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Mon, 08/12/2013 - 11:14
oldmodelt's picture
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Do you consider the braking line an assist?

  I consider the brake line an assist.  All other things, TCS etc are a preference because like someone prior mentioned that they exist in the real world.  Correction, except for hood, bumper & chase view.  surprise  They might exist but have fun trying.  wink

Mon, 08/12/2013 - 18:05
LTD05GT's picture
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I think Braking line is an assist. I like it.  My assists are braking line only, TCS on R1 & R2 just to keep from spinning into you guys and Sim steering with my Fan wheel.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 04:10
Pizzy's picture
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Meh, most motorsports up until the last few years used most of the 'assists' so i dont see the big problem.  Half the times its a grown up version of my dad could batter your dad from when we were kids.


Everything is an assist, to me, the only aid is braking line (which i use).  I dont see TCS as any different to race tires.  Both can be taken on, or off a car and exist in real life.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 08:15 (Reply to #34)
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Pizzy wrote:

Meh, most motorsports up until the last few years used most of the 'assists' so i dont see the big problem.  Half the times its a grown up version of my dad could batter your dad from when we were kids.


Everything is an assist, to me, the only aid is braking line (which i use).  I dont see TCS as any different to race tires.  Both can be taken on, or off a car and exist in real life.


I have to disagree about most motorsports.


Most specifically have ruling against using TCS and ABS. And whether by choice or regulation most do not use a stability control either.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 10:23 (Reply to #35)
Pizzy's picture
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Pizzy wrote:

Meh, most motorsports up until the last few years used most of the 'assists' so i dont see the big problem.  Half the times its a grown up version of my dad could batter your dad from when we were kids.


Everything is an assist, to me, the only aid is braking line (which i use).  I dont see TCS as any different to race tires.  Both can be taken on, or off a car and exist in real life.


I have to disagree about most motorsports.


Most specifically have ruling against using TCS and ABS. And whether by choice or regulation most do not use a stability control either.


Hence me saying up until a few years ago.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 08:14
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How many have driven a high powered car with traction control in real life? How about with race tires and on  road course or autocross course?


TCS is the biggest assist in the game IMO. It helps to fix the biggest issue with cars in Forza and that is that they are tail happy like crazy. TCS can actually improve your lap times in Forza and in the real world that happens ZERO percent of the time.


If turning on TCS in Forza was as intrusive as it is in real life I would say OK it's not an assist because it's something available in real life.


In R1 type cars which I've never driven in real life I would say it's possible that traction control could be implemented in real life about like it is in Forza. In some race series events in the past traction control was implemented and improved lap times considerably. And that is why it's usually illegal.


Honestly even though I use ABS It's just as bad. Not using it does equal shorter stopping distances. However if you aren't used to it being off and it's forced off It will equal a HUGE disaster for me. Maybe on a wheel w/pedals it would be easier to shut off?


I might actually work on shutting it off this week.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 09:01
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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ABS is best used AFTER something goes wrong. I think using it at full pressure consistently is a crutch, kinda like TCS. Try to find that threshold without it, it will pay off. And yes, it can bite you in the ass if you're too hot into the brake zone, but that's how you learn. If 'you're using ABS, you're probably braking longer than someone who isn't.

You can use TCS and if you're driving as you're supposed to, you will rarely ever see it light up, but if you grow dependent on it, it'll light up all the time, and that won't neccesarily slow you down, because that's dependent on whether you would have stayed on the track or not. I will say TCS limits your potential speed/lap times. Some it may increase, some it may decirease.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 09:03
Ammodawg's picture
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All others are off with the exception of braking line.  I just am not that good at remembering all the tracks so it helps me with knowing when a turn is coming.  I don't really use as my driving line all the time but it helps keep me on the track.   I usually run F - A class so haven't really messed with TCS.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 10:35
CaptainCooter's picture
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In my personal opinion, if the assists are there and you need them, use them. If they help you to enjoy the game on a daily basis rather than trading it in at your local game store because it's "Nintendo hard", then so be it. The only person your effecting is yourself. If you like the challenge of using no assists, so be it. Its kind of like trying to drive a new car, you don't hop in and NOT change the position of the seat, steering wheel, and mirrors do you? Of course you do. Use what's there if it helps you to be comfortable in the game. Sure the game is fun but in my findings, I've found that it's actually the people you play with that make the world of difference. Thus why I don't play CoD anymore unless it's a private game with my friends. People online are just garbage and sit in corners. Anyways! Smoke'm if you gottem is the moral of this post.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 15:01 (Reply to #40)
HotRodderMexican's picture
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CaptainCooter wrote:

In my personal opinion, if the assists are there and you need them, use them. If they help you to enjoy the game on a daily basis rather than trading it in at your local game store because it's "Nintendo hard", then so be it. The only person your effecting is yourself. If you like the challenge of using no assists, so be it. Its kind of like trying to drive a new car, you don't hop in and NOT change the position of the seat, steering wheel, and mirrors do you? Of course you do. Use what's there if it helps you to be comfortable in the game. Sure the game is fun but in my findings, I've found that it's actually the people you play with that make the world of difference. Thus why I don't play CoD anymore unless it's a private game with my friends. People online are just garbage and sit in corners. Anyways! Smoke'm if you gottem is the moral of this post.

You are right Cooter. You have to be comfortable while you race. If your not comfortable while you race, then it affects your racing. It's like when I gave adivce to Jedi, it's up to you how you race and you don't need anyone to tell you how to race. 

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 10:38
Gunny's picture
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Right on Cooter!
Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:49
CProRacing's picture
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I have no issues at all if someone uses assist. Everyone of them (brake line included if followed) only slow drivers down in the long run. But as cooter said if you race because you enjoy it keep em on and have fun :) if you race to win you better get turning then off.
Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:57
Fitzy's picture
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I only use the braking line , as others have said I use it as a guide and don't follow it religiously. Actually I do use another assist,  The side of Church's car it's a great assist in going around corners. To soon Church? 

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 12:26
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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What's up cooter?
Wed, 08/14/2013 - 20:41
CaptainCooter's picture
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Sure turning off assists makes you faster. But can also make a new(erish) driver feel stressed and worried about trying to control something he's not used to doing. Thus making their driving get worse until they get used to the unassisted driving. If you truely want a challenge try this: S Class Top Secret Supra with no assists (RWD @ almost 1k HP and you can't tune barely anything). Hell, I'll give you braking line. In my eyes, any car drives like this to a newer driver out of their comfort zone. My advice to all newer drivers, USE ASSISTS, then turn them off one at a time starting with going from AUTO to MANUAL then progress to MAN+CLUTCH eventually. This will provide you with the biggest jump in speed but is also constantly forcing the driver to pay attention to what they are doing and it's the hardest to adapt to. STM should honestly never be on as it almost prohibits decent turn in. TCS can be used at your descression. Like I said before, I drive no assists with any car, any class with exception of the brake "guide" line (including the TS Supra). Steering is up to whoever is up to the challenge of a very twitchy car. Honest opinion, Controller - Normal & Wheel - Simulation Steering. For you new drivers using a pad, picture driving 200+ MPH down the Old LeMans straight and you tap the thumb stick just a little bit to one side, on normal steering your car will just move over a little, on simulation steering it's way more exaggerated and you'll probably hit the wall or spin out. Turning is also much tougher. If you got the testicles to race with Sim steering on a pad, good for you, but I wouldn't advise it.  Good luck to everyone. And remember "After all is said and done at the end of the day, it is just a game". Don't take anything too seriously and have fun.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 00:48 (Reply to #46)
oldmodelt's picture
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CaptainCooter wrote:

 If you got the testicles to race with Sim steering on a pad, good for you, but I wouldn't advise it.

Started with the sim steering and never went back.  The cheapo in me always wanted the extra credits.  And my wife is glad I have them.  Otherwise she'd have nothing to cut off if I disobey her.  blush

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 23:12
capt_nasties's picture
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The braking line is as assist  imho. I run no assists unless it is tcs in a r1 car.


Using the baking line is bad for your brain.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 13:01 (Reply to #48)
CProRacing's picture
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capt_nasties wrote:

The braking line is as assist  imho. I run no assists unless it is tcs in a r1 car.


Using the baking line is bad for your brain.


I like baking lol

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 14:49 (Reply to #49)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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CProRacing wrote:

capt_nasties wrote:

The braking line is as assist  imho. I run no assists unless it is tcs in a r1 car.


Using the baking line is bad for your brain.


I like baking lol

Point made...

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 05:28
POIDSLY's picture
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Switching the braking line off, was the most difficult transition I made. ABS and manual with clutch were easy by comparison.

Braking line is a great feature as it does fill some of the physical and visual prompts that are missing.

I do get tempted to run with it on very unfamiliar tracks in unfamiliar cars. Might do so in pick up races now I think about it. Makes sense.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 05:50
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I went Sim on the pad from day one, and after a year or so I started hearing everyone talking about Sim being harder and intended for wheel users to better simulate real driving and I decided to try normal, and I've not really noticed much difference at all. Could be I was already use to the increased sensitivity? I dunno, but it wasn't any big deal on the pad.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 06:17
POIDSLY's picture
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Sim steering is not intended for fanatec wheel users. That was made clear by Thomas over at Fanatec.

I do sometimes switch between them, as there is a significant difference and sim helps me provoke stronger oversteer which I sometimes find useful in lower pi cars.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 06:39
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Then what is it for and why does it exist? And why are you taking his word over T-10's? I've repeatedly heard everyone complain how hard it is to recover a tank slapper with Sim on and I haven't experienced it myself?

Of course I have extensive practice recovering from my bad decisions on track. cool

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 09:43
POIDSLY's picture
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Oh, I wouldn't trust either of them. What I do know is that I find it difficult to recover higher power cars when they get bent out of shape. The amount of wheel motion means its very difficult to catch with the range turned up (think I'm running 540 degrees or more).

probably also my fault for tuning very loose. 

different cars react very differently.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 11:59
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I tend to tune on the grippy side, but I'm getting better, probably because I use the pad. Throttle controls improving every day.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 12:14
Parcells2's picture
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Do you consider weed to be an assist?

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 13:11
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Not for you.

Fri, 08/16/2013 - 21:19
CaptainCooter's picture
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I consider weed to be an assist. Too bad T10 doesn't take away credits for using it. Helps you guys focus harder.....on trying not to laugh too hard or grab for that bag of munchies mid turn.....

Sat, 08/17/2013 - 07:22
gizziegod's picture
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i hope they dont id be in debt constantly

Sat, 08/17/2013 - 08:53
Zeratul's picture
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Sim steering was intended for small range wheels i.e. the MS wheel, on Fanatecs on large range even a small slide would take almost a full (360 deg. ) turn of the wheel to catch it.

I run my wheel at 900 deg. in anything but true racecars, DTM, Super GT and LMP. "Normal" GT cars I run on 900.

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