Fez 2 not coming to Xbox One, Dev calls MS greedy, and it's console is not for gamers. Happy with PS4 for now..

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#1 Thu, 06/20/2013 - 23:19
GbHaseo's picture
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Fez 2 not coming to Xbox One, Dev calls MS greedy, and it's console is not for gamers. Happy with PS4 for now..

So the developer of Indie hit "Fez" has announced today through Polygon, that it's upcoming game "Fez 2" will not be coming to Xbox One. They stated comments about how Microsoft charges way too much for thier patching systems, that it's all a numbers game, and charging so much for a small independant publisher makes no sense at all.

He said regarding the Xbox One "Microsoft is making a console for itself. Not for gamers. Not for developers. Just for its own, greedy little Orwellian self. I'm not interested." Then today after MS's announcement he said he hasn't changed his opinion and said  "They didn't change anything about their anti-indie policies." When asked about the PS4, he was happy with how Sony is doing everything. "It's too early to tell how everything is going to unfold, but their heart definitely seems to be in the right place. Which is a weird thing to say when talking about giant monolithic corporation, but there's a handful of people working at Sony today who are really trying to do some good."

I'm a huge fan of the original Fez and I'm bummed by this decision. Microsoft is getting too crazy with all thier certification process fees, Tim Shafer of Double Fine recently stated they charge 40k per patch. With the new publisher rule I've been hearing about, that really puts small Indie devs in a hard spot. Publishers often have too much control, and many Indie devs like to stay in house for everything, some just don't have that kinda money either frankly. I've pre-ordered both consoles, but with every passing day I think more and more about cancelling that X1 pre-order.

I can't copy and paste, but if you wanna look up the articles, it was originally posted by Polygon, but has even spread to the other sites such Gamespot, IGN,  etc. if you wanna look it up.

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 23:25
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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This story is certified "cool", bro.

Thu, 06/20/2013 - 23:59
GbHaseo's picture
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Hmm, is the Article 15 group you're in based on the Naval and Marine Corps Article 15? Also, profanity sounds intriging as well...are these public groups, or private groups of friends?

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 09:33 (Reply to #3)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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GbHaseo wrote:

Hmm, is the Article 15 group you're in based on the Naval and Marine Corps Article 15? Also, profanity sounds intriging as well...are these public groups, or private groups of friends?


Depends.  You any good at Halo?

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 05:08
Azuredreams's picture
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Phil Fish is a douchebag, but he's right about the climate on the Xbox One for independent gamers. Just ask the makers of Oddworld. 

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 05:49
DEEP_NNN's picture
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What is a Fez or Oddworld and why do I not care? Please, no need to answer, I don't care that I don't care.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 08:25 (Reply to #6)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

What is a Fez or Oddworld and why do I not care? Please, no need to answer, I don't care that I don't care.


That was rather uncalled for.  Did someone piss in your maple syrup this morning?

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 09:12 (Reply to #7)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

What is a Fez or Oddworld and why do I not care? Please, no need to answer, I don't care that I don't care.


That was rather uncalled for.  Did someone piss in your maple syrup this morning?

Eat me. Yes, you just now with this post. Let's not forget how many of my posts you followed up with piss and moan and general meaness. Go back to your fucking NES where games like FEZ belong. It's a fucking disgrace to to a high end console to have crap like that played on it.  Hey, if you want to play FEZ 2 on your  $399 PS4, fill your fucking boots.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 09:22 (Reply to #8)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

What is a Fez or Oddworld and why do I not care? Please, no need to answer, I don't care that I don't care.


That was rather uncalled for.  Did someone piss in your maple syrup this morning?

Eat me. Yes, you just now with this post. Let's not forget how many of my posts you followed up with piss and moan and general meaness. Go back to your fucking NES where games like FEZ belong. It's a fucking disgrace to to a high end console to have crap like that played on it.  Hey, if you want to play FEZ 2 on your  $399 PS4, fill your fucking boots.



Fri, 06/21/2013 - 09:32 (Reply to #9)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

What is a Fez or Oddworld and why do I not care? Please, no need to answer, I don't care that I don't care.


That was rather uncalled for.  Did someone piss in your maple syrup this morning?

Eat me. Yes, you just now with this post. Let's not forget how many of my posts you followed up with piss and moan and general meaness. Go back to your fucking NES where games like FEZ belong. It's a fucking disgrace to to a high end console to have crap like that played on it.  Hey, if you want to play FEZ 2 on your  $399 PS4, fill your fucking boots.


Fri, 06/21/2013 - 10:18 (Reply to #10)
Azuredreams's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

]Eat me. Yes, you just now with this post. Let's not forget how many of my posts you followed up with piss and moan and general meaness. Go back to your fucking NES where games like FEZ belong. It's a fucking disgrace to to a high end console to have crap like that played on it.  Hey, if you want to play FEZ 2 on your  $399 PS4, fill your fucking boots.

I can't believe someone who plays Halo, the equivalent of the kid with a helmet on the short bus in the grand scheme of first person shooters has the unadulterated stones to say that ANY game is a disgrace. I mean come the hell on. You're defending a game that became popular not because of it's graphics, or gameplay but because of Timmy smack talking and teabagging. Just like COD or Battlefield, every iteration of Halo is the same fucking game.

That entire franchise is the most generic fucking over rated joke and you're bagging on a indie game like FEZ? Guess you think Journey is a waste too.....but YEEEEHAW a new Master Queef is commin' out! Boy howdy! We gon' do some serious alien killin' teabaggin' timmy fraggin' tonight I tells ya! 

Unreal, Quake, those were shooters...Halo was the game you gave your five year old cousin so he'd stop bothering you and stayed off your PC. 

Give me a fucking break....Halo....holy fuck.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 10:42 (Reply to #11)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Azuredreams wrote:

I can't believe someone who plays Halo, the equivalent of the kid with a helmet on the short bus in the grand scheme of first person shooters has the unadulterated stones to say that ANY game is a disgrace. I mean come the hell on. You're defending a game that became popular not because of it's graphics, or gameplay but because of Timmy smack talking and teabagging. Just like COD or Battlefield, every iteration of Halo is the same fucking game.

That entire franchise is the most generic fucking over rated joke and you're bagging on a indie game like FEZ? Guess you think Journey is a waste too.....but YEEEEHAW a new Master Queef is commin' out! Boy howdy! We gon' do some serious alien killin' teabaggin' timmy fraggin' tonight I tells ya! 

Unreal, Quake, those were shooters...Halo was the game you gave your five year old cousin so he'd stop bothering you and stayed off your PC. 

Give me a fucking break....Halo....holy fuck.

This meta discussion is the same as OMG's was. It is a personal attack against me just as OMG's was. It's off topic. It's inflamatory and serves no purpose except to make me more angry. I referenced FEZ and Oddworld. You picked some other games out of the blue.  You are going to have to raise your posting bar a lot. Even OMG has you beat.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 08:29
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Fez and Oddworld are just two of the many games that will never reach their potential in Xbox Live because of oppressive Microsoft policies. Here is another example. http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/news-15327-Microsoft-“Institutionally-Incompetent---Has-“Fucked-Up”-Processes--Says-Skulls-of-the-Shogun-Dev.html
Fri, 06/21/2013 - 08:36
BlowMonkey's picture
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Fez was fucking brilliant (not talking about the "neat" game mechanic either).

Phil Fish is was crazy mofo though lol but I'll check out his next game(s) no matter what platform he chooses to put them on.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 10:16
zombiekitten's picture
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Is Deep joking or is he really angry? I can't tell...it's weird either way.

Everything's topsy turvy! Up is down! Red is blue! I'm freakin out man!!

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 10:28 (Reply to #15)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

Is Deep joking or is he really angry? I can't tell...it's weird either way.

Everything's topsy turvy! Up is down! Red is blue! I'm freakin out man!!

Angry. History.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 10:28
Shadow's picture
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fucking love Fez.  Sad it won't be on my console.  However, hopefully MS will have a change of policy to not need a publisher.  Otherwise, XBLIG is going to be dead.

Fri, 06/21/2013 - 12:50
Lbsutke's picture
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