Kickass vs. Suckass Loadouts

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#1 Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:24
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Kickass vs. Suckass Loadouts

What are some truly kickass load out combinations? Are there any? I'm equally shitty at every combination I use, haha :)

And out of curiosity, what's the absolute worst load out you can think of? Which AA or perk gives you the lousiest bang for your buck?

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:38
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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For smaller maps I like BR, boltshot, promethean vision, grenade resupply, extra grenade damage.  I don't have a BTB loadout yet so I'd be interested in what's good for that.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 13:11 (Reply to #2)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

For smaller maps I like BR, boltshot, promethean vision, grenade resupply, extra grenade damage.  I don't have a BTB loadout yet so I'd be interested in what's good for that.


Yeah, this is pretty much the good combination.  I swapped out the extra grenade damage for the ability to reroll ordnance drops in infinity, though.


Big Team?  Swap your secondary for plasma pistol.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 13:25
bdub77's picture
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Slayer loadout: BR/pistol/grenades, jet pack, mobility (unlimited sprint), dexterity

I'm exploring Thrusters as an alternative to jet pack on certain maps that don't require a lot of jetting up. Personally wish jet packs didn't exist in H4 but they do so I use them - most of the time when I do in a fight I'm team shot and die. I have a couple of alternate loadouts with thrusters and explosives. BR/pistol for smaller maps, I lag a lot so close range combat/pocket shotgun rarely works out for me. Jet pack and mobility for map control. Dexterity for reload speed obviously.

BTB loadout: DMR/plasma pistol, plasma grenades, mobility, jetpack, ammo (or dexterity or explosives, sort of varies. I hate using plasmas but they are good for taking out stuff like the mantis or ghosts. Typically if there's no major vehicle on the map I'll revert to standard nades.

I've heard stuff like requisition or ordnance priority is good for BTB/IS, but personally I think ordnance use is kind of like cheating - I guess it would help me more than hurt but I'm more of a BR/Sniper style slayer anyway.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 15:50
Double T's picture
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slot 1:

BR/DMR backup, stickies, thruster pack, and the one that gives you quicker ordinance

slot 2:

DMR/Boltshot, stickies, Camo, ammo, and ordinance reroll

slot 3:

BR/Boltshot, stickies, thruster, shielding, regen


Those are the one's I use the most.  I also have a vehicle loadout, but I really don't see it as beneficial.  I jump out of a vehicle maybe 1/6 times.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 09:57
Lou_Keymia's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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My primary loadout is LightRifle, BoltShot, Thruster Pack, frags, resupply, and explosives. On vehicle maps I use LightRifle, Plasma Pistol, stickies, thruster pack, the driver one, and survivor. On mid size maps I use BR, BoltShot, frags, thruster pack, resupply and explosives. On defense style objective maps, like Ricochet, KotH and Dominion (R.I.P.) I use Suppressor, Magnum, Pulse grenades, auto sentry, resupply and explosives.

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