Forza 4 vs Gran Turismo 5 | HD 1080p
Wed, 06/19/2013 - 11:46
Forza 4 vs Gran Turismo 5 | HD 1080p
Hey! I got another video for you guys. It's a triple multi-screen Forza 4 VS a single screen Gran Turismo 5. My buddy Gimpywan is playing GT5 and i'm playing Forza 4. I'm really starting to like this game more and more. I'm gonna try to get a steering wheel soon and then i'll join you guys for some races. As you can see in the video, my smashing into other cars habit is getting better lol. Enjoy the video!
Spend an hour with me bro & I can vastly improve your efforts. A little bit of tuition can make the learning curve a lot smoother. Check out the race school thread for details on contacting me if you're interested.
Nice vid too bro.
BTW, Running over the ai cars is the only way to pass in sp mode. the ai is pretty horrible even set to maximum. That's all going to change with FM5 though.
I feel bad when I hit them cause I want to get better lol.
Does anyone know if Forza 5 has multi-screen support?
It hasn' been announced ye, bu I'd be willing to bet that it will have triple screen.
First, let me tell you that your Forza 4 triple screen set up looks simply amazing. I never could get my Forza 4 triples to look even remotely as good. I tinkered with the settings many times, and just could not line them up. Forza's multi-screen set up leaves a lot to be desired compared to PC.
Second, why are you comparing the Forza triple screen set up side by side with GT5 single screen? Its like comparing apples and oranges. I also have a PS3 triple screen set up and GT5 looks amazing. That would be a much better comparison.
And finally, its simply wrong to be doing triple screen racing using a controller. You gotta get a good wheel and pedal set. At a minimum, you should get a Fanatec CSR wheel and CSR Elite pedal set.
Definitely a big FAIL but in Hitmans defense he did say he wants to get a wheel. We're here to confirm Hitman that you need a wheel.
PS3 vs Forza5
which is a better triple screen experience. I have tripps for Forza 5. I only need one more ps3 to make a triple set up.
Well, I sold my extra Xboxes and stuck with the triple screen PS3s and so that should tell you something. LOL!!! In all seriousness, I think the GT5 triple screen views are better, but that is as much about the better cockpit graphics in GT5 than it is the triple screen set up. I can tell you that it was much easier to dial in the GT5 triple screen set up. The client PS3s simply duplicate the server PS3 settings and so you need only adjust the settings on the server PS3. With the Xbox triple screen set up, you have to adjust each Xbox individually. I never could get it right. In summary, IMO opinion the GT5 triple screen experience is better than the Forza 4 triple screen experience. That being said, Forza 4 is great. GT5 is just better IMO.