Where's the 'Looking for a Clan' Forum
Where's the 'Looking for a Clan' Forum
So... been gone a while, trying to decide which clan to find that fits my gaming style...and I can't find that forum. You know, the one where everyone posted messages like this:
I'm an Xbox, mostly FPS (except I'm not a huge fan of springy-feet halo), enjoy the tactics
and teamwork side of things, and currently have a k:d ratio of about 0.38 on Black Ops 2
(yup, I'm that bad). I'm generally pretty laid back and I don't trash talk because I find
people who do usually suffer from SPS (short penis syndrome).
Then they'd usually get a response like:
'You should join our clan, ____, cause we're laid back <translation, we're desparate for
players, cuz you'd have to be to take a k:d ratio like that> .
Followed by silence from _____, cuz they'd never take on a player who sucked that bad and couldn't make the tri-weekly team practices.
I love the effort and changes to the web-site, but I'm 40, and changes confuse me. So, can anyone tell me where to look to find clans looking for members who are willing to tell me a bit about their gaming style. And for the record, my k:d ratio really is that bad. And yes, I believe there really is a DSM-5 Diagnosis for SPS. It's between the page on passive-aggressive personality types and the page on people-who-hate-cats.
Hit the 'Groups' tab on the top right (under the blogs) then select 'All Groups'. That should take you where you want to go.
Thanks. Sadly, I've been there. Problem is, the only info on each clan is the quick blurb each put on about themselves, and only half the clans have that.
I take it that old forum disappeared?
There has been a push to make the community more open (fewer closed groups). Hell, a bunch of us racers have been coxed out of 2O4F a while ago.....much to the chargrin of everyone else here..gif)
Your best bet will be a post here (you got that), and I'd make a post in the CoD Division Forums too. Make sure you make a note of which system you are using, as there are a few PC/PS3 guys, but I think most are x360. Though don't quote me on that, as I've never actually played any of the CoD series, so I could be off. There are still people frequenting that forum, so they can probably get you directed to a group you're looking for.
Cheers, and welcome back.
Yes and the place has never been the same!
And I can't spell.......gif)