here?
The "console" has gold membership, so any gamertag has multiplayer access.
I'm not really into Forza, but that Drive-atar is pretty friggin cool.
Some good looking games, and surprise, surprise, it's not all kinect games
I really want to see more Elder Scrolls Online stuff ~
November console launch.
A new Halo game announced.
Titanfall looks pretty cool
This ^^^, Spark and BF4 are definates for me.
I cant seem to get a good stream of what was shown. What games were announced/shown so far?
Everything looks good, but $500 by Novemeber is a bit too soon for me.
And we thought the mantis was cool. Titanfall :)
Ugh. The fucking Mantis.
Buying day one for $499.
factoring in tax, and one or two games, lets figure $650 by Nov. That's $125ish a month, savings. Not a problem.
No surpise there Shadow, well I saw 5 mins and then the feed started's still buffering. Guess I'll wait for the write ups.
I noticed they said "Day One Edition" specifically towards the end about pre-ordering. Does that mean something more?
No Microsoft Points anymore - local currency instead.
Here's a dumb question, do we keep our Live avatar?
I think so... I remember seeing the dude playing the fighting game showed his Avatar. But as far if that was an old one or new one I have no idea.
I really don't care either way. It's gimmicky, trying to emulate Wii stuff. You don't even see it on the main loaded tiles, and you can only see three other people without opening the list.
Day and Date downloads of new release games
Not surprised wiht the $500 price, I think the 360 was 499 bundled with Kinect so ONE is the same price.
I didn't really see anything that got me amped up in the Microsoft conference. Sunset Overdrive to me was one of the coolest things shown. I'll watch the rest of the shows today and see what everyone else has to say.
I think it's interesting that battlefield 4 launches last week of Oct and COD first week of Nov, i assume there will be ONE versions of each so when is ONE coming out. I would thing 2nd week of Nov maybe ?
I bought the 360 Elite in 2007 for $499. With the Kinect and everything it has I supose it's justified.. Saw some pretty cool stuff during the briefing. Now it's time to start saving $$.
I agree Tank, Sunset Overdrive was surprisingly fun looking. The crazy weapons and movement gameplay could be a lot of fun, and with the addition of items added and challenges new constantly... replay value for sure.
The Black Tusk bit was such a tease. I'm sure we'll see more later though
I just want to say the Halo part didn't say 5. Its interesting, but might mean nothing.
There was a lot of talk during this about open world and seamless worlds. Witcher 3 for example, Dead Rising 3 for another.
My Amazon pre-order is done. Hopefully they do launch day shipping.
I thought Sunset Overdrive looked pretty cool. I couldn't even really tell what Spark was, but I want it.
Waiting for release date announcement. If it's a weekday I'll probably do Amazon. If weekend, I'll do midnight release at Gamestop.
Yeah, right now Amazon has 11/30 which is a weekend. But I doubt that's the right date. I emailed Amazon and they said they'd do Release Day shipping if it's a weekday release.
Dean will do Gamestop midnight release for his box, but given that we have a 2 year at home and baby #2 is due 12/5...I'll wait for UPS. lol. We're assuming they'll only do 1 per househould or something.