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#1 Sat, 08/10/2013 - 00:19
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Do you consider the braking line an assist?

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 00:50
SnappyDee's picture
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Oh no.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 03:35
Fitzy's picture
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Yes and no.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 03:44
CProRacing's picture
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This should be fun. My opinion Yes as you don't have one in the real world. So It assist you to know when to brake
Sat, 08/10/2013 - 03:58 (Reply to #4)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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CProRacing wrote:
This should be fun. My opinion Yes as you don't have one in the real world. So It assist you to know when to brake
so does that mean tcs, abs and stability control is not considered an assist since we have that in real life?

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 03:53
POIDSLY's picture
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As Church.

Braking line was the penultimate thing I turned off, before ABS, a couple of years ago.

In terms of series, it means needing to constantly learn new braking markers.

I turned it off for immersion. Same reason as switching to cockpit view.

Now TCS on the other hand........ 

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 04:12
CProRacing's picture
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No as they assist you in real life :)
Sat, 08/10/2013 - 08:36
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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The braking line, for me, keeps me on the track, as in, it helps me know where the turns are, and to a degree it assists me in knowing where the newer drivers intend to be ( they don't always get there, but they try).

I completely disregard the red/green thing, just ask Parcells...

Finally, my opinion is, if it helps you NOT hit me, I'm happy.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 08:43
Gunny's picture
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I fully admit to using it but more learning the tracks and as Oldschool says, it helps me run where I'm supposed to which inturn keeps me out of folks
Sat, 08/10/2013 - 08:52
SnappyDee's picture
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My I make a suggestion? I am interested to see how each person that replies to this topic plays the game. Would everyone who has posted here be willing to list what assists they typically use? Ultimately, the game is designed with them as options so I make no judgement on what people use. I'm just curious. Snappy/Gentleman Racer No assists, for any class. Normal Steering. (Have not tried Simulation Steering in quite some time) The only assists I believe is on when I drive is the built in adjustments that Forza makes for the Gamepad. I have read where Forza has built in adjustments for Gamepad users that may not be present when a wheel is used.
Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:13
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I use the the braking line and ABS. TCS is off for all classes. Normal steering too. Simulation steering makes the response of the vehicle at turn in feel much more realistic but if you get out of shape you WILL get crossed up since it's near impossible to recover.

I'll likely turn off ABS before the braking line. It's too late I've already gotten used to it and use it as my braking point marker which is what I thought everyone did. I ignore the line it shows in the braking line since 1/2 the time or more it's not the best line through the corner. IMO.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:21
Parcells2's picture
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This will be a first and I admit to being surprised but I basically agree with Oldschool...

It is not an assist like the other assists where they attempt to prevent your car from doing something you dont want it to (brakes locking up, wheel spinning etc.) but it does assists you by providing a pretty decent dynamic braking marker but thats all it is and if you do brake religiously when the red line appears you wont be very fast.

Its the only assist Parcells uses and I use it strictly because I've used it for literally years so have become very accustomed to it but I also know for a fact I could drop it and not suffer much or at least until I learn new braking points for each track. 4 or 5 months ago in GT5 I was cruising the Norschleiffe track at night in my Caterham before the boys got on and to best enjoy my buzz I took off the line assists and had a blast (no braking line in GT5...either full line or none so had to be turned off at night to really enjoy the green monster with nothing but headlights). Half way through the night I realized I forgot to put the race line back on, seemed like I wasn't losing any speed at all so I've never turned it back on in GT5 since. There are still the odd tracks where I do lose time because I don't know where my braking point needs to be but its only a matter of time before I figure it out.

I considered dropping it in FM too and maybe some day I will but FM does not have as many permanent brake markers on the sides of the track leading to crucial turns as GT does so I'm a bit more reluctant to drop it FM as I know the learning curve will be a little longer but, like all assists, if people don't like it they can go fuck themselves! :) 

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:31
jcotter13's picture
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Braking line only, normal steering.


As stated previously, I'm not using the line so much to determine my braking points & racing line, but as a visual "gauge" of how much momentum i am carrying through the turns. In my head, it acts as a sort of "surrogate" for the feeling you get from your bottom when driving a real car. Does that make sense?

Sun, 08/11/2013 - 23:31 (Reply to #13)
GTFOOTW's picture
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jcotter13 wrote:

Braking line only, normal steering.


As stated previously, I'm not using the line so much to determine my braking points & racing line, but as a visual "gauge" of how much momentum i am carrying through the turns. In my head, it acts as a sort of "surrogate" for the feeling you get from your bottom when driving a real car. Does that make sense?

I agree, and it makes perfect sense.  I think of it as a feedback line, and it helps you judge distance, since we are looking at a flat screen and have no real depth perception.

For the record I use a controller with normal steering and TCS on some S class and all R classes.





Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:35
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I run with Enzo on Fridays sometimes and it's a no assist night, and don't really miss it at all ( the line). If you're in the pack you can see where the cars are going.

I use no assists at this point, except leaving the line on. I used to use simulation with a controller until I learned that the simulation mode was for WHEELS... So I dwitched back to normal and it hasn't really made a difference near as I can tell, and yes, I could correct tanl slappers in simulation, whiners...

I have to agree with Parcells agreeing with me. The line will not make you faster, but it can make you a tad more consistent perhaps. You WILL learn when its bullshitting you, and it does...

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:55
CProRacing's picture
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Simulation steering and that's it. Never tried the normal steering mode. Will have a look and see if I notice a change

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 09:58
Parcells2's picture
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I forgot to add about my GT5 no line experience...until you learn new braking points it was much easier running in a group vs all alone as the cars around me essentially dictated where I had to slow down. I remember one race where I worked my way through the pack with no braking issues only to completely miss a turn half a lap later, it was very embarrassing. DOH!

I agree with Oldschool agreeing with Parcells about agreeing with Oldschool.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 10:08
POIDSLY's picture
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Normal steering 90% of the time. Sim on some lower class series cars.

Otherwise nothing.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 11:00
brntguy's picture
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I use the braking line cuz well.... I'm addicted to it. I don't follow it really but use it as a gauge and it helps predict what others may do in online races. I agree with Cotter about how having it makes up for that lost feel of the car due to not actually being able to feel the road and G forces. I use the brake line and normal steering. I found my racing to be much more predictable and controlled using Normal steering over Sim steering especially in packs and door to door. Simulation steering does add more to the realisim to the handling feel of the cars and find myself clicking off faster times using it. I think that is due to having to be much more attentive to my steering and pedal input where you can't letup for a second or you can experience an off track or tank slapper. I prefer not to put that much effort into every race, maybe a little lazy or looking for it to be a little more fun instead of tense. I'm sure others still remember me going off in online races people asking if I was ok or if I was gonna disconnect, would be leading a race and go way off track with lots of people going by watching me head toward a wall lol! My choices I believe make me a better driver to race with others.

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 13:36
gizziegod's picture
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i only use the braking line but its really just a brake marker like the yardage boards that dont last long, also it laziness

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 13:54
Gunny's picture
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Not prob Snappy. Break line, normal steering.... Very very rarely TSC... Only the high end squirrelly cars but i always start without it first. Try to use as little as possible as suggested by club members.
Sat, 08/10/2013 - 14:24
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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I run TCS on anything S class and above and even on some of the higher powered A class cars depending if Im have issues with tail happy cars under power as I typically have a heavy foot and Im lazy. I also run the braking line as others indicated above.  

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 15:28
Antz2ndxbox360's picture
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PAD, braking line, sim steering unless doing a drift race then normal steering is a must for me, oh and cockpit view. no abs tcs, manual gears with A button clutch

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 16:47
brntguy's picture
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Yeah cockpit view is pretty darned good even tho it's a pretty limited view and hard to see mirrors on some cars, but dang I sure enjoy it. Immersion!

Sat, 08/10/2013 - 23:36
CaptainCooter's picture
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No assists other than braking line in all classes with bumper cam. Normal steering since I use a pad and it just makes most cars way too twitchy. Used braking line for as long as I can remember. Agree with it being a sort of brake marker vs an actual assist. Race the tracks enough and you know what cars on what tracks can fly through it being bright red. Alps Festival in the T124 on the last few turns is prime example. As soon as you come over the top of the hill you can actually keep the gas floored and not hit a wall with it under complete control up until the long left about 1/4-1/2 through the corner. I find letting off the gas just as you enter it turns the line yellow and keeps you in good stance for the rest of the corner. But the whole way prior you'll find the braking line red the entire time. Or the last corner on Atlanta in an R1 car, take it wide and keep it floored. Ask Prebuilt about rear ending him because he braked and I kept it going. (sorry again prebuilt).

Sun, 08/11/2013 - 10:27
Zeratul's picture
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PWTS, normal steering ( sim just feels wrong), braking line always and TCS in the highpower monsters.

Bumpercam when racing with you guys, cockpit against the ai.

As JC stated I use the braking line as a substitute for the G-forces, if you follow it exactly you will be slow.

In GT you have the sugested gear indicator tha's in your perifria vision to help finding braking points and the correct speed, if FM had that tha brakingline would be off.

Sun, 08/11/2013 - 17:44
kwl_Enzo's picture
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Since you asked...

BMWENTHUSIAST...  Yes. I believe the line is an assist.

SnappyDee...  You know me. Zero assists. Sim steering. Bumpercam (cockpit in open cockpit cars). Using a controller (I'd use one in my real car if I could).

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 02:28
Trelliz's picture
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I used to run only auto gears, however anyone who has had to wait 3+ minutes on wednesday nights for me to finish a track has seen that it doesn't help me in the slightest, so I put some more on - normal steering, abs and tcs, because otherwise it's an exercise in futility, frustration and despair, especially with a wheel (that I have slight buyer's remorse over, but that's another story).

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 08:01
gizziegod's picture
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if any of the euro based guys want some help with lines and technic im happy to TRY and help

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 08:45
Stewies_head's picture
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I use the braking line cause I'm old and can't see very well. It's a trade off for not feeling the G's. normal steering that's it. 

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 09:38
GRD 4 3L's picture
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Controller, simulation, & no aids.

My take on the brakeline is that it is a passive LEARNING aid where TCS, ABS, etc. are car CONTROL aids that actively alters the driver's inputs.  I just like the pain of fighting with traction.

I cannot tell the difference between simulation and normal control modes . . .

Used auto in FM2, wondered how some drivers were so much quicker!  Learned to use manual gears in FM3, still wondering how some drivers are still quicker.  Switched to manual gears + clutch to keep up with you guys.  I was terrified of manual gears & use of clutch prior to using them.  It was the change of attitude and thinking that forced the changed and it really only took few hours to get comfortable.

I love the in-car view but don't use it as it artificially restricts with the view.  In real life you get a much wider view and you just cannot get that from a single 23" screen . . .

Use whatever aids that help you ENJOY the drive/race, I say.

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