Hey guys and gals! I just rebought Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360, and if anyone wants to play, feel free to send me an invite or Friend Request! My gamertag is the same as my name *insert cheesy line* See you on the "battlefield" *end cheesy line*
Had battlefield 3 for about a month when new. Gave up. Need good friends to enjoy. Just picked it back up with premium so hit me up with a FR and invite. You all seem like a great bunch to help and teach. I am lost n suck. Please help
Finally got to play with 2fat and a few others. Kids first day back to school so I had to cut it short. They was excited and had alot to say and tell me about. Thanks for the games. Still need someone to accept BF3 fof friends request. Thanks
Is this for Xbox only. I was wondering if it is if anyone could direct me to the FoF tag for the PS3, Ps4 players. Or if there is even a tag for it. I made a thread to find more PS3 players, but if there is a tag then i would like to find it!
FR sent. I'm "HickTrick" on xblive
Sent FR to x2o2pBF3FoFx
This is also my XBox GT
man the forums are dead... if you want to find a crew to play some BF3 with - hit up PPC or anyone of us.
FR sent.
Friend requst sent. I'm getting a tad tired of Black Ops 2. This will be refesjing I reckon. I'm look forward to this event!
Hello to the new people!! Been off BF for a while, but back at it!!
Hey guys and gals! I just rebought Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360, and if anyone wants to play, feel free to send me an invite or Friend Request! My gamertag is the same as my name *insert cheesy line* See you on the "battlefield" *end cheesy line*
Hi Bookey, added you and GbHaseo. Although I won't be able to teach you much, I am great for target practice :).
Hey guys, will this FL apply to BF4 as well? I've got BF3 for 360 and will have BF4 on XB1, I'll send a FR either way.
GT-Ders 0ne
Is this for Xbox only. I was wondering if it is if anyone could direct me to the FoF tag for the PS3, Ps4 players. Or if there is even a tag for it. I made a thread to find more PS3 players, but if there is a tag then i would like to find it!
Rau if you need an xbox 1 friend.