Xbox One Family Sharing....????

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Wed, 06/19/2013 - 21:03 (Reply to #61)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
zombiekitten wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
I like shopping in the real world. :(
Theres PEOPLE in the real world. EW.

I only notice the hot women.
Not a lot of hot women at GameStop lol


Don't go to Gamestop much, but I do have a story to tell.  When the 360 slim first came out, Gamestop was running a promo for trading in your older 360's towards the newer slim models and you actually received pretty good money for the trade-in until Gamestop removed the offer a couple days later (but Gamestop honored those who were able to take advantage of it).  Anyway, some chick in her mid-20's (6 out of 10, not bad) was working when I traded in my old 360.  We got to talking and she began flirting insatiously (that's not an actual word, but I'm making it so).  They were out of the slim models but she said she would call me when one arrived but weren't expecting any for about a week.  No problem...except she called everyday to notify me they were out of stock and then talk nothing but video games.  Everyday.  For an hour or more.  Getting her off the phone was a chore.    And if I didn't answer, she wouldn't leave a message, she would just call every hour until I answered.  Wife got a kick out of it.  She did that for 5 straight days, until when I walked in to receive my new slim 360 with my wife.  She never called after that.  

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 19:59
pontiff's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 weeks ago
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Too bad Microsoft is incompetent at communicating effectively.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 22:06
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2012 - 02:48

Service with a smile is the kind of woman I can get behind.

Also, that deal with trading in towards a slim was nice.

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 22:45
zombiekitten's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
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I'd like to think telling a story instead of a quick reply is because of my influence. I don't have the nickname "Storytime" for nothin! :) 

P.S. I think it's HILARIOUS when some chick flirts with hubby. He gets all dumb and geeky. ZERO game hahaha!

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 07:12 (Reply to #65)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

I'd like to think telling a story instead of a quick reply is because of my influence. I don't have the nickname "Storytime" for nothin! :) 

P.S. I think it's HILARIOUS when some chick flirts with hubby. He gets all dumb and geeky. ZERO game hahaha!

My wife thinks i don't catch on when women flirt. It's more like "Crap, I'm going to suffer for this down the road, I just know it", so I ignore...

Oh, and the story instead of reply..."Tell me what time it is, NOT how to build the damn watch"...hehe.

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 07:55 (Reply to #66)
zombiekitten's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

I'd like to think telling a story instead of a quick reply is because of my influence. I don't have the nickname "Storytime" for nothin! :) 

P.S. I think it's HILARIOUS when some chick flirts with hubby. He gets all dumb and geeky. ZERO game hahaha!

My wife thinks i don't catch on when women flirt. It's more like "Crap, I'm going to suffer for this down the road, I just know it", so I ignore...

Oh, and the story instead of reply..."Tell me what time it is, NOT how to build the damn watch"...hehe.

LOL Ill tell you what time it is, but first lemme tell you what I had for lunch the day I bought the watch....;)

Hubby really doesn't have game. I'm about as far from the jealous type as you can get (I point out hot chicks everywhere we go lol). When his buddies tell me about some girl flirting with him I think it's funny...especially when they bust his balls for saying things like "so how bout this weather...." when attempting to flirt. That's how he got bout this weather. Classic.

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 11:35
williamadamsesq's picture
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Riiigghhhtttt.  You and your 9 buddies were only gonna have to chip in $6 a piece to all download COD:Ghosts and play together.

M$ had planned that all along but didn't want to tell everyone at E3 that was the plan because they didn't want people lining up outside Gamestop to buy Xbones in July.


"Yeah, too bad, it's only the $ony fanboys who are spoiling it for everyone.  Anyone forward the email about m and m's, once Bill Gates is out of this meeting about Xbone DRC he's gonna send everyone that million dollars! - Major Nelson


M$ and $ony are multinational corporations that exist ONLY for the purpose of making money.  Once $ony got word of what M$ had planned, they abandoned whatever plans they had for a similar procedure and decided to try to market themselves as the white knights.  BECAUSE THEY FIGURED THEY WOULD MAKE MORE MONEY THAT WAY!  Then they deleted the camera and cut the cost $100.  That's all.  If they were anything else they would keep PSN free for PS4 MP.  If they spend more money on server farms, I'll gladly pay it, I dont begrudge XBL the fee for party chat.

Will I buy an PS4?  Preordered for day one.  Would I have preordered an Xbone?  I was ready to, probably will still get the Haloz 5 bundled with the game for $499.

But c'mon.  Hitler wasn't gonna stop at Czechloslovakia, she really isn't on the pill, and the hillbilly wasn't just helping the sheep over the fence.




Thu, 06/20/2013 - 11:40 (Reply to #68)
DJKatastroph3's picture
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williamadamsesq wrote:

Riiigghhhtttt.  You and your 9 buddies were only gonna have to chip in $6 a piece to all download COD:Ghosts and play together.

M$ had planned that all along but didn't want to tell everyone at E3 that was the plan because they didn't want people lining up outside Gamestop to buy Xbones in July.


"Yeah, too bad, it's only the $ony fanboys who are spoiling it for everyone.  Anyone forward the email about m and m's, once Bill Gates is out of this meeting about Xbone DRC he's gonna send everyone that million dollars! - Major Nelson


M$ and $ony are multinational corporations that exist ONLY for the purpose of making money.  Once $ony got word of what M$ had planned, they abandoned whatever plans they had for a similar procedure and decided to try to market themselves as the white knights.  BECAUSE THEY FIGURED THEY WOULD MAKE MORE MONEY THAT WAY!  Then they deleted the camera and cut the cost $100.  That's all.  If they were anything else they would keep PSN free for PS4 MP.  If they spend more money on server farms, I'll gladly pay it, I dont begrudge XBL the fee for party chat.

Will I buy an PS4?  Preordered for day one.  Would I have preordered an Xbone?  I was ready to, probably will still get the Haloz 5 bundled with the game for $499.

But c'mon.  Hitler wasn't gonna stop at Czechloslovakia, she really isn't on the pill, and the hillbilly wasn't just helping the sheep over the fence.




Don't forget to to drop the mic, Will! #likeaboss
Thu, 06/20/2013 - 16:11 (Reply to #69)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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williamadamsesq wrote:

Riiigghhhtttt.  You and your 9 buddies were only gonna have to chip in $6 a piece to all download COD:Ghosts and play together.

M$ had planned that all along but didn't want to tell everyone at E3 that was the plan because they didn't want people lining up outside Gamestop to buy Xbones in July.


"Yeah, too bad, it's only the $ony fanboys who are spoiling it for everyone.  Anyone forward the email about m and m's, once Bill Gates is out of this meeting about Xbone DRC he's gonna send everyone that million dollars! - Major Nelson


M$ and $ony are multinational corporations that exist ONLY for the purpose of making money.  Once $ony got word of what M$ had planned, they abandoned whatever plans they had for a similar procedure and decided to try to market themselves as the white knights.  BECAUSE THEY FIGURED THEY WOULD MAKE MORE MONEY THAT WAY!  Then they deleted the camera and cut the cost $100.  That's all.  If they were anything else they would keep PSN free for PS4 MP.  If they spend more money on server farms, I'll gladly pay it, I dont begrudge XBL the fee for party chat.

Will I buy an PS4?  Preordered for day one.  Would I have preordered an Xbone?  I was ready to, probably will still get the Haloz 5 bundled with the game for $499.

But c'mon.  Hitler wasn't gonna stop at Czechloslovakia, she really isn't on the pill, and the hillbilly wasn't just helping the sheep over the fence.




Has to be the most "belating the obvious" post I've read all day, except I'm really confused who it was aimed at? I mean, corporations are only interested in making money? Damn, call the News organizations! I do agree Sony saw M$ with their pants down and went for it.

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