My review on the new Deadpool game *Very detailed, but absent of main story spoilers*

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#1 Sun, 06/30/2013 - 10:04
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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My review on the new Deadpool game *Very detailed, but absent of main story spoilers*

So for anyone who cares to read my opinions, I've been playing the game for awhile now, and according to the chapter list I'm in chapter 5 which appears to be about 50-60% through the game so far. I'm not a writer like the great reviewers we have here, but felt like talking about the game, so here's my initial opinions about it so far:

Basics you need to know before reading: Deadpool has 2 main personalities in the games and they constantly talk to each other, and he also talks to the developers, and you quite a bit breaking the veil of the game. So when I mention certain instances where this might come into play in my review, that's who he's talking to lol.


It wasn't a big budget game, so the graphics aren't amazing, but anyone expecting AAA graphics from this title is crazy. The environment is not destructible like at all, which is kinda odd in a hack n slash game. Occasionally, you can break a window, but there's always a scripted purpose. In fact Deadpool constantly bitches b/c there's not enough shit being blown up, and tries to go around this. Usually then the developer comes into the convo about having budgets and not having money, which was funny at first, but they reference it too often. I'm all for tongue and cheek jokes, but low budget ones, especially repeated ones kinda bum me out.

The layouts are extremely linear, and there's no collectibles, or anything like that, so there's no reason to explore really except for the occasional extra money. When they do hide money, it's pretty much in plain view as there's really no side paths. The levels are pretty bare most of the time with the occasional crate, desk, ledge, and high jump thrown in. The first few chapters consist of an office building, sewer system, and Genosha. So usually you'll just run up to a group of enemies, beat them, and then walk down whatever type of corridor that level is, and beat up the next group, with an occasional lever pull to open a door, however these are never hidden.

The camera is fine most of the time, however, during some boss fights, it get's really wonky and even with full control of it, I still wasn't able to see myself or the boss. It's not major, but it has got me killed once or twice. The enemies also don't have much variety, even Deadpool notes while fighting he keeps calling the enemies "Billy" as if he knows them. His personalities tries to figure out why but then states that all the enemies are probably  just clones of the same guy lol. Most of the time you'll be fighting a melee guy, a shooting guy, or one of the "Big Uns" that come in different elements like just fire, or occassionally they're just fat with no element lol.

There's also 2 different modes, your campaign mode, and challenge mode. Challenge mode constists of getting high scores by beating enemies so you can get medals, like the Batman games. However most of these don't vary much from the campaign areas they're taken from, and were kinda boring for me, but some people may love them, they just weren't for me, and each chapter only has 1 challenge and only 9 chapters.


I was really hoping this game would be a lot like the original DMC, however, it's not even close honestly lol. While fun, the combat is very simple in this game, and kinda slow honestly compared to some others in this genre. X is for light attack, Y-strong, B-dodge, A-Jump RB-throwable, RT-Shoot. It's nothing we haven't used before in a game, so most won't feel uncomfortable. Combos are very basic and anyone can get through the game randomly mashing X and Y, with the occasional gunshots thrown in to maintain momentum, or to kill long range enemies. Timing doesn't really matter, and there's only a few "scripted" combos, so anyone who's not a "hardcore" hack n slasher will have no problem picking this game up and having fun.

Combos are basic, how many attacks can you pull of without being hit, and the higher it goes, the more money you can potentially earn for them. Personally, I've only got as high as 182 but there's a cheevo for 300, and hopefully I'll get it! There's also a "Momentum" Gauge for constantly attacking, that when filled allows you a "special attack". However, there's often gaps between groups of enemies causing your meter to deplinish. There are skills that can help with this, I'll go into later. Combos are important b/c of the money, this is where what depth the game has comes from.

There's about 10 different weapons in the game, along with 5 throwables. Your melee weapons: Swords, Sais, and Hammers. Your guns: Pistols, Shotgun, AR, and SMG. Your throwables: Flashbangs, Grenades, Bear Traps, and Mines. Each weapons aside from the throwables can be leveled up with cash, as you kill a certain amount of enemies with that weapon. These skills include stuff like: more damage, bleed damage, faster firing rates, an extra combo, more money, etc. Weapons all a unique feel to them that is similar to most in this genre, you got your speedy light weapons, your slower heavy weapons, and then your average speed weapons. Guns are similar and vary from close to long range, and some weapons build combos faster.

Story/Characters/And Everything Else:

This is where the game really shines, and why most people will buy it. It's fucking Deadpool! Deadpool is hilarious, and as a game, it's pretty funny too. So for a quick rund down for those who don't know about Deadpool here's a bio. Deadpool was a merc, was experimented on and givin Wolverine's super healing ability, but also made him bat-shit crazy, and made his skin look like a zombie's. He has many personalities but mainly only talks between two in the game. He also knows he's a fictional character, so he often talks to the readers, and everyone else just thinks he's crazy b/c they don't know they're in a medium. Also, if you didn't understand me before he's SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP, leading to some really funny content.

The game at times however does have some lame jokes. With Deadpool everything's always hit or miss comedy, so it's expected. Deadpool knows he's in a game, so this makes for some fun stuff. You can make him literally pull his pants down and take a crap while playing with his smart phone, to pestering Wolverine on the phone. While taking a crap in a game is funny, it was also really gross to see him strain and hear the plop. Sometimes his motivation for doing things in the game goes from just doing awesome shit to make a good game, to chasing down a woman he hopes is big breasted so he can squeeze them lol.

There's lots of cameos here from the Marvel world as well which is a big plus. On top of this it also takes super serious characters we know and love, and makes tons of jokes of them, along with seriously funny bios for each. Cable even gets his own special song! I can't give too much info here, so I don't spoil things, but there's plenty of interactions with people from the Marvel world, along with people from the real world.


Verdict So Far(Will update if it changes upon completion):

The game is a budget game and knows this, and only charges $50 instead of $60, so I give them props for that much. However, looking at the chapter select screen right now and only having 3 chapters left this game really doesn't have that much content at all for the price. I'll have most likely beat the game in roughly 10 hours playtime, which is pretty low for an action/adventure type game. The main audience for this game is going to be for fans of Deadpool and the Marvel world, not the genre, because really it's very basic.  The game really is funny though and the story has kept me laughing at all times. If I were to compare it to another game, it would have to be Duke Nukem, but with updated humor/jokes for the times.

For all it's faults though, there's very little glitches/bugs in this, and hasn't froze once for me. It's an "M" rated game also for a reason. Anyone getting this for kids, needs to be aware, there's language, gore, lots of sexuality references such as Deadpool talking and showing about how big his dick is.

I feel like $30, maybe $40 would've been a great price for this game just for the great story and all the laughs, but for $50, it has me regretting it a little bit.  Mainly just b/c of the lack of content, simple gameplay and depth, which reminds me of X-Men:Destiny. I reference that b/c it was a Marvel game that wasn't bad, but was really low on content, and the gameplay was pretty simple with not much depth, unless Deadpool  adds a ton of content in the last 3 chapters. If it does I plan on updating this upon completion, and will let people know, but I don't see much changing honestly.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 07:29
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Great review, thank you very much!
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 01:26
SquatterBag's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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I got Destiny for $15 and enjoyed it. I'll probably grab this on an amazon sale.

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 14:30
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

I didn't mind Destiny, it wasn't bad, but wasn't what it could've been either, even went through the trouble of getting 1000/1000 on it. However, I bought it at launch for $60, and while fun, it wasn't worth that lol. $15 would've been a good price for it, but you can't find many new copies anymore since the Silicon Knights lawsuit. They had to destroy all their copies, code, everything associated with it and Too Human, glad I kept my copies of both.

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 18:15
SquatterBag's picture
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Well shit. I better get it back from my brother. Might be worth something some day.

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