When are you guys available? I can play any time Friday 7/19 after 7 PM, Saturday 7/20 from 10 AM until 2 PM, and Sunday from midnight until 3 AM. All times are EST. I will have more availability after that.
just a heads up to everyone. if you need to get a teammate a message...there's this thing called private messages here. i get an email as soon as you send me one as well.
just a heads up to everyone. if you need to get a teammate a message...there's this thing called private messages here. i get an email as soon as you send me one as well.
Next weekend is going to be tough, but not impossible. Between moving into my new apartment on Friday the 26th and being the best man in my friend's wedding that Sunday, I'll see what I can work out. Worst case scenario, I hate to say it, we may need to sub Kenjamin out if you don't mind.
I could be there, this Sunday, after 8pm, but any night during the next week could work. Would prefer not to be smashing hammers and doing callouts after midnight.
Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 Eastern start. I'm on anyway so just staying on later. Other nights are possible at 11:00 Eastern and maybe earlier if I know the night in time.
what about Monday or Tuesday (7/22 & 7/23)?
I can play after 7 eastern on either day.
8/2 & 8/3 is a long ways out...
I can do any evening from now through sat 27th. sunday has to be by 4pm or after 8 pm.
I can do the times you mentioned for Friday and Saturday.
I can do Saturday or Sunday.
I'm sorry, this weekend won't work for me. Can we look at the following week-weekend?
friday and saturday are out for me as well.
sunday and after is fine for me.
just a heads up to everyone. if you need to get a teammate a message...there's this thing called private messages here. i get an email as soon as you send me one as well.
...sub Lou out.
I could be there, this Sunday, after 8pm, but any night during the next week could work. Would prefer not to be smashing hammers and doing callouts after midnight.
Well it seems this weekend is out.
What is everyone's availability during the week next week?
My week is fairly open other than Thursday the 25th.
Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 Eastern start. I'm on anyway so just staying on later. Other nights are possible at 11:00 Eastern and maybe earlier if I know the night in time.
Any day but Wednesday the 24th.
Friday is out, those Saturday times, my time would be iffy, but the Sunday time would work. Next week I'll be out of town from Wed - Friday.
8/2 - 8/3 - less than ideal for me, probably not available. ...why not sooner? How did we rule out weeknights?
7/23 ok with me.
I hate for you to have to do this Lou. This was your tourney idea and you won't get to play again.
I should be available for the evening of the 23rd, but I'd like to start no later than 10:00 PM EST.
Time? I'm hoping it's outside 9-11 East.
7/23 works - should we try for an 8pm eastern start?
Fine with me. I'm with Darth, no later than 10 PM start.
So we have the following stating they can play tonight, Tuesday, 7/23 at 8:00 PM Eastern:
Team A: Deep, Wam
Team C: Darth, Achy, Ken
Others please respond. Let's go ahead and plan for this and see what happens. We'll probably need to plan on subs too.