Gran Turismo 6 - Playstation 3

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Mon, 07/01/2013 - 09:18
Trelliz's picture
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I get the feeling that GT6 will be more like GT5.5, in the same way GT4 wasn't much different to GT3, so hopefully it'll include a lot of convenience stuff like a proper car buying system. I would have thought that if there was going to be a livery editor they would have mentioned it by now, but Polyhphony are weird, so they may spring it on us. They have said that GT6 will have:

  • Multiple aerodynamic parts and custom wheels will be available for almost all cars.
  • Players can create their own personalised custom car in the game.


Whether the latter means liveries may be a matter of mistranslation, but it remains to be seen.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 10:47
Sherb's picture
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I would be content w/ 6 if they only took 5, added a few new tracks (bring back Seattle) and convert the rest of the "non-premium" cars, to full premium specs (full res bodies & interiors).  .  I do not expect anything ground breaking, especially seeing as it's a release for the PS3, and not the PS4.

Actually fired it up a bit on Friday.  Ran a few seasonal races.  I really like the feeling of weight transfer, you can't just toss it into the corner at the last second & expect it to take a set immediately.  Smooth is key for sure.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 15:01
Zero7159's picture
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Just a reminder that the Gran Turismo 6 demo is coming tomorrow at 8:00 GMT, which is 1:00am PST via download from the Playstation Store.  I hope to get in a few minutes tomorrow morning before I head off to work.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 20:31
gizziegod's picture
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i dont think there is any perceptible difference in the feel of game

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 06:52
brntguy's picture
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So the demo came out, what are your impressions? For me it is a huge improvement over 5. The graphics are nice and on par with Forza 4 and the feel of the cars on the road is better too. Although the body roll may be a bit overdone. For me this demo will have me buying GT6.

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 10:42
Zero7159's picture
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I downloaded and played the demo last night.  GT6 is definitely an evolution of GT5.  The graphics are nicer, particularly the colors and the lighting.  Apricot Hill looks amazing, much more vibrant.  Silverstone also looks great, they did a nice job with it.  They also have worked on the cockpits, they also look better.  The physics are FFB are also improved.  I can actually feel the car's suspension working through the wheel.  They do need to improve the frame rate, it bogs down in some spots, but I am confident that will be smoothed out by the time they release the game.  I wish they included more cars to drive, but that is the deal with demos - if they are good, they leave you wanting more.  The demo worked perfectly with my Clubsport wheel and Clubsport pedals.  No complaints here.

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 11:26
gizziegod's picture
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got it downloaded but i have not got around to trying yet

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 13:45
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Ran through the demo last night using the controller and managed a 2:25.289.  There doesn't seem to much play in the brake or throttle.  It's either off, partially on or full on.  I'll try hooking up my Elite this weekend and see if I can lower my time.

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 17:20
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I agree with Brnt I too was a Gt fanboy form the first Gt to the present Gt . When I bought my first Forza game being Forza4 to me it was night and day.  The feeling I get playing Forza is more personal or better yet it seems more involving . It just seems when your on track racing your adrenaline kicks up ,seeing other cars around you with personal liveries you know hey that person took some time with that car even if he bought it . The same goes with the tuning for the little I 've done in tuning it just feels good to be able to jump back and fourth and tweek your tune when needed. With GT 5 yes its a fun game as well but you lose connection with the car . It just seems like hey i'm just going to drive this car that I hopefully tuned properly. The cars just don't have that feeling of hey I tuned this car and look I have boobies as my race livery. For me both games are good but Forza4 has really taken me away from GT , not to say if GT7 for the PS4 fixes alot of there on going issues:  usless cars. blackout cockpit views , horrible car engine sounds , clutch issues and a few others (not to say Forza doesn't have problems themselves) Then I would be more than happy to join the GT fanboy club once again . So for now mostly Forza for me with a sprinkle of GT here and there. Side note if the Xbox one does not support the Fanatec wheel I  well not be playing Forza5( not that anyone would miss me) and most likely playing GT6. Its just to hard to switch from wheel to controller at least for me.

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 18:34
brntguy's picture
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Well Ink, sure we would miss you round here. To prove it all you have to do is be in a lobby when your not around, your name comes up more often then you think. And controller racing is just not for me nor will it ever be, been using a wheel for too long in too many racing games. Yea if my fanatec won't work with the xbox one I sure won't be purchasing the system or forza 5 any time soon. Will be racing Forza 4 and GT6 for my fix.

Wed, 07/03/2013 - 18:49
Parcells2's picture
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Played the demo, big whoop its a demo not much to go by. Was awesome to race Silverstone in GT though love that track even though I struggled with the new turns that I've never driven before. Almost stopped the demo when I was forced to race with an automatic car, glad I didn't to get to Silverstone and a better car.

Demo GUI looked a little better but it has Parcells even more concerned I might have to grind out some sort of career races in order to buy and race what I want. If its any more than 5-6 hours I cringe. Dont mind if my only source of credits is on-line racing just dont hold back cars because I dont finish some stupid race or skill challenge within the career.

Serentiy now.

Fri, 07/05/2013 - 16:56
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Why are the some of real race tracks  differ between Forza and GT ? For example like Parcells said( new turns on silverstone that I've never driven before) I also noticed that myself and I noticed the chicane on Nurburging grand prix is different from Forza5 to GT .

Fri, 07/05/2013 - 17:28 (Reply to #43)
Zeratul's picture
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Why are the some of real race tracks  differ between Forza and GT ? For example like Parcells said( new turns on silverstone that I've never driven before) I also noticed that myself and I noticed the chicane on Nurburging grand prix is different from Forza5 to GT .

GT's Silverstone is the new (2011?) lay-out while Forza still uses the old one. Nurb GP is just a choice made by the dev teams, they are both there in real life but I don't know wich one is the true (F1) GP lay-out.
Fri, 07/05/2013 - 19:20 (Reply to #44)
Parcells2's picture
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Zeratul wrote:

Nurb GP is just a choice made by the dev teams, they are both there in real life but I don't know wich one is the true (F1) GP lay-out.

Me no know either. But I would guess GTs version because it must be taken slower and since F1 cars are masters at slowing down and speeding up I think they would go that route plus to slow them down??

Me watch for this on Sunday.

Sat, 07/06/2013 - 02:10 (Reply to #45)
Tourni6's picture
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Zeratul wrote:


Why are the some of real race tracks  differ between Forza and GT ? For example like Parcells said( new turns on silverstone that I've never driven before) I also noticed that myself and I noticed the chicane on Nurburging grand prix is different from Forza5 to GT .

GT's Silverstone is the new (2011?) lay-out while Forza still uses the old one. Nurb GP is just a choice made by the dev teams, they are both there in real life but I don't know wich one is the true (F1) GP lay-out.


Zeratuuuuullllll!  :D

Sat, 07/06/2013 - 06:05
Zeratul's picture
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Just watched a few laps of F1 free pracitce, they use the GT version of the final chicane at Nurb GP. An other interessting fact is that Pirelli's advices have been turned into rules. Meaning the minimum tire pressure  needs to be 16/19 PSI cold front/rear and the camber at a maximum of -4.0/-2.5 deg front/rear. In this respect Forza and GT are way off the mark (as I've always thought).

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 12:32
unsub073's picture
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I actually liked the demo of it especially the warm up tracks.  I have always like the Autumn Ring Mini

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 13:12
Sherb's picture
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Autumn Ring is one of my fave tracks of all time.  142

Fri, 07/12/2013 - 09:48
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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GT6 will have the Goodwood hill climb. Cool.

Sat, 07/13/2013 - 11:43
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Damn that looked narrow...

Mon, 07/15/2013 - 09:11
unsub073's picture
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The Hill Climb looks like it is going to be fun.

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