Xbox One.........Like a Boss!
Tue, 07/23/2013 - 19:32
Xbox One.........Like a Boss!
Analyst says Xbox one could outship PS4 3-1
Sorry PS4 your just not as good. I'll gladly pay $100 extra.
To be fair to Azuredreams on reports like this, I will say it's just more unsubstantiated crap. I want to believe it but I see no evidence of official source.
I don't own stock in any of the companies bro. I honestly don't hold any ill will toward Xboxone, it's just not for me. The company burned it's bridges with our family. Thanks for the nod though Deep, it's always nice to know someone's thinking of you
Well, its good to see a thread here that won't devolve to shit.
It started that way, so at least it saved time :)
It sounded like a challenge to me?.gif)
MS vs Sony
I find this to be an accurate representation of Nintendo
That's funny stuff.
My magic 8 ball says to ask again. Maybe the analyst has a newer model than me?
I found one too...
Again. See magic 8 ball for all answers.
I think Xbox One is going to kick PS4s ass. Why? Because they have Halo 5 and its gonna be sweet.
Halo(5)'s a girls game. Or so my kids AND their girlfriends claim...I'm just saying...
Halo suxxx
I also remember when analyst said GTA V would release in 2011. They're always right.
The Dreamcast 2 is going to shit all over the Xbone and PS4!
Oh crap, I used "xbone"! I might have offended someone! Sorry!
It's XBone! Or is it XBOne? Doesn't matter, they'll waffle on it before release...oh wait XB180?
Quick! Get the petitions going so we have them ready when m$ flip-flops on the correct capitalization! That way, when m$ states it one way, there's already a petition to change it. When m$ does change it, there's already a petition to change it back to the original! Time saved!
Enough said... they don't know a damn thing til it happens.