Xbox One Family Sharing....????

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#1 Tue, 06/18/2013 - 08:31
TDrag27's picture
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Xbox One Family Sharing....????

This seems to be the article with the most info on family sharing.

Since Dean and I each have our own console and buy double copies of games, this is an important feature for us. 

But there are a couple areas that aren't clear...

If we buy 1 copy of the game, can we both play at the same time? The article says, 

"Spencer is pressed upon the issue whether two people can play the same shared game at the same time, stating that he believes that is the case" 

That's sort of a...not sure, I think so, answer. I would like to see the owner always have access - and one family member at the same time. I can't imagine all 10 could play at the same time. 

And - does anyone know if you choose which games you want to share? The article sort of suggests that. I'd probably add my nephews to my family...but I don't want them hogging my games all the time -so it would be good if you could choose certain games not to share. 

Anyone have more details? 



Tue, 06/18/2013 - 08:34
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Would also be good to limit, perhaps by age, which games are played by who as well....(parents n such)

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 09:27
Shadow's picture
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From everything I've read, what rises to the top is that you will always be able to play your games.  Always.  In addition, one other person can play any game from your collection at a time.  So this makes me think you'll both be able to play the one game, as you would on couch co-op.  But with my friend in Canada, for instance.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 09:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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That's opinion.

And here's another question.

Can you play together at different locales with the same copy, as it would cause a conflict when trying to connect? I mean, with a physical disc, both would be identified as the same, and you wouldn't be able to connect? Will this be different?

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 10:58 (Reply to #4)
Lbsutke's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

And here's another question.

Can you play together at different locales with the same copy, as it would cause a conflict when trying to connect? I mean, with a physical disc, both would be identified as the same, and you wouldn't be able to connect? Will this be different?


I do not think it will be an issue, because when you (or someone else on another console) connects to your library of games, they are connecting to ther server copy of the game. They will not be accessing the specific version of the game that is on your individual box.

It is kind of like how multiple people can connect to a google doc from multiple locations at the same time and edit, etc. As long as the person is in your "family share whatever they are going to call it", ther server will do a quote authorization check, then grant them access to ther server share of the game.

Now as far as 2 people playing the same game, I have seen multiple posts saying that 2 people on the same share can play the same game at the same time, but not more then 2. But until I see a post from Major Nelson saying, "So in regards to 2 people playing the same game from the share, I can confirm this" I will only believe it with a grain of salt.


Not sure if I answered your questions or not. If I did or did not let me know.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 09:36
Shadow's picture
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It's not opinion, though.  Official word from the official wire:

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games.  You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 10:05 (Reply to #6)
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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Shadow wrote:

It's not opinion, though.  Official word from the official wire:

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games.  You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.

This doesn't state thay you can or can't play the same game at the same time from your shared library. It just states your family members can play games from your shared library while you are gaming.

My opinion would be that they will not let you buy one copy of a game and allow more than one person, in the family subscription, to be able play it at one time.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 10:14
Shadow's picture
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I know we are all confused about the details of this policy, and I hope this doesn't add any more confusion...I'm cross-posting this from another thread because it MAY answer some of the questions that are circulating in this thread. I went to the Microsoft store today and pre-ordered. There was a Microsoft representative there, since it's in Bellevue, so I decided to talk to him about some of the concerns and hopefully clarify a few things. I summarized what he said, but it was about a 20 minute convo and I asked him a bunch of different scenarios to try to nail down some specifics. Here's the points that I posted in the Hype thread:


I talked to the 'on-site' Microsoft representative there about some of the issues, here's a rundown of some of the interesting things he said:

1. In the family/friend circle, concurrent play is allowed on the same game. Say I get battlefield 4 and put it in my share. 1 person can play it with me, single player and/or multiplayer. 

2. The other 9 people no longer have access to my shared library until that person is done playing.

3. Every person within the group can make their shared games available, so if 5 people in the group buy battlefield 4, the other 5 can play concurrently through other 'shared libraries' in the group. This way, everyone gets to play.

4. (this one tidbit was REALLY interesting) Let's say you have battlefield 4 in your family share circle, and you pick up halo 5 when it drops. no one in that circle is really interested at all in that game. you can have OTHER circles that you can share games with. You CANNOT have the same game in multiple circles, however. So if you put Halo 5 in one, it cannot be in another unless you remove it from that circle. No word on how many circles you can have, however.

5. The trade-off with this system, as I know a lot of people on GAF were saying there HAD to be one, is already known. It's the 24-hour check. In order to make sure that this system isn't exploitable, they needed a way to ensure that games weren't being p a#sed around physically to be pirated/exploited. So that's the trade-off, to get this type of sharing system between friends/family and keep devs/pubs happy.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 10:40
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, that post, if correct, and I hope it is, is the most concrete thing I've seen on it yet. And it sounds good to me.

Previous post parroted copy past not relevent, as pointed out by Blue.

Can we quit with the "official" crap if it doesn't apply PLEASE??? If it's true and doesn't apply, it's NOT right.

However that said, I hope the Slumz blog thingie is correct.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 10:43
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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And point 5 DOES make sense. It's a daily check to correct and keep track of who's sharing with who, and not in a Macavellian way of tracking, just keeping it all straight. I can see Timmies redoing their lists 5 times a week...

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 11:14
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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Shadow, I hope that is true. My son and I will be able to save a lot of money on games.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:09
HLRJigsaw's picture
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This is good news. I just wish they didn't discontinue the XB Family Plan. But I'm wondering, with things I've heard. Will there even be a point to the Family Plan, now with the new direction.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:26
Shadow's picture
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I think that's the exact reason they got rid of the Family Gold plan.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:33
badmin's picture
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If all this is true, this is a HUGE deal for people on the fence about the Xbone.  Quite honestly its probably a main selling point.  I'm absolutely shocked this wasn't a main talking point at E3...   

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:39 (Reply to #14)
zombiekitten's picture
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Doodi wrote:

If all this is true, this is a HUGE deal for people on the fence about the Xbone.  Quite honestly its probably a main selling point.  I'm absolutely shocked this wasn't a main talking point at E3...   

THIS!!! They should have lead with this instead of "TV!!" Lol!

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:38
zombiekitten's picture
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This is more good news for me. My brother, a couple mutual friends and I trade/borrow games sometimes. We can still do that without the driving/mailing thing, AND he can play Halo campaign while I'm playing MP? He AND a friend of hours can play co-op while I'm playing MP?! I like this idea. Also like the "separate circles" thingy. 

Good news in two threads today. What the hell's goin on? Lol


Tue, 06/18/2013 - 13:16
BalekFekete's picture
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If this turns out to be the case, and I can get a group of people together outside the family to get into a buying scheme on shared title, it might negate the 'used games are worthless'.  I don't keep a collection, so not being able to sell games back is huge for me (usually net approx. $30 in credit from Best Buy on each title I play).  But if M$ can do something to compensate for that lost stream of financing, I'm all ears.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 13:42
DarthTabasco's picture
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Microsoft could win majoy kudos - if the rep's information is accurate - and give folks something to get excited about. Details, we just need more details.

I just feel like this is such a strong point to make, but it's been buried under the fumbled reveal. Now M$ is doing damage control. 

Come on, the consoles are <6 months away, let's get some answers - quit with the "we'll talk about that later". 


Tue, 06/18/2013 - 14:21 (Reply to #18)
PDT816's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Microsoft could win majoy kudos - if the rep's information is accurate - and give folks something to get excited about. Details, we just need more details.

I just feel like this is such a strong point to make, but it's been buried under the fumbled reveal. Now M$ is doing damage control. 

Come on, the consoles are <6 months away, let's get some answers - quit with the "we'll talk about that later". 



Seems like MS does this with each console.   It's frustraiting, but we've seen it happen with the two previous installments.

MS underwhelms to the point of alienating at E3 and Sony oversells the Playstation where we're to assume it can turn piss into wine..  Guess it's better as a gamer for something to become more appealing the closer you get to buying it than the other way around.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 14:37
injustice4all's picture
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MS should hold a press conference just to talk about these issues. I almost wonder if they should just hire a pr firm. I have loved my xbox consoles, but MS simply isn't good at selling their product.
Tue, 06/18/2013 - 15:02
TDrag27's picture
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Thanks for all the input....Seems like this is good news. I hope it's all true! 

My takeaway is that 1, MS didn't do a great job on PR.

And 2 - we're going to have to see these policies (used/sharing/loaning) in action before we know the total net effect on our wallets. You can still sell games back as long as publishers allow it. You can still loan games, at least once. And there's a lot easier ways to share (especially cross country with people you probably didn't share with before). 

I think it's confusing - and Sony rightfully is poking fun at that. But I think it will actually turn out to be positive. We shall see. 

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 15:12
Shadow's picture
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I think MS should put out a counter "funny" video to Sony's sharing video.  "This is how you share a game on the Xbox One" *hits "A"*

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 08:07
DarthTabasco's picture
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A couple of concerns for this sharing plan that have been discussed in other forums.

Will there be fees associated with sharing? Either to the owner or borrower. 

Will there be limitations placed on a shared game as far as time played or multiplayer? I could easily see developers deciding to limit gameplay to single-player only. If you want to participate in multiplayer, you have to buy the game. 

I'm hoping Microsoft says this plan is free and developers will not be able to limit the gameplay.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 08:41 (Reply to #23)
TDrag27's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

A couple of concerns for this sharing plan that have been discussed in other forums.

Will there be fees associated with sharing? Either to the owner or borrower. 

Will there be limitations placed on a shared game as far as time played or multiplayer? I could easily see developers deciding to limit gameplay to single-player only. If you want to participate in multiplayer, you have to buy the game. 

I'm hoping Microsoft says this plan is free and developers will not be able to limit the gameplay.


There's no evidence of these things....Snippets from MS site:

Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere

Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers.


The only area where there may be blocking/biz model is sale of used games:


 Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 09:07 (Reply to #24)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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TDrag27 wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

A couple of concerns for this sharing plan that have been discussed in other forums.

Will there be fees associated with sharing? Either to the owner or borrower. 

Will there be limitations placed on a shared game as far as time played or multiplayer? I could easily see developers deciding to limit gameplay to single-player only. If you want to participate in multiplayer, you have to buy the game. 

I'm hoping Microsoft says this plan is free and developers will not be able to limit the gameplay.


There's no evidence of these things....Snippets from MS site:

Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere

Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers.


The only area where there may be blocking/biz model is sale of used games:


 Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers.

As you're quoting and bolding, pay close attention to the words in blue too!

Hmm, Suessology class paying off!

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 09:56 (Reply to #25)
TDrag27's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

TDrag27 wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

A couple of concerns for this sharing plan that have been discussed in other forums.

Will there be fees associated with sharing? Either to the owner or borrower. 

Will there be limitations placed on a shared game as far as time played or multiplayer? I could easily see developers deciding to limit gameplay to single-player only. If you want to participate in multiplayer, you have to buy the game. 

I'm hoping Microsoft says this plan is free and developers will not be able to limit the gameplay.


There's no evidence of these things....Snippets from MS site:

Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere

Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers.


The only area where there may be blocking/biz model is sale of used games:


 Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers.

As you're quoting and bolding, pay close attention to the words in blue too!

Hmm, Suessology class paying off!


I think I can still safely assert that there is no evidence of the family sharing features requiring publisher permision/biz model. Which was the original question. It was probably confusing to include quotes on features that the thread is not about.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 10:03
stinkeybadger67's picture
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Has anyone seen if ther will be any changes on xbox live for the 360.  it seams like one gold account will cover everyone on the xbox one. or will everyone in the family have to have seperate gold accounts like right now on the 360

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 10:54
Shadow's picture
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if anyone on an X1 has gold, everyone does.

With the 360, I don't see the terms changing.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 11:51 (Reply to #28)
TDrag27's picture
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Shadow wrote:

if anyone on an X1 has gold, everyone does.

With the 360, I don't see the terms changing.


Where is this discussed? I assumed gold still links to the gamertag and not the box.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 11:59 (Reply to #29)
Autarch's picture
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TDrag27 wrote:

Shadow wrote:

if anyone on an X1 has gold, everyone does.

With the 360, I don't see the terms changing.


Where is this discussed? I assumed gold still links to the gamertag and not the box.

Either read the chart near the bottom or the text just above it.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 11:06
Autarch's picture
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There should be a blog post about family sharing soon.  Major Nelson said he was going to write more blog entries on topics this week, and mentioned family sharing specifically.  So we'll probably see more information and a lot of these questions answered very soon.

There was even a twitter brigade flooding him with a link to a list of questions about family sharing that didn't stop until he acknowledged he'd look at the link and write about it :P

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