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Wed, 08/28/2013 - 13:38 (Reply to #31)
Zagi Bob's picture
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TemeLolman wrote:
What do you guys mean?? If someone farts in room next to me, you propably hear it, yes??

This sums up pretty well why I haven't been particapating in club races: My Turtle Beach X32 headsets and Fanatec wheel don't play well together. My XBox 360 headset also causes issues with others. Echo or whatever it is (I've never heard it myself so I can't know) I know it's a pain to others because I've been told that by racers in public lobbies. So, I stopped using headsets and always race "mute". And what's the fun of racing mute with club members and folks you know? None, which is why I've been staying in public lobbies.

A secondary reason for avoiding club races is I'm not that good yet and don't want to mess up the races for others. In public lobbies, one of the things I enjoy is intentionally going to last place right at the start, then seeing how many cars I can pass cleanly.

On my TB headsets I've tried various ways of muffling the mic but gave up on it after racers in public lobbies still complained (rightly so I guess) about my headset echo.  I'm considering the Warhead set but damn, $300 is a LOT!

I sure wish I had asked for headset advice and done research here before getting the Turtle Beach. Oh well, live and learn.

Wed, 08/28/2013 - 12:49
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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yes, that sums it up quite well...

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 06:28
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Theh guys say I've developed some sort of static from my set, but if I mute them, its still there, so I'm a bit confused. And as Zagi says, I can't hear it so I don't know what it is, or what affects it.

Thu, 08/29/2013 - 10:28
TemeLolman's picture
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Well f**k that then, I'll stick with my current setup! After all there's actually nothing wrong with it...Maybe I'll spend the money on beer instead...?
Fri, 08/30/2013 - 14:07 (Reply to #35)
CProRacing's picture
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TemeLolman wrote:
Well f**k that then, I'll stick with my current setup! After all there's actually nothing wrong with it...Maybe I'll spend the money on beer instead...?

Beer is awesome!

But the X12s are also Awesome!

It changes the game having some half decent headphones. Also with the mic thing I use the mute button on the headphones and it help allot.


Fri, 08/30/2013 - 16:37
Zeratul's picture
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Currently I'm back to using my 5.1 home cinema with the black MS wireless headset.

I also own a Tritton AX Pro (discontinued) but the chat never worked on that set. Found out later that the mute switch for the mike wasn't seated properly leaving it always muted.  For a time I used the Tritton with a MS wired headset witch I modified to in ear plugs under the Triton, problem with that was that the MS headset caused my Fanatec Turbo S to freeze. :(

I've never had issues with the wireless headset causing framefreeze though (knocks on wood).

The Tritton I now use for my PC and love it, it's not wireless AT ALL but the sound quality and placement are very good. They advertise "skull rateling bass" and that is true if you wish.

Edit: As far as I know NO current set will work on the XB 1.

Mon, 09/02/2013 - 08:35
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I believe microsoft is making a adapter for current aftermarket headsets to work with Xbox 1. I read that in a microsoft forum as well as Astro forum.

Mon, 09/02/2013 - 09:25 (Reply to #38)
Zero7159's picture
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I believe microsoft is making a adapter for current aftermarket headsets to work with Xbox 1. I read that in a microsoft forum as well as Astro forum.


I saw that in this month's Game Informer magazine as well.

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