New PS3

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#1 Fri, 06/14/2013 - 14:39
ONTHEGAS's picture
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New PS3

Today I upgraded to a new PS3 with 500gb. My first one was full and it has been sounding like a jet engine when I play. Here is my question. How do you transfer from one system to the next. Don't you also have to do something with your profile name on the older system? Any help would be amazing. Thanks.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 14:43
mdl70's picture
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Today I upgraded to a new PS3 with 500gb. My first one was full and it has been sounding like a jet engine when I play. Here is my question. How do you transfer from one system to the next. Don't you also have to do something with your profile name on the older system? Any help would be amazing. Thanks.

Transfer everything or just game saves?

If game saves, sign up for PS+, copy it all to the cloud, download on new PS3.  

If everything, use this tutorial.

If you do the restore to the new HD on the PS3, that will give you an exact replica of your current drive.

Biz might have a link to a better one, though.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 14:55
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I want to take all my PSN titles and saves from the old 40gb PS3 to the newer 500gb PS3.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 14:58 (Reply to #3)
mdl70's picture
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I want to take all my PSN titles and saves from the old 40gb PS3 to the newer 500gb PS3.

I think the easiest thing would be to sign up for PS+, copy your game saves to the cloud storage, then copy them down to the new PS3.

For the PSN games, just re-download them.

Otherwise you'll have to do a backup/restore from the old drive to the new one.


Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:08
BlowMonkey's picture
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Just use a usb stick to copy your game saves etc. to if you don't have PS+

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:08
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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First off,thanks for your help. I have a Plus card that came with new PS3,upload saves to cloud,then do I deactivate my profile on old PS3 and activate on the new one? I do like your way of just re-downloading on the new PS3. The videos on YouTube show having to use a ethernet cable,switching back and forth between inputs on the tv,shutting certain things on and off. I just want easy route.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:21
Biznass's picture
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I thought there is a network transfer now? I think you plug the OG network cable into the new box and it will transfer the whole shebang over. Users, saves and all. I'll look around for directions.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:21
BlowMonkey's picture
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you don't need to deactivate it (I didn't) but I've read that you should just so you don't run into any of your downloaded content DRM type problems.  I don't believe I did this step when I upgraded my HD.  Just logged into my account on the new HD and boom - everything was there (except some games I had to re-download).


"Go to Playstation Network on the XMB, select Account Management then System Activation and then PS3 System. You will be given an option to disable either or both of the Game and Video content you have purchased on your system. This content is sometimes bundled with DRM that limits the amount of systems it can be played on. I've had problems with PSN games needing reactivation in the past, so if you want to save yourself a headache and you don't plan on using your old PS3 hard drive, its worth doing this now."

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:22
Biznass's picture
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Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:32
Biznass's picture
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Just got to that last reply poncho. I would use that network utility or you're going to be dl'ing a boat load of crap.

Fri, 06/14/2013 - 16:20
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Thanks everyone for your help. Biz,using that network utility.

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 21:39
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Here is my new dilemna. I have a pair of Astro a40s that I love. When I try to set PS3 to digital optical out I get a bad flickering on my tv. I tried it with Last of Us and that is when I noticed problem. I loaded up Uncharted 3 and it cleared it somehow. Crossed my fingers and put Last of Us back in and it was fine. Then tonight I tried to play Last of Us again with the headset and the problem happened again. Went through the set-up multiple times and nothing changed. When I switch back to HDMI problem/flicker goes away. Do I have a faulty optical out and have to return new PS3 back to Best Buy? Any suggestions or anyone else have this issue or heard of this. The a40s are brand new. Any help?

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 10:25
Biznass's picture
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check 'display' settings. turn off 'deep color' if it's on.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 14:41
Biznass's picture
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You get this squared away Poncho?

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 17:22
ONTHEGAS's picture
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Yes,there was a feature to allow sound/video from 2 sources and it was turned off. I never messed with this option on the 40gb and the a40's worked fine. I do have to watch that if I change any other setting it turns itself off again for some reason. I really started to panic when I thought my digital opical out port was messed up. Thanks again for any and all help. BTW,I love this Playstation Plus stuff. Don't throw any bricks my way,but I would like a party chat system(ducking head right now). LOL.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 17:25
Biznass's picture
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Not enough memory headroom, never gonna happen.







(but I know what you mean lol)

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 19:28
beejay's picture
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That is the one feature I cant wait for in the PS4. I know they confirmed cross game chat,but Im hoping for party chat also.

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