payday 2
Sun, 07/14/2013 - 16:16
payday 2
Anyone else interested in this? Definitely caught my attention after the writeup, but it probably depends on the group you're playing with. At $40, I'd be willing to give it a shot if some other folks are interested.
Looks fun with if you have someone to play co-op with
The new additions they added to it look cool. The first was fun but I've only played with A.I.
Here's some new gameplay. Looks pretty fun:[width=640,height=320]
Will be a bargin bin title for me. Not because it doesn't look cool, but because Splinter Cell: Blacklist hits next week, and that's one I'm jonesing for...
I ended up picking this up on the psn store. It's a LOT of fun if you're playing with a group of 4 real people. It requires teamwork to delegate different tasks for each map, and when things go wrong, it gets really chaotic and stressful (in a good way). HOWEVER, if you are playing with the AI as your team, it's a total disaster. They can't hold loot bags, and you basically have to use them as tanks as you run your bags of stuff to the getaways.
So, if anyone else is looking to pick this up, shoot me an invite -- trust me, you don't want to play this solo.
Lucky I may pick this up soon.. I'll hit you up if I do.