Each of the three DLC packs in the Champions bundle will also be available as standalone purchases on launch day. The Bullseye Pack will be available for 480 MS Points2 and the Infinity Armor Pack and Steel Skin Pack will be available for 240 MS Points2 each. The bonus content is only available for a limited time exclusively through the bundle.
- Bullseye Pack: Two new multiplayer maps, a sports-themed Spartan armor and a new competitive gravball game type called Ricochet
- Infinity Armor Pack: Set your Spartan up with impressive and legendary new armor
- Steel Skin Pack: Bring an elaborate steampunk style to your UNSC, Covenant, and Forerunner weapons
To learn all about the “Halo 4” Champions bundle, including a detailed breakdown of what each DLC pack includes, please visit Halo Waypoint.
I'll add reasonable pictures and video of PITFALL and VERTIGO when I get them.
So ones a Pit remake?
Is the other one a remake as well?
Hm. A Pit remake. Dammit,t hey got me right in the feels.
On a related note, this remake shoots straight tot he top 5 of maps for the game now. The other one looks a little big at first glance.
CA just loves them a dark moody map don't they?
I'm excited to see how they may have managed to gum it up.
Vid added above.
So basically they want me to pay MORE for DLC though I already paid for shit I DON'T want? Nice.
No, you're spot on. That's another reason that Gul's wet dream fantasy of having all the Halo maps (EVAR!!!) available as a massive DLC is a bad idea. Standard sprint and Armor Abilities fuck everything up.
Did I hear you say you prefer customs once or was it someone else? Either way could you not take out the armour abilities ?
@Deep can the sprint be taken out of H4 ?
it can be disabled . I'm playing around on a forge version of the pit
This link can explain better then I can how to set the game type keep in mind I'm using this as an example . Also you can set the armour ability in a drop just remember to disable the player load outs
No no I was just using that as an example to show the edit of game types I can show you if your around tomorrow or something
Frankie can go fuck a goat.
remove jetpack and sprint.
Looks like the only thing of importance (if you want to call it that) is the Bullseye Pack. The other two appear to be only fluff and really don't relate to gameplay.
After viewing the vids and reading about the maps, I'm not going to purchase upon release for a couple reasons:
1.) The population is already low so the chances of playing the map against randies is slim considering I typically play objective, btb skirmish, and dominion.
2.) I've played enough remakes of the Pit in Reach and H4 that unless there's something about it that significantly increases its appeal, I'v had my fill.
So it doesn't look good in terms of me spending money on this bundle, unless my 2o2phalo clan makes it mandatory.
This sounds prudent.
Imagine watching us play on this new version from a capped vid. If you don't own it, that's the only way you'll get to participate. We'll be using all the wrong callouts ands and using poor strategies and you'll just be, you know, watching. ;)
It's actually quite sad. Typically, I gobble up anything halo related, but Halo 4 has disappointed me in so many ways.