New sponsor located for ROFL Racing
Wed, 09/04/2013 - 10:31
New sponsor located for ROFL Racing
I found a new sponsor for ROFL Racing I think...
O M G ?!?!????!?!?!??????!?!? Well, if you think so........, but ..... may be...... not sure, but..... eventually this is a little bit "too young" for you? Uuuaahhhrg. I "hate" japanese" comics and especially kitties. Never thought, that you........
Will we see a BTCC car with this?
JD, that's a beer sponsor!!! Beer sponsors rule in racing!!! At least they used to. Does Budweiser sponsor anyone anymore?
We'll get the adults, we'll get licensing money for toy cars, it's a win/win!!!??? Hello Kitty race girls, ooooo....18+ of course...
That is for BEER????????? I do not understand japanese culture!
Yeah, me neither.
But the adults watch the cartoons and the children watch the guys in live action costumes, so who knows?
Hello kitty beer and women in school uniforms pretty well defines the japanese "quirk"?
Crazy land