RaceRoom Racing Experience

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Wed, 05/22/2013 - 15:17
tartan_special's picture
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I had a blast on that Monza competition the other night trying out my new triple screen setup.

Was impressed and I will have another look tonight to see whats changed.

Can't see me parting with cash (yet) since it's still just leaderboards.

Wed, 05/22/2013 - 18:03 (Reply to #62)
tartan_special's picture
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Just splurged cash on it when I spotted Suzuka was available lol.

Seriously chuffed I can destroy my fastest pad time with my wheel (Forza was complete opposite, top 500 leaderboard times all round but struggled with the wheel)


Wed, 05/22/2013 - 20:33
kurupt's picture
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I've bought all the tracks to date and they all look excellent and have good performance pc wise :) car wise I've only bought the audi r8 pretty fun and the silhouette series v8 I think it's supposed to be a Dtm car but not sure.

since the game is produced by simbin I have no doubt the end product will be great they have never produced a bad product nor been greedy and have been doing it for a while.  It will more than likely change direction and take a while to finish but it will get there eventually that's the simbin way lol

little disappointed there's no modding support but with so many games coming the others can fill that void, how I look at it the 2 games iam looking forward to the most (pcars & rre) both dont support modding but by the time I get bored of them there should be some content in the other 2 that will keep me excited till the gen 3 start coming :)


Sun, 06/16/2013 - 12:40
kurupt's picture
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New zolder track out!  looks pretty sweet :)

Ive been playing with the wheel setup since iam not exactly happy with it yet but i found setting it too 720 degrees helped alot.....so much ive claimed 2nd place in the v8 dtm at monza but still .840 off the leader.

I think once i get the wheel dialed in i might be able to catch him.....i find theres just to much of delay in the reponse from wheel to tires and the cars are setup to understeer like mad so it takes a bit of tweaking to get it to feel right at the moment.....but all fairness its only build 3

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 11:24
kurupt's picture
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I came across a thread @ racedepartment regarding the ffb by simply switching the ffb effects from full to med and lowering the degrees to 720 made a world of difference!!!

like from dull and boring to holy shit it's a whole new game....I still need to tighten it up a bit and ill post more updates or for those who are following....it doesn't say why it made such a difference but I assume too many effects where drowning out the vitals? With the tweak the turn in is a lot more precise, weight transfer in the springs can be felt and the tire flex and grip are greatly improved  :)

word is there's another update coming at the end of the month.....hopefully it will have single player racing or multiplayer...still no idea where simbin is going with this game or why they simply won't answer any of the communities questions on current or upcoming builds...they change there minds with projects more than I do for future race series lol

As long as they implement what they are going to it looks like it could be another good game in an already impressive lineup of up coming sims 

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 03:37
tartan_special's picture
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Well I can safely say I am shit with V8's lol, really struggling with it.

The weight shifting is just nuts, will probably have to work on a proper setup as my throttle is far too sensitive for the way I drive.

Added to that im getting stuttering on my system (yet able to run PCARS at max with triples?)

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 04:45
kurupt's picture
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What card are u running?

visuals I have mine set on are high, particles med, shadows med, reflections off AA x2 Fxaa off motion blur off I get a solid 60 fps with adaptive vsync on....zolder I get the odd stutter if a ghost  is passing me in a turn 

as for the v8 it's a beast in turns try slow in straighten it out then hammer the tthrottle tuning wise drop the front arb 4 clicks, front suspension 1 click , the bump to 3 f/b lower rear rebound 1 click and rear toe to .15 it will help keep the power down coming out of corners and raise rear downforce to 12 or 13 if u find its still pushing in high speed turns settle with 12

shes a best but once you learn he ways its very rewarding.....I struggled with at first but now love it iam currently sitting in the top 5 on a majority of tracks minus portimo just can't be consistent there or get the hang of iit check out racedepartment forums there's some helpful ffb tips there i saw when I get home iam gonna give some a sshot the sounds for the silhouette cars are awesome and once u get the car setup smashing curbs become sheer bliss :)

one of the devs posted on the forum that there will be an update in the coming weeks 

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 05:05 (Reply to #68)
tartan_special's picture
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My card is a 3gb 7950. Fixed with just hitting the auto graphics settings. I was getting a little "frustrated" with your ghost on hockenheim so if your ears feel a little hot today it's only due to me cursing at you the for the past hour or so lol.
Wed, 06/19/2013 - 06:09
kurupt's picture
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Lol hockenhiem is one of my favorite tracks....ill have to give it a run again I think I made that run before adjusting my wheel setup....I know I was struggling a lot in most of the turns with either the car pushing or not being able to put enough power down 

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 13:22
kurupt's picture
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gave you a little something extra to chase at hockenhiem :)

  i think i can make it into the low 31s but i keep screwing up the last sector

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 06:18
kurupt's picture
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A new video was released today of the progress to date which isn't much in all honesty....there's a new update reported coming in the few weeks


Thu, 06/20/2013 - 08:03
tartan_special's picture
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They are an SLS away from an awesome GT grid.

They are only 4 tracks away from the full 2013 FIA GT calendar.

Will have to pick up Zolder and that Sebastien Loeb MP4.

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 10:04
kurupt's picture
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Ill probably pick up the other gt cars I was a bit disappointed with the the cr6 it under steered and the sound was no where mere as loud as the real life version....did you try any of the suggested ffb tweaks? 

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 15:14
tartan_special's picture
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Just bought the MP4 and it is just like any other sim. I really seem to gel with that car Slotted back into it and ended up losing around 2 hours in a trance lapping Suzuka. My G27 is cooking lol.
Thu, 06/27/2013 - 14:47
kurupt's picture
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New build out today, no multiplayer or roadback added yet :(

but the ffb feels really good in all the cars I tried....i noticed  the vette and audi r8 felt much better and more responsive. :)

other than that it was just a tidy up the nav screen some optimization in memory and graphics as well as some new sounds for cars and tweaks to the base setups

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 16:29
tartan_special's picture
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What's roadback?

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 19:00
kurupt's picture
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Road feedback ...bumps cracks etc 

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 10:07
kurupt's picture
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Gumpert apollo released today and a new hotlap competition as well with some wicked prizes!  Mac books iPads iPhones gift certificates and a weekend pit pass to the Dtm final at hockenhiem....unfortunately for me it's only for uk residents :( 

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 10:33
kurupt's picture
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Here's a trailer of  some upcoming content....camaro gt3 and mid Ohio.....also take notice that there's other gt3 cars racing on the track with it ;) 


Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:22
kurupt's picture
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@ when you get time would you mind whipping up a quick basic team paint for the seat and mini....I was thinking white silver navy with the groups logo?  Ill run # 78 :)


edit wrong thread

Tue, 08/20/2013 - 13:59
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Released Content
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Mazda Laguna Seca
Chevrolet Camaro GT3
Mustang GT3
Chevrolet Daytona Prototype
Carlsson C25 GT
Koenigsegg CCGT
Team Liveries
Four additional RUF team liveries
Two additional Zakspeed Capri team liveries
really liking the unorthodox vehicles being released and is looking to have a very strong GT and multi class line up.
Tue, 08/20/2013 - 15:52
kurupt's picture
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ya some good gt content released and in the works, but need a heep tone of work on the physics and ffb....the last few weeks have been quit slow in development, half the team was on vacation and out scanning tracks and now that there back the other half is doing the same.  Check out race department they have ffb profile section where people post the wheel files the base ffb is jus pitiful :(

Tue, 09/03/2013 - 11:51
kurupt's picture
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For those interested a recent update was released yesterday some new content was added, sales and some pretty cool contests coming up this month unfortunately I can't partake in them I believe which is a by disappointing cause I would have loved to enter the Dtm one....anyways here's the details with fb llink 

sept contest race with pro Dtm drivers and entry to win Dtm tickets by participating you also get to talk live to the drivers in the raceroom chat which is pretty awesome alone 

oct contest is an endurance race for the launch of the Nuremberg track...enter a team and compete against pro endurance drivers and win random give aways


Tue, 09/03/2013 - 16:58 (Reply to #84)
tartan_special's picture
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......as in GP or Nordschliefe? 4

Tue, 09/03/2013 - 17:16
kurupt's picture
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I believe both will be says it will become available on sept 28 

Fri, 09/06/2013 - 12:47
kurupt's picture
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A little update on the Dtm race a pro comp.  Dtm pro drivers vietoris and phaffet have taken the top 2 positions in the comp.  it's funny how all of us wannabe drivers all bicker about the physics and how this and that doesn't feel realistic there for we can't drive it, than rl pros hop in and smoke everyone lol. The same is happening in pcars weekly hot laps the 5 pros working as the physics consultants are in the top 10 week in and week out.  I use to think I was fairly quick till these show offs showed up now iam usually 4-5 secs off there pace :( 

Fri, 09/06/2013 - 13:49 (Reply to #87)
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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kurupt wrote:

A little update on the Dtm race a pro comp.  Dtm pro drivers vietoris and phaffet have taken the top 2 positions in the comp.  it's funny how all of us wannabe drivers all bicker about the physics and how this and that doesn't feel realistic there for we can't drive it, than rl pros hop in and smoke everyone lol. The same is happening in pcars weekly hot laps the 5 pros working as the physics consultants are in the top 10 week in and week out.  I use to think I was fairly quick till these show offs showed up now iam usually 4-5 secs off there pace :( 

Yeah the only thing I can relate to that would be the Forza celebrity challenges.

Was 3 seconds faster than Juan Pablo Montoya (not hard though lol)

But a American Touring Car Champion gave me sleepless nights on how fast he was it was unbelievable.

Think I'll be challenging Paffett's ghost most of tonight then.

Fri, 09/06/2013 - 14:28
tartan_special's picture
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Are they using the Get Real mode as I just managed a lap 10 seconds quicker than the 1:35 Vietoris managed? 86

I think the leaderboard must be entries at the event only.

Fri, 09/06/2013 - 16:11
kurupt's picture
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I would assume so? Is it in the comps section cause I know they had one for each division, ill look into it and get back to ya :) 

Fri, 09/06/2013 - 16:55
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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Yeah the Euronics comp on the race room raceway.

possibly the wrong track uploaded at the event.


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