I'm so done trying to beat that damn Hyperius!

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#1 Mon, 07/01/2013 - 22:28
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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I'm so done trying to beat that damn Hyperius!

So I've solo'd every raid boss but him and Gee, but I can't beat this fucker on UVMH. I've been trying for 3 damn days, all my legendaries, uniques, nothing does enough damage to kill all those little robot fuckers fast enough to even get more than a second or two of his shield down, then his Nova blasts destroys me.

I'm just going to have to go farm the Hoplite I guess..

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 09:56
TANK's picture
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Him and Gee are both pieces of shit boss fights.  They were more anti-bee / conference call boss fights than 'fair' boss fights.   When the evil smasher glitch worked, you could kill Hyperious before he finished his starting animation before his shields go up.  But they fixed the smasher glitch too.  The fight was crappy on TVHM i can only imagine how much more suck it is on UVHM.  I won't ever fight these guys again because of how shitty the fights are.  Since they nurfed the bee and the smasher, they need to go back and fix these boss fights to be 'normal'.

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 11:02
w0rm's picture
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I've been waiting to find a corrosive e-tech rocket launcher (x 3) before I attempt to solo Hyperius.

Which character are you using?


Tue, 07/02/2013 - 16:11
StrikeZ's picture
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The only Raid Boss I beat legitamely was Pete, all of them kicked my ass.  

Wed, 08/07/2013 - 16:47
WODKA7453's picture
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I can kill Hyperious 25% of the time with Zero's Bore skill using a quasar nade to suck his minions in and cap it off with a sandhawk bee combo.  If my sandhawk was a flying prefix I think I'd get him 50% of the time.  Pete's not to bad once you get the timing down.  For me the fight with Voracidious is where I have to wave the flag.  Vora is not he problem it's that darn witch doc dude and trying so hard not to take him out...  Errrrr!

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 05:54
wilderz's picture
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I think ultimately Gearbox created a lot of these bosses with the idea that people would have to 'party-up' to take them down.  I beat Hyperius in regular mode solo, but still took me several tries. 

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 02:30
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Yeah, I did finally beat him in UVHM solo, and without resorting to the Hoplite/Immolate glitch, it just took a lot of patience, and over a month of time lol. I had beaten him before on the earlier modes, and even on UVHM, but with buddies. However, I like to try and see if I can do stuff solo in co-op games for the challengeGee wasn't bad at all, I beat him on my second try and got his Ahab.

Vora was a bitch! I agree I hated that fucker!!! I still hate him, lol. Dex was pretty easy honestly, but that 99 Eridium cost is fuckin joke considering his drops suck..


Now all I gotta do is try and beat those Dragons legit on UVHM, I'm sure I'll have lots of fun with that lol.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 17:33 (Reply to #7)
WODKA7453's picture
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GbHaseo wrote:

Now all I gotta do is try and beat those Dragons legit on UVHM, I'm sure I'll have lots of fun with that lol.

  I went up there with my Gunzerker Grog in the left hand and the Harold in the right thinking this would be a short fight with those flying lizzards.  Well, I was right about a short fight...  FOR THEM!!!

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 22:04
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Yeah, I could beat him easily with the Grog Nozzle, which I will eventually, but to me that gun was only meant for 1 quest, so I don't consider it legit, which is why I wanna beat them without it. I don't mind using stuff like that, like when I'm farming Gee and Pyro Pete, I use the environments like hiding by the pipes or behind the rock, but for the first time I beat guys I don't use them so for now I'm just going to use my Slag Rubi, then I'll farm the shit out of them and make them my bitch with the Nozzle lol.

I'm a Mega Man fan, so I'm used to failing over and over and over and of course over, breaking numerous controllers, til I can finally beat all those fuckers in one go! Although, I don't think I'll ever be good enough to do the game without taking damage, like some people can :(

Sun, 08/11/2013 - 18:16
WODKA7453's picture
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I should make my experience with the dragons a little more clear when I said: short fight for them = Dragons 1 (actually quite a bit more than 1) and Wodka 0

As far as the Grog I see your point using it only for the intended mission.  To me though it's NBD, it's not that OP being way to random to count on the effect and with many gun combos it can be a major hindrance.  I never tried the conference call/Bee combo but I did dabble with the evil smasher a bit before patch, and wow that kinda messed with gaming integrity.  But, it was freaking fun too.  The only gun I really try to avoid using is the Harold if I can. 


Sun, 08/11/2013 - 19:37
StrikeZ's picture
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With the dragon - you have to try to kill them in a particular order.  I forget the exact order - but one levels up all the other dragons, and that make them very tough to kill. So you avois having him come down on the plaform and increase the levels of all the live dragons.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 14:59
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Ahh, I see! I've watched quite a few videos with people owning the dragons using the Grog and thought that's what you meant. I don't mind using the Grog, or other type stuff like the Bee/CC just not on my legit playthroughs, after I do something once, that's when I have fun destroying everything! :D

There is a certain order you should use with the dragons like he said it goes 1st to last:

Purple Dragon - Levels up the others

Blue Dragon - Heals the others

Green Dragon - Spawns the little ones

Red Dragon - Firebreather

Some people skip the purple, and save him for last, b/c if you can kill them fast enough, he doesn't get the chance to level them up, but it's risky.

The Bee/CC combo used to kick a lot of ass, but since the nerf it's not as effective. What you really wanna use is the Bee and the Sandhawk, that combo literally destroys. I had to stop myself from using it, it was just that powerful, and made everything a joke. Slagged, I think I averaged roughly 20-30 million per trigger pull, it was pretty crazy. It's a lot easier to use than the Harold on top of that. I finally got a Norfleet, and I gotta say, I'm not sure I understand the hype about it, I don't really like it that much, but hey to each their own I guess. It is a cool gun to fire though!

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