Racing Events

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#1 Thu, 08/29/2013 - 21:32
adikt4lfe's picture
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Racing Events

If you are the Moderator of a particular event, it would only be reasonable (since you have a list and start the room) to invite those players that you can see ARE online to the event.  I've been in plenty of rooms with an assortment of players from 2O4F and races have been started over, backed out of (unless it's underway 2-3 laps) for players that you see just logged on or entered the room. I can totally understand that. But knowing a player is online and knowing they are participating in the event, then starting a room for said event and not inviting them isn't very nice.

The Club is nice in theory and I enjoyed myself, I guess im looking for something more organized.


Patrick (Adikt)

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 21:45
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Is there a reason why you just didn't join the session in progress? You don't need to be invited to join ANY of the 2o4f events. If you see any of us racing in a private race. Join the session. There are so many people in this club that sometime we don't have time to get invites out to everyone. We try but don't sit there waiting for it. Just join the session in progress.


Thu, 08/29/2013 - 22:11
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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I already told you before to join in progress.


I didn't even get an invite and it's my series. I joined at the last minute and it's going to be that way until the series is over.


I just joined everyone who was already racing.

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 23:27 (Reply to #3)
oldmodelt's picture
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I already told you before to join in progress.


I didn't even get an invite and it's my series. I joined at the last minute and it's going to be that way until the series is over.


I just joined everyone who was already racing.

Thanks again for the tune/paint for the Mustang, BMW.  Even though I haven't made the series.  I am enjoying the car.

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 22:33
adikt4lfe's picture
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So if you're having a party, and instead of inviting people you just post on FB or the internet "Hey I'm havin a party at 8pm CST" Just come on In. You'll end up with who knows what at your party. Using a little common courtesy and inviting people to your party would make certain the right people were there and you could tell who's missing. Not to mention, inviting someone would suggest to them that they are wanted at this party, a common courtesy lost these days.

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 22:59
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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I understand what your saying but we have also said many times that if anyone of the 2o4f memebers are in a private race and you seem them in a private race, you are welcome to join the session in progress at anytime.  You do not need to be invited.  Stick your head in, see whats going on, if its a race your not interested, let them know and back out.  I do my best to try and send out invites and sometimes we dont get them out and to be honest, I've never really been that concerned about it because those that are part of the series joins the session in progress from any of the guys in the lobby.  Is there a reason why you didnt join the session in progress tonight?

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 05:39
jdankert's picture
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adikt4lfe wrote:

The Club is nice in theory and I enjoyed myself, I guess im looking for something more organized.

1. I don't like that "sound". angry

2. It is common sense, that everybody is welcome all times. angel

3. My addiction for life is to live and take my self-responsibility. For all that I do and for all that I don't do. So I need no invite. If I want to join a race or a series all I have to do is to read in this forum and find all necessary data: date, time, host and members. If I got this, I will go online on schedule, look for that event, step in and HAVE FUN. 109

4. I am one of the older guys here and for that I can say based on my experiences in virtual and real life: This is one of the most organized groups I ever was member of! 1

5. I hope you will find, what you want (out- and inside)! 17


Fri, 08/30/2013 - 06:38
MaxPerforma's picture
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If you know what time the event is starting then look out for people coming online and once they are in a session then join. Most events we open a lobby at least 30 minutes early to run some practice laps. Last nights event started at 1.30am BST but we had a lobby open from at least 1am BST. We actually started the event late, roughly 1.45am BST.

Yes, we normally send out invites, but not to everyone. If we see a lobby open 30 minutes before an event we just jump in knowing it is for that race.

Most times if there is no event running we normally have a lobby open anyway just running random cars and random classes, again, we dont send out invites to everyone that logs on we just jump in if we feel like racing.

Add as many people from 2O4F as you can, most of us are online every night.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 07:37
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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Yeah get in the habit of just joining up on lobbys. Once you get your schedule down its not too bad.
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 08:18
CProRacing's picture
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Personally I have a list of people who have signed up then send an invite to each person if they are offline or not. I will plus one on the whole just join though.
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:00
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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And the moderator will ask if anyone in the lobby has "so n so " on their friends list IF the moderator doesn't. Hence the importance of signing up and not just posting in the thread.

This is a very hasty " guess this isn't what I wanted". If you don't make an effort to get yourself into an event, people, no matter how generous they may be, aren't obligated to hold some ones hand to get them there. Yes, it is polite, especially for new members, but new members are just that, new, and they may be new enough they aren't remembered yet? Hence the "get your face recognized" thing.

its an adult club, and everyone tries to act maturely, which means some responsibility for ones own actions, which I think is what JDAN was saying.

Simply cut the guy trying to run the event some slack. There's probably 15 guys in a lobby, all yakking it up, and three guys NOT signed up trying to get IN.

It's just a game.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:28 (Reply to #11)
Gunny's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

And the moderator will ask if anyone in the lobby has "so n so " on their friends list IF the moderator doesn't. Hence the importance of signing up and not just posting in the thread.

This is a very hasty " guess this isn't what I wanted". If you don't make an effort to get yourself into an event, people, no matter how generous they may be, aren't obligated to hold some ones hand to get them there. Yes, it is polite, especially for new members, but new members are just that, new, and they may be new enough they aren't remembered yet? Hence the "get your face recognized" thing.

its an adult club, and everyone tries to act maturely, which means some responsibility for ones own actions, which I think is what JDAN was saying.

Simply cut the guy trying to run the event some slack. There's probably 15 guys in a lobby, all yakking it up, and three guys NOT signed up trying to get IN.

It's just a game.

^^^this! Have to insert yourself with these fuckers!
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:13
adikt4lfe's picture
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Sorry, i didn't mean to offend. It's that I spend hours tuning setting up, running practice laps at the next events track, and then race day comes. And both Thursdays i've spent a good part of that day preparing for that AIX event trying to shave thousandths if not whole seconds off my lap times. When race time comes im already online and still fine tuning or painting my car, then look up and i've missed the start. The first time I didn't even know anyone so it didn't bother me, the second time I popped in everyone was on lap two (maybe not everyone) I became angry  an pissed about being left out again. And let's be honest.. ima stoner and I have a hard time figuring out time differences on my own continent let alone the BST or GMT so confusing. Oh well, doesn't matter The series is over and I raced one race.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:34 (Reply to #13)
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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adikt4lfe wrote:

Sorry, i didn't mean to offend. It's that I spend hours tuning setting up, running practice laps at the next events track, and then race day comes. And both Thursdays i've spent a good part of that day preparing for that AIX event trying to shave thousandths if not whole seconds off my lap times. When race time comes im already online and still fine tuning or painting my car, then look up and i've missed the start. The first time I didn't even know anyone so it didn't bother me, the second time I popped in everyone was on lap two (maybe not everyone) I became angry  an pissed about being left out again. And let's be honest.. ima stoner and I have a hard time figuring out time differences on my own continent let alone the BST or GMT so confusing. Oh well, doesn't matter The series is over and I raced one race.

The series isnt over.  We still have a few races left in it.  As fot the times zones.  Please use the 2o4f schedule at the below link.  It has the start time for all the major timezones.  Find the race on the right and look to the left to see what time it start in your time zone.  It converts it for you

That said, I do hope you stick around and race.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 13:53 (Reply to #14)
MaxPerforma's picture
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adikt4lfe wrote:

Sorry, i didn't mean to offend. It's that I spend hours tuning setting up, running practice laps at the next events track, and then race day comes. And both Thursdays i've spent a good part of that day preparing for that AIX event trying to shave thousandths if not whole seconds off my lap times. When race time comes im already online and still fine tuning or painting my car, then look up and i've missed the start. The first time I didn't even know anyone so it didn't bother me, the second time I popped in everyone was on lap two (maybe not everyone) I became angry  an pissed about being left out again. And let's be honest.. ima stoner and I have a hard time figuring out time differences on my own continent let alone the BST or GMT so confusing. Oh well, doesn't matter The series is over and I raced one race.

You havnt said where your from.

In the UK we are now in BST (British Summer Time), we change to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on the 27th October (+1 Hour)

Therefore, if say the race starts 1.30am BST, it will be 8.30pm EST, which is 5 hours behind us. Most races are posted in either BST or EST or both. Its not hard to work out.

You said you were a stoner, but if you can work out how to tune a car then surely you can work out what time a race is and be there on time.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 10:35
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Ya don't has to play the suppository, but....

If you can spend all that time getting ready, put a pop up in your email, or a notification on your phone, or send someone your number and say " hey, remind me" if ya don't see me on. Especially if you know you're prone to forgetting...

I can say this much in this group. IF you ask for help around here, you WILL get it.

If Al Unser forgot to show up at Indy, it'd be his fault. Doesn't mean a half dozen handlers and assistants wouldn't get fired, but I digress...

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 13:51 (Reply to #16)
oldmodelt's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:


If Al Unser forgot to show up at Indy, it'd be his fault. Doesn't mean a half dozen handlers and assistants wouldn't get fired,

  I'd make sure that he would fire you. wink

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 11:42
Wheels's picture
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adikt4lfe wrote:

If you are the Moderator of a particular event, it would only be reasonable (since you have a list and start the room) to invite those players that you can see ARE online to the event.  I've been in plenty of rooms with an assortment of players from 2O4F and races have been started over, backed out of (unless it's underway 2-3 laps) for players that you see just logged on or entered the room. I can totally understand that. But knowing a player is online and knowing they are participating in the event, then starting a room for said event and not inviting them isn't very nice.

The Club is nice in theory and I enjoyed myself, I guess im looking for something more organized.


Patrick (Adikt)


If this is a Racing Series...I will agree with you!...The stop and go and start again gets old quick. Here is the problem...RESPECT... Just like starting work...Starts at 7:00...Be there before 7:00...If not then you can't race in that particular event. Now if it just a pick up race and you (Moderator) like to add certain people that show up late then as a Moderator of that Race..It is you perogative!coolcoolcool

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 13:33
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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Devil grass!
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 14:04
CProRacing's picture
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This whole topic makes me sad.

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 18:20 (Reply to #20)
Wheels's picture
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CProRacing wrote:

This whole topic makes me sad.

Me 2 C-Pro!!!205205

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 20:28
imjimeez44's picture
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guess it made him sad......quit the club80

Sat, 08/31/2013 - 03:14
CProRacing's picture
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No helping sometimes I'm afraid. Shame
Sat, 08/31/2013 - 06:52
Fitzy's picture
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Sat, 08/31/2013 - 08:32
brntguy's picture
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A little thin skinned? Surprised about being so impatient and making rash decisions like quiting the club over something like this. Sometimes people don't see the big picture or understand the goings on of things and jump to conclusions they shouldn't. Makes me a little sad, guess me or someone should of taken him under our wing a little more.

Sat, 08/31/2013 - 08:39 (Reply to #25)
Wheels's picture
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brntguy wrote:

A little thin skinned? Surprised about being so impatient and making rash decisions like quiting the club over something like this. Sometimes people don't see the big picture or understand the goings on of things and jump to conclusions they shouldn't. Makes me a little sad, guess me or someone should of taken him under our wing a little more.

Great Observation Burnt...He should of gave it some time and see if it was for him. I know he made a mistake but sometimes people jump the gun and make quick decisions that in hindsight were totally wrong. Each His Own!coolcoolcool

Sat, 08/31/2013 - 08:40
Gunny's picture
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Meh.. Look when he joined the site. Didnt understand how ALL folks roll on the site. I say whatev...think of it as screening for thin skin. Money says he woulda quit later on. C'est la vie!
Sat, 08/31/2013 - 09:55 (Reply to #27)
Wheels's picture
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Gunny wrote:
Meh.. Look when he joined the site. Didnt understand how ALL folks roll on the site. I say whatev...think of it as screening for thin skin. Money says he woulda quit later on. C'est la vie!


Like Your Style Gunny...Semper Fi...Chesty Puller!!!coolcoolcool

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