Humble Bundle 11/5
Wed, 08/14/2013 - 17:38
Humble Bundle 11/5
Dead Space 3 for $1.... oh, and some other great games too. Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Burnout Paradise, Medal of Honor and Crysis 2. Might be the best Bundle yet. I already own most of these on 360 or PC, but Dead Space 3 alone was enough for me to snatch up this bundle. Spend over $4.64 and get Battlefield 3 and Sims 3 as well.
I dropped $25 on this bundle.
Sims3 Starter Pack and Date Night
Dead Space
Dead Space 3
Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge (had never played before)
Crysis 2
Burnout: Paradise Ultimate.
not too bad a deal.
Wow! This is the best bundle yet. Thanks for posting it!
I said I wasn't going to spend any more money on games between Last of Us and GTA V. I would be stupid for ignoring this, though - what a deal!
Definitely one of the better bundles I've seen. Plus it goes to a great cause. My friend simply hooked me up with the games he didn't need and I wanted. So far I've only loaded up Burnout, but I'll eventually get around to BF3, Dead Space, and Mirror's Edge.
Another nice Humble Bundle:
Wow, very nice. Too bad I already own most of those games. $5 for both Batman games is an absolute steal.
I already own Arkham City (non GOTY) on 360 and Scribblenauts on Steam, but I went ahead and paid $5 to get them all. At this price I couldn't pass it up. Gifted the Scribblenauts to a friend and am keeping Batman AC.