some days ago someone asked me, what does "Too old" mean in reality. Which ages are members and in which mix? I couldn't answer it properly. So I studied all 24 pagese from the "Introduce yourself" thread and wrote down name and age from those who published it. I found 34 guys and it is interesting.
Sorry for missing someone and for making someone older or younger. :-))
-- Seniors -- (26,5 %) will calculate again in a few days
Wheels (66) updated
Zagi Bob (62) updated
skiwinv (61)
SUPERNOVADAVE (58) updated
oldrustybelly55 (58)
imjimeez44 (60) in November - updated
oldmodelt (57) updated
KentB56 (56)
x2O4FxSurf (54) updated
Stewies_head (52) 53 inJanuary - updated
Ciletti Dad (52) 53 in November - updated
brntguy (52) updated
Thane (51) updated
oldschool (50) updated
shadders (50)
metalhead (50)
g35gomba (50)
-- Men -- (26,5 %) will calculate again in a few days
troysloth (48) 49 in december - updated
Duffermac (born 1967?) updated
MaxPerforma (47) updated
GrimGrnninGhost (47) updated
GRD 4 3L (46) updated
Xsitement (46) 47 in October updated
Parcells (46) updated
Armor11 (45) updated
INKABODPAIN (45) updated
RaddoHuey (45) 46 at November 14th - updated
katpeeler (44) updated
Gizzie (44) "he thinks" updated
SarcasmoJones (43) updated
BigDaddy01901 (43) updated
Fitzy (43) updated
SnappyDee (43) updated
Gunny (42) updated
wormwood70 (42)
Antz2ndxbox360 (41) updated
insanerc (41) 42 at October 28th - updated
Shaggy_SoCal (41) - 42 in december - updated
poisdly (41) 42 in January - updated
newkid71 (40)
General E Dead 2 (40)
-- Young men -- (38,2 %) will calculate again in a few days
psybertech (39)
MapoUK (41) at end of november - updated
steviegers (38) updated
Jormvngandr (38)
filthymonkeyuk (37) updated
jcotter 13 (37) at 28th october -> 38 - updated
zedarchitect (37)
Sam Cooper S (37)
zeratul (36) October 21st - updated
swhite014 (36) updated
FTW Shoot Em Up (36)
d VIPER b (35) updated
dazjon (35)
Deadmau5 GBR (35)
BMWENTHUSIAST (34) updated
Justin General (34)
TemeLolman (33) updated
W1lfr3d (33)
emezmer (32) in october - updated
eemcechild (31)
capt_nasties (30)
-- Boys -- (8,8 %) will calculate again in a few days
derekthetree (29) - updated
HotRodderMexican (28) in January 29 - updated
ChurchPro (28) updated
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71 (27) - 28 at 1st november - updated
mavictb (28)
TRICOOTERTOPS (29) - 30 in February 2014 - updated
rausner (25) updated
-- unidentified male obejcts --
all others
So for now we can say: More than the half of us is over fourty! Will this change if more members announce their age?
Have fun! I personally think we are too young to not play Forza!
PS: If someone feels offended by publishing name and age, tell me. I will delete all your data!
I'm 50 JD!!!
I think we should do a Seniors Tour...all drive overpriced Corvettes or something...
Updates made!
@oldschool 2o4f: A senior tours .... yeah, that would be fine.
@Church: Your age is ..?..
I'm 51.
@oldschool: Now, that we are both 50 we should celebrate. Which girl do you prefer as grid or ..... girl? The blonde or the dark haired?
@all: Before someone complains I say sorry for not having .... aahh, what do you call it in english...... aah, yes..... boobs in a foto. :-))
Usually I prefer brunettes JD, but that blonde looks way more fun!
I am sad to say i am 47 now not 46
And i am even sadder that i am nmot in the 'Young Men' catagory anymore
I'll be 38 come Oct 28.
@max: Don't be sad, be glad! I never ever want to be a young men or even worse a boy again. Okay, now everybody can see my life (and all good and bad experiences) in my face and my body isn't as fresh as years ago, but now I know what is important in life and so my quality of life is much, much higher compared to my years as boy or young man. By the way: I have a real boy (14 years) here and I can watch him every day: Max, his life is really exhausting.
It is all about girls, pcgames and his natural enemy = his father. 
I'm 41 with B-Day number 42 coming up in December.
@all: updated. I ask myself, wether this thread was a good idea, because all of this updates. My answer to myself: YES, it is somehow faszinating how young and old some of us are.
Hi Jdan, I'm 36. Sorry for you having to make another update!
@DRCxDRIVEBYEx71: In my generation "baby" is someone, who would be definetaly not like as you. Or?
@swhite: no problem!
On my way to 52. Consider myself middle aged, not yet senior citizen. Don't really consider that till 70.
I'm 43. Still feel good.
43 snap Snappy. I win.
im 44 i think
61 - no wonder I can't keep with you young'uns....

Soon to turn 57. But can still swim with the youngsters. Guy who beat me was 32. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LNonUlBxg8
@all: updated all data
New statistic:
Seniors = 30,2 %
Men = 25,6 %
Young men = 34,9 %
Boys = 9,3%
I'm 38 years young:)